Executive Order No. 231


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Executive Order No. 231
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXV (No. 7) July 1949
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
July, 1949 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 309 Executive Order No. 231 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES AMENDING EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 193, DATED DEC­ EMBER 28, 1948, AND NO. 209, DATED MARCH 30, 1949. By virtue of the powers vested in me by Republic Act No. 330, entitled “AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE PRES­ IDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES TO ESTABLISH A SYS­ TEM OF IMPORT CONTROL BY REGULATING IM­ PORTS OF NON-ESSENTIAL AND LUXURY ARTICLES, CREATING AN IMPORT CONTROL BOARD, AUTHORIZ­ ING THE ISSUANCE OF RULES AND REGULATIONS TO CARRY INTO EFFECT SUCH CONTROL AND PENALIZING VIOLATIONS OF THIS ACT,” I, ELPIDIO QUIRINO, President of the Philippines, do hereby order: SECTION 1. Effective August 1, 1949, Appendix “A” of Executive Order No. 193, dated December 28, 1948, is hereby amended so as to include in the list of luxury and nonessential articles, the following: NAILS (Common wire and finishing, from size 1” to 5” inclusive); CEMENT (Port­ land) ; RUBBER (Raw, in the form of crepe sheet, smoked sheet and latex); VEGETABLES (in any form) except po­ tatoes; and PINEAPPLES (canned). SECTION 2. Effective August 1, 1949, Appendix “B” of Executive Order No. 193 and Section 2 of Executive Order No. 209, are hereby amended so as to include or substitute as the case may be, in the schedule of percentage reductions prescribed therein, the following: NAILS (Common wire and finishing; from size 1” to 5” inclusive), 80%; CEMENT (Portland), 90%; RUBBER (Raw, in the form of crepe sheet, smoked sheet and latex), 90%; VEGETABLES (in any form) except potatoes, 40%; PINEAPPLES (canned), 90%; ONIONS, eliminating the date limit and changing the per­ centage cut from 90% to 40%; AUTOMOBILES, eliminating the price limit; PERFUMES, changing the percentage cut from 50% to 80%; BEER, changing the percentage cut from 40% to 60%; deleting items 11.1 to 11.4 and 17.1 to 17.4 and changing 10.1 — 10.4 to TEXTILES and MANUFACTURES OF COTTON, RAMIE, FLAX, LINEN, WOOL, SILK, RAYON, NYLON AND OTHER SYNTHETIC MATERIALS, 10.1 Fabrics (Woven, knitted or otherwise)—50% cut on those costing Pl.20 or more per yard c.i.f. Philippines, irre­ spective of widths, 10.2 READY MADE WEARING AP­ PAREL (outer or inner)—50% cut, 10.3 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES — 50% cut, 10.4 Grey cloth (unbleached sheet­ ings and unbleached drills)—80% cut, 10.5 WEAVING YARNS —80% cut, 10.6 OTHER MANUFACTURES, ex­ cept threads, yarns, twines, fishing nets and other articles for industrial purposes — 50% cut; PIANOS, changing the price limit from Pl,500 to P3,000 and increasing the percent­ age cut from 40% to 70%; RADIO PHONOGRAPH COM­ BINATIONS, reducing the price limit from P250.00 to P200.00; RADIOS, BATTERY SET, reducing the price limit from P200.00 to P150.00; RADIOS, ELECTRIC, reducing the price limit from P150.00 to P100.00; CIGARETTES, increasing the percentage cut from 30% to 50%; TOILET SOAP, changing the percentage cut from 50% to 80%; LEATHER, SKINS AND IMITATIONS (MANUFACTURES OF), increasing the cut from 25% to 40%; RUBBER SHOES, eliminating the price limit of P4.50. FOR RE-WINDING OF GENERATORS—MOTORS CALL E. J. MORA ELECTRIC CO., INC. Address: 170-2 M. de Comillas Tel. 6-65-85 The finest name in watch bands Made for men Adjustable to any wrist — any watch Stainless steel lined Completely flexible Thin as a dime. Every Good Watch Deserves Komfit! All Stainless Steel 1/10 14 Kt. Gold Filled Also 10 Kt. Sold nt all leading Jewelers and Bazaars. