Father donates kidney to daughter


Part of Panorama

Father donates kidney to daughter
Panorama Volume XVII (Issue No.7) July 1965
Wit and humor
Kidney transplant patients
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
what to reject. The law to abide by is continuous discri­ minating selectivity internal­ ly and externally of past and present. Never mind the fu­ ture. If the present is taken care of the future will take care of itself.” Comment: “We can either harness nationalism and be lifted by it, or we can pros­ titute it and by it be cursed — and, therefore, by it pe­ rish.” — Rex D. Drilon, Ma­ nila Bulletin. FATHER DONATES KIDNEY TO DAUGHTER Because it was “something a father ought to do,” John Honeycutt donated a kidney in a deli­ cate transplant operation to his teenage daughter so she might live. Jonnie Gail Honeycutt, 14, and her 48-year-old father John were doing well after the surgery. A tulane university surgical team which has performed numerous kidney transplants, including several animal-to-human operations, transferred a healthy kidney from father to daughter. Jonnie Qail was slowly dying of a kidney ail­ ment. Doctors felt a transplant was her best chance. Doctors made no prediction on the possible success of the operation. But in two similar cases where transplants from close relatives were involv­ ed the patients are in good condition after more than one year. Jonnie Gail will be under close observation for at least two years. Her father will not be able to go back to work as a foundryman for about two months. — U.P.I. 20 Panorama