Know your Philippine Forest Heritage


Part of Forestry Leaves

Know your Philippine Forest Heritage
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Know '!lour fhilippint fortst lttritagt By FELIPE R. AMOS Director of Forestry and TEOFILO A. SANTOS Forester, Bureau of Forestry INTRODUCTION Our heritage, the forest resources, consist of the following: (a) Timber which refers to the standing timber that produce wood for construction and for industries using wood as raw mate·rials. It is the major product of the forest and it does not include firewood and charcoal. (b) Minor forest products which include all other forest products of minor importance, such as firewood, charcoal, split and unsplit rattan, Manila copal~ nipa, tanbarks rmd dyebarks, buri, bohos a.nd bamboos, oleo resin, etc. ( c) Wildlife which includes game animals of the forest like deer, tamaraw, gam(? birds like wild ducks, snipe, doves, pigeon, etc., and protected insect-eating birds and song birds. ( d) Forest land use which refers to forest land itself and its uses, such as for pasture, tree farms, sawmill site, log pond site, ~altworks, timber depot, etc. ( e) Indirect benefits of the forest which include the influences of forest upon stream flow and erosion, the conservation and enrichment of the soil, shelter and habitats for wildlife and game animals, hunting grounds and fishing areas and healthful outdoor recreational opportunities for -the people. Exploration of Forest Resurces. The exploration of Philippine forests was started when tlie Philippines was under the sovereignty of Spain. Under a royal TENTH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE crder in 1863, constructive legislation and regulations were introduced and investiga~ tions were begun, laying the foundation for forestry work in this country. Handicapped ~hough were the organizers, yet considerable information was gathered regarding our forest, particularly in the field of botany, natural history and utilization. The forest area was estimated in 1890 by Fernando Castro at about 48,112,920 acres (17,447,560 hectares). Unfortunately the Manila fireof 1897 destroyed the records and natural history collections. When the Americans took the sovereignty over the Philippines in 1900, information regarding the forests had to be collected &11 over again. It was found that the Spanish laws embraced provisions of far reaching effect on the · conservation and protection of the forests against destruction by men and against wastefuf exploitation. The Forest Service organized under the Amer· ican regime maintained in principle the Spanish laws. These Spanish laws were restated by an Act of 1902 of the United States Congress which defines the duties and jurisdiction of the Bureau of Forestry insofar as public timber lands are concerned This Act of the United States Congress was adopted by the Commonwealth of the Philippines and, later, by the Republic. Under this law, the Bureau of Forestry is given priority of authority . in determining what portion of the Philippine public domain shall be retai·ned for forest usage, to be administered separately from lands declared for Page 3 agricultural or mining purpose·s. Under the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, ownership of natural resources, including forests, rests with the State. The pro· tective laws of the Philippines accounts for the retention of a large part of public domain as forest lands under the administration of the National Government through the Bureau of Fore.;;try. From the time the Bureau of Forestry was organized in 1900 under the American Tegime, extensive explorations of forest area<> were conducted to determine once again the E:xtent of differe·nt types of forests, the species of trees found, the density of timber stands, logging possibilities, etc. Wood samples and botanics! collections of trees were made and identified. Botanical specimens of minor forest products were also collected and identified and their distribution was re.corded. From the results of explorations and studies, it was found that there are over 2,000 species of trees that attain a diameter of one foot or more. Less than 60 species are, however, handled by wood users and lumbe·rmen. It was further found that about 75 per cent of the standing timber is represented by Dipterocarp species. Minor forest products of economic value were found abundant in many forest areas. TIMBER RESOURCES Forests Top All Natural Resources.The forest resources of the Philippines is E'stimated to have an a c t u a 1 value of P27,860,611,000.00, or four times more than the combined value of the land, mineral, animal and fishery resources, according to fl report on the evaluation of the country's five most important natural re.;;ources this year ( 1955) to President Magsaysay by Secretary Salvador Araneta of agriculture and natural resources. The report which was prepared by the dire"Ctors of five bureaus under the department of agriculture and natural resources shows the following: EVALUATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES (A) Actual Values Percentage 1. Forest Resources ............ . 'P27,860.61 l,OOO 80.02 2. Land Resources ............. . 4,387' 7 33,000 12.60 3. Mineral Resources ........... . 1,409,990,000 4.05 4. Animal Resources ............ . 861,108,000 2.47 5. Fishery Resources ........... . 298,092,000 .86 Total 'P34,817,574,000 100.00 (A) 1. Timber .................... . P2 7 ,044,450,000 97.07 2. Minor forest products ........ . 758.769,000 2.72 3. Grazing land ............... . 49,523,000 .18 4. Wildlife .................... . 7,869,000 .03 Total 'P27,860,611,000 100.00 (B) 1. Forest Resources ............ . Potential Values Percentage P49,496,l 71,000 62.51 2. Mineral Resources ........... . 13,985,500,000 17.66 3. Land Resources ............. . 13,285,103,000 16.78 4. Animal Resources ........... . 2,220,651,000 2.80 5. Fishery Resources ........... . 798,451,000 .25 Total 'P79, 785,876,000 100.00 (B) 1. Sawn lumber ............... . P48,680,010,000 98.35 2. Minor forest products ........ . 758,769,000 1.53 3. Grazing land ............... . 49,523,000 .10 4. Wildlife .................... . 7,869,000 .02 Total ............... . 'P49,496, 171,000 100.00 Area of Forests.-The forests cover about 16,487,600 hectares or 55.4 per cent of the total land area of the Philippines, which is 29,740,972 hectares. The continuous conversion of forest areas into agricultural lands Commercial forests . . . . . . . . . . . Non-commercial forests ....... . Cultivated .................. . Cogan and open lands ........ . Swamps .................... . Total ...................... . Forest Types: The forests of the Philippines may be classified into six broad types based on the composition of the stands: 1. Dipterocarp type.-This is the principal forest type from the commercial standpoint. In this type the numbers of the Dipterocarp family form the predominating timber species and constituting about 75 per cent by volume. They thrive under varied conditions, f.rom the moist valley bottoms to hilly or mountainous country in all parts cf the Philippines except in areas of high ~ltitude in Mountain Province. The composition of the forest is generally complex, consisting, as a rule, of several stories. They form the upper story in more or less purn ~tand. This forest type is the main source of lumber supply. About 70 per cent of the annual production of lumber is represented by the predominating seven species of the lauan family, namely, white lauan (Pentacme contorta), red lauan (Shorea negrosensis), tangile (Shorea p0lysperma), mayapis (Shorea squamata), apitong (Dipterocarpus t,randiflorus), yakal (Hopea sp.) and guijo ( Shorea guiso ). 2. M olave type.-This type of forest is more open than the Dipterocarp type, and the volume of timber per unit area is much less. It occurs in regions where there are distinct wet and dry seasons. Local soil conditions inte·nsify the effects of the dry season, thus, during this season there are places approaching desert conditions. Malave predominates on dry limestone ridges, hence such forests are designated as "MoTENTH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE has considerably reduced the area of the forests. The table below shows the classification of the land surface of the Philippines, based on soil cover, as of June 30, 1953: 11,415,000 4,459,9001 8,180,072 5,073,300 612,7002 29,740,972 hectares hectares hectares hectares hectares hectares 38.38% 15.00% 27.50% 17.06% 2.06% -100.00% lave type." Most of the species found in this type produce woods that are highly valuable for their natural beauty and durability. Among the most important ones are molave (Vitex parviflora), narra (Pterocarpus indicus), tindalo (Pahudia rhomboidea), ipil (Intsia_ bijut,a), akle (Albizzia acle), banuyo (Wallaceodendron celebicum), etc. 3. Pine type.-This is the forest type found in the mountainous regions of high altitude of northern Luzon. As a rule, the stand is open and scattered, the principal species, the Benguet pine (Pinus insularis). Tapulao (Pinus merkusii) is found in the high mountains of Zambales and Mindoro. The pines practically grow in pure stands except in places of lower elevations where they are mixed with hardwoods. They are a potential source of turpentine. 4. Mangrove Type.