

Part of Forestry Leaves

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Mr. Emerson of the Foa and Mrs. Dominador hipeco rm.veil the Foreat Ez~titnent Station plaque. Mr. Cracillo and Mrs. Jacobo Gonzales un:veilinll the Col.Jelle ol Forestry Building plaque as President Tan, Secretary Araneta and Con~essman Gonzales loolc on. The Unveili~ of the Forest Products Laboratory Building plaque by Mr. Ray Johnson and Miss Araneta. Secretary Araneta looks on. Mr. Edwazd Prentice stresses the role of fore.try Qraduates in the economic development of the country. . . . . Sec. Araneta accepts *the Forest· Products Labora· tory and Forest Experiment Station buildings on behalf of the Department of Agri. and Nat. Resources. Mr. Crucillo emphasizes the nsed for the protection and wise utilization of our forest resources . President Tan accepts the College of Forestr building on behalf of the University of the Philippine Mr. Crucillo turning over the college of forestry building and the forest products laboratory and ezperimBnt station buildin'8 to Pres. Tan and Sec. Araneta respectively. Miss Grace Turla ol the U.P~ Conservatory of Music thrills the audience with her rendition of "Trees''. A portion of ths audience in the College of Forestry Auditorium. Left to rightFor. Sajor, Messrs. Johnson, Crucillo, Cona. Gonzales, Pres. Tan, Sec. Araneta. U .P. College of Forestry Alumni A• 90ciation President dela Cruz reads citation to Dean Felipe Amos, the most disti~ahed aluznnus of the year. Sec. Arsneta, Director Amos, Congresstnan lionzales and Prof. de la Cruz• looking at newly installed machines in the Forest Products labOratory. & 7fue The DANR booth at the Guihul~an Rural lmprovem1mt Festival, May 23-24, 1955 The Fo~ry booth at the Baniued Town Fair II Ezposition, February 21-24, 1955. Secretary Araneta plantifll a catnaAon tree seedlinA at the Caniaw Reforestation project, IJaaaI,, llocos Sur on April 29, 1955.