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS OCEANIC COMMERCIAL, Inc. (LEVY & BLUM) Manila’s Leading Jewelers 35 Pinza Stn. Cruz, Manila — Phones: 3-21-51—3-21-52 Cebu City Branch: Gotiaoco Bldg., 4 Comercio St. Comfort Everywhere OFFICE CLINIC HOTEL Hermitically scaled, for quiet, trouble-free performance. Aluminum fan circulates the drafllessly and efficiently. Three models available: Master, Executive, and Deluxe. Easy to install. Come in and s'? today. Free survey of your requirements to guarantee satisfactory service. AIR CONDITIONER Modernistic and streamlined. Fi circulates and cools the air. Eliminates humidity. Provides healthful ventilation. THE EDWARD J. NELL COMPANY 1450 ARLEGUI STREET TEL. 3 5-21-21 310 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL July, 1949 SILVER AND JAVA PACIFIC LINES SILVER LINE, LTD. London, E. C. Z JAVA PACIFIC LINE N. V. S. M. "Nederland” N. V. Rotlerdamsche Lloyd Amsterdam—Rotterdam KERR STEAMSHIP CO., INC. General Agents 17 Battery Place New York JAVA PACIFIC LINE, INC. General Agents 25 Broadway New York MANILA VANCOUVER ILOILO To and From SEATTLE LOS ANGELES and SAN FRANCISCO CEBU PORTLAND To and From BOMBAY and CALCUTTA ★ SILVER LINE, LTD. KERR STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC., GENERAL AGENTS 17 Battery Piace, New York 4, N. Y. FROM U. S. ATLANTIC COAST PORTS TO MANILA FROM PHILIPPINES TO HALIFAX and U. S. ATLANTIC COAST PORTS For Particulars See: ROOSEVELT STEAMSHIP AGENCY, INC. AGENTS 3rd Floor, Trade & Commerce Bldg., Juan Luna Tel. 2-82-01 O RIGIN AL-QDHNER “THE MACHINE TO COUNT ON” • The "Original-Odhner" calculators are easy to handle, need no trained operator, and yet are so efficient and inexpensive that if one is used by a junior clerk for ten minutes a day it will pay for itself within a year. Devices that would increase the cost and complicate the construction have been eliminated; the "Original-Odhner" is streamlined down to main essentials. • Well known throughout the world, and used extensively in the Philippine Islands before the war, the Swedish "OriginalOdhner” calculating machines are once again in great demand. inexpensive machines twelve months’ guaran• These • Write now, or phone for full particulars of the range of 4 machines. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS 0. E. S. & S. CO., INC. SALES 673 DASMARInAS (Gibbs Bldg.) MANILA TEL. 6-72-36 • SERVICE • PARTS SECTION 3. Effective August 1, 1949, Appendix “B” of Executive Order No. 193 and Section 3 of Executive Order No. 209 are hereby amended so as to change the Base Period and use as basis of quota allocations the average yearly im­ portation of an importer during the years 1946, 1947, and 1948. SECTION 4. Effective with the allocation of the quotas for the second six-month period of 1949, Section 9 of Execu­ tive Order No. 193 is hereby amended so as to charge a license fee of Pl.00 for every One Thousand Pesos c.i.f. value of the article covered by an import license issued by the Board, in­ stead of One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos as heretofore. Done in the City of Manila this 28th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-nine, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the third. (Sgd.) ELPIDIO QUIRINO President of the Philippines By the President: TEODORO EVANGELISTA Executive Secretary THE U. S. VETERANS ADMINISTRATION (Continued from page 285) benefits shall not be liable to attachment, levy, or •seizure by or under any legal or equitable processes whatsoever, either before or after receipt thereof by the beneficiary. The benefits which are being paid by the Veterans Administration in the Philippines are increasing in amounts from year to year. This year, these benefits will total approximately P100,000,000. One may judge from this, the tax-saving which has been made possible by this Act of the Philippine Con­ gress. Another Act passed by the recent Philippine Con­ gress is Republic Act 379 which makes it a penal of­ fense for any individual to pose as an agent or officer of an agency or department of a foreign government. This Act should have a salutary effect in cases, which are all too numerous, where persons claim to be re­ presenting a United States agency and extort money from potential beneficiaries under such a guise. Finally, one of the Acts passed by the recent Phil­ ippine Congress, Republic Act 385, aids all of the United States agencies which are operating in the Philippines and which may require investigations to be made before claims of various kinds may be paid. This Act legalizes the administering of oaths by re­ presentatives of such agencies. Now, any person swearing falsely to a representative of a United States agency in a matter pertaining to a claim of any kind may be subject to prosecution for perjury. MOTOR SERVICE CO., INC. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS • ACCESSORIES GARAGE & SHOP EQUIPMENT BATTERIES • TIRES • TUBES 230 13th ST., PORT AREA TEL. 2-65-27