-This type is found on tidal flats at the mouth$ of streams and on the shores of sheltered bays. Majority of the stand is composed of members of the family Rhizophoraceae, consisting of the following species: Bakauan, busain, pototan, langarai and tangal. Other specie;; found in this type of forest are pagatpat, api-api, tabo, tabigi, piagau and dungonlate. The mangrove species are the principal sources of firewood, tanbark, cutch, dyewood and charcoal. Nipa palms grow a l o n g streams in many parts of the tidal flats. In many places it grows in dense stand. 5. Beach Type.-Above the high tide line are found sandy beaches where the original form of vegetation has been kept. Page 5 This is a distinct type known as the "Beach type." The frontal zone usually has a tangle of vegetation, of which pandan is conspicuous. The principal trees in this type are talisai, dapdap, dungon-late, palomaria, agoho, bani and tawalis. 6. Mid-mountain and Mossy Type.-This type is found on high and very rough mountainous regions, and as such, they are essentially protection forests. The topography of the regions where this type is found is characte·rized by steep main ridges rising to peaks whose sides are cut into similar ridge" by deep canyons. The soil is shallow or Commercial forests: Accessible forests ...... . Inaccessible (Protection) forests ............. . Non-commercial forests (accessible) ........ . Mangrove ............ . Total ....... . Table I shows the approximate area and volume of standing timber in public forests as of June 30, 1953. About 7 5 per cent of the stand of highland forests is composed of Dipterocarp speFirst group ............... . Second group ............. . Third group .............. . Fourth group ............. . Total ........... . Value of Standing Timber.-The Government is collecting forest charges and reforestation fund charges on timber cut from nearly absent. The climatic conditions are very moist. The trees are mostly dwarf because they are greatly exposed to strong winds. Their trunks and branches are generally covered with mosses, liverworths, ferns and orchids. The principal species are Dacrydium spp., Podocarpus spp., Eugenia spp., Myristica spp., Symplocos spp. and Tristania decorticata. The volume of standing timber which includes tree3 40 centimeters and over in diameter is estimated, as of June 30, 1953, at about 1,081,778,000 cubic meters or 458,673,872,000* board feet, as shown below: 707,482,680 Cu. M. 272,220,600 Cu. M. 95,021,913 Cu. M. 7,052,770 Cu. M. 1,081,777,963 Cu. M. 65.40% 25.17% 8.78% .65% 100.00% cies, namely, yakal, guijo, red lauan, tangile, mayapis, apitong, palosapis, white lauan, bagtican and almon. The following shows the stand . of· timber by groups:* 73,020,013 Cu. M. 119,969,176 Cu. M. 518,279,822 Cu. M. 370,508,952 Cu. M. - 6.75% 11.09% 47.91% 34.25% 1,081,777,963 Cu. M. - 100.00% public forests. At present, the rates of forest charges and reforestation fund charges are given below: Forest Charges Reforestation Fund For each cubic meter of first group timber ... For each cubic meter of second group timber . For each cubic meter of third group timber ... For each cubic meter of fourth group timber . P3.50 2.00 1.25 0.60 PO.SO 0.50 0.40 0.40 Based on forest charges and reforestation fund charges alone, the estimated value of the standing timber is Pl,834,022,000:oo. Page 6 The standing timber has a commercial value estimated at P27,044,450,000.00 based on an average price of P25.00 per cubic FORESTRY LEAVES meter for logs. Sawn into lumber this timber will yield ar::iund 270,444,500,000 board feet which at the· present average price of PlS0.00 per 1,000 board feet, F.O.B. Philippine ports, gives a commercial value of F48,680,010,000.00. This gives an insight of potential contributions that the timber resources can give· to our national economy. Distribution cf Important Commercial Forests.-At the beginning of the American administration, the Philippines had extensive commercial forests of fine timber. In many places, the forest edges were along river banks and along coast lines. With the advent of American administration, development in agriculture, commerce and industry enhanced the cutting of timber. Fol· lowing the law of least resistance, the lumbermen concentrated their operations in E'asily accessible areas. Illegal kaingin mak· ing accounted also for the opening of wide timbered areas in many accessible places. As a result, the large blocks of important commercial forests that remain today are located far in the· interior of unsettled regions, in areas of rough topography or in meas bordering the Pacific coasts where transportation and ·loading are periodically difficult. Specifically, they are located in ~he interior of Agusan and Davao, Cotabato, Lanao, Ca marine·;; Sur, Samar and N egros Island, along the Pacific coasts of Surigao, Davao, Quezon and Cagayan, and in the rough sections of the provinces of Cotabato, Zamboanga del Sur Zamboanga del Norte, Misamis Oriental, Camarines Norte, Mountain Province, Basilan Island and Leyte. Palawan Island has also wide area of commercial forests. Concentrations of operations employing modern sawmill equipment and heavy machinery for logging are at present found in these province;; except Palawan where timber stands are of the spe·· cies other than Philippine mahogany and where the high cost of transportation de1 racts the interest of investors. Development of Lumber Industry.--One of the· first tasks of the Bureau of Forestry TENTH ANNIVERSARY· ISSUE when it was organized under the American regime was to develop the lumber industry. For this purpose, it conducted studies on the be·.>t ways the Philippine woods could be manufactured into articles of commerce. Another step taken was to popularize the Philippine woods by exhibiting samples in mternational expositions abroad and in local carnivals and town fairs. Our red lauan, tangile, mayapis, bagtican, almon and white !auan, which are known in foreign markets m: Philippine mahogany, easily found acceptance abroad. Various species were te.>ted in the laboratory for tensile and crosshending strengths. Kiln drying and air-drying studies were also conducte·d to test the seasoning qualities of the various woods. Durability test was also conducted to determine their resistance when in contact with the ground. Simultaneously the exploitation of commercial forests was started by American technicians with American capital. Modern logging and sawmill equipment capable of mass production following the American i::atte·rn of timber exploitation in the Pacific Northwest were introduced, replacing in a large extent the slow, primitive method of logging and milling. Techniques in logging and milling were also introduce-cl by American technicians. Since then the lumber industry progressed rapidly as shown by the fact that timber production increased from 46,398,960 board feet in 1902 to the· highest pre-war figure of 1,093,218,704 board feet in 1937. At the outbreak of the last world war, there were 163 sawmills having aggregate daily capacity of 1,693,000 board feet. Actual production of lumber amountf'd to 348 million board feet annually. Lumber and timber exports increased from 87,000 board feet in 1903 to 251,694,880 board feet in 1937. The principal foreign markets for Philippine woods were: United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, China; South Africa, England, Germany and other European countries. Page 7 The lumber industry was almost completely destroyed during the war. However, it rehabilitated itself very remarkably in spite of the difficulties that confronted it. Logging and sawmill plants were rapidly rehabilitated. During the fiscal year 1952-1953, there· were 446 sawmills with r;ggregate daily capacity of 3,322,700 board feet. Actual lumber production during the year amounted to 429,139,547 board feet. During the same fiscal year, timber production of 1,206,114,589 board feet surpassed the highest annual production figure before the war. Lumber and timber exports, which amounted to 427,114,905 board feet, almost cfoubled the highest annual export figure before the war. Until at present, the lumber industry largely depends on the local market ,where about 85 per cent of the lumber and timber produced is disposed of annually. It may be said that in the field of lumber industry, the Philippines is the most advanced of all the Southeast Asian countries in point of production, mechanization and efficiency developed by the men employed. Plywood Industry. The plywood industry marked a new development in the lumber industry. Its expansion dates back from the close of the last world war, although this industry was introduced by the Americans over 30 years ago. At the outbreak of the war, there were only two plywood mills operating in the Islands but these were destroyed during the war. Today, there are seven modern plywood mills operating in the Philippines with investment of about P5,000,000.00. One of these mills has only recently started operation. In addition to these plywood mills, a veneer mill had been put up in Basilan Island. The expansion of plywood industry after the last world war may be gleaned from the following annual production of plywood: Page 8 Production Fiscal year (Sq. Ft.) 1947 425,610 1948 2,405,340 1949 3,980,612 1950 10,936,994 1951 22,306,290 1952 38,233,044 1953 56,832,653 The importation of plywood dropped rapidly from 11,382,326 square feet in 1949 to 262,276 square feet in 1953 due to increased production of the local producers. The use of pl¥wood in many types of building construction has so rapidly gained oopularity that almost all the plywood produced are consumed locally. The prospect of exporting plywood is faced with the problems of how to improve the quality of manufacture and to reduce the cost of product~on so as to enable the producers to place their products in highly competitive markets abroad. Investment in the Lumber Industry. At the outbreak of the last world war the lumber industry was already highly developed with estimated investment of P46,000,000.00. Most of the investment was represented by the cost of machinery and equipment used in logging and milling. The amount of capital invested i·n the lumber industry, as of June 30, 1953, is approximately Pl 17,595,000.00. 0 f this amount, about P63,273,00.00 represents investment in sawmills alone. It is on account of the enormous investment it absorbs that the lumber industry is given considerE"ble attention in our program of national economic development. Revenue Derived from the Lumber Industry. Forest charges and reforestation fund charges due on timber cut from public forests are the principal revenue that the lumber industry contributes to the government. Collection of reforestation fund by the Bureau of Forestry was started only on June 7, 1947, in accordance with Republic Act FORESTRY LEAVES No. 115. During the fiscal year 1952-1953, the Bureau of Internal Revenue actually collected P3,450,956.00 of forest charges on tjmber alone and the Bureau of Forestry collected Pl,025,694.52 of reforestation fund. Including lumber inspection fees of P581,253.00, sawmill permit fees of P98,875.00 and license fees, license bond deposits forfeited by the government amounting to P240,440.00, the lumber industry contributed to the government a total revenue of P5,397,218.00 during the year. This excludes indirect taxes derived from the lumber industry, such as sales tax, income tax, ~oreign exchange tax, etc. During the fiscal year 1952-1953, ther~ were about 90,000 persons employed in the lumber industry. Due to the wide geographical distribution of lumbering operations, big number of workers find employment in logging or in sawmill in their respective prov· inces. It is noticeable that many workeTs in thickly populated provinces, like Ilocos Provinces, Cebu and Bohol, move to active lumbering districts for work. Labor is not f' problem in the lumber industry, the supply be·ing in excess of the need of the industry. It is significant that, as in other major industries, the workers in the lumber industry have learned to assert their right to have due share of the fruits of their labor and to have a better standard of living. As n result, the lumbermen are now incurring greater expense for better wage payment and for the protection of health and security of their men. Progressive lumber companies provide free light and water, good hospitals, schools, playgrounds, theaters, churches and other conveniences for logging and sawmill camp communities. They also give their men vacation leave and other privileges. All these mean increased cost of production. Problems of Lumber Industry.-There ere now many Filipinos who are considered technicians in the production of logs and lumber. Technical "know how" is, therefore, TENTH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE not a problem of big capitalists who can afford to employ high-salaried technicians. The small capitalists, on the other hand, geneTally suffer the consequences of lack of technical "know-how." Lack of capital is another problem that confronts not only the small operators but z lso some of the big operators. Several big operators stopped their operation or withdrew from the lumber industry due to financial difficulties. But the worst hit are the small operators whose failure is caused more by lack of capital than by any other cause. They have to be e"Xtended financial assistance by some means. Freight rates on logs and lumber are quite high. It is an item of cost that the lumbermen have· always complained of. Freight on each 1,000 board feet of logs from the Philippines to · Hawaii and the Pacific Coast ports of the United States and Canada is $45.00, to Atlantic and Gulf ports, $56.50, to Hongkong, P54.00, to Bangkok and Singapore, P54.00, to Djakarta, P59.00, to Rangoon, Colombo, Calcutta and Bombay, P74.00. For lumber shipment to Hawaii and the Pacific Coa11t ports of the United States and Canada, $42.50, to the Atlantic and Gulf ports, $54.00, to Hongkong, P24.50, to Japan, PS4.00, to Saigon and Bangkok end Singapore, P39.50, to Djakarta, P43.00 E.nd to Rangoon, Colombo, Calcutta and Bombay, P46.50. As the United States is the premier market for Philippine lumber, the high freight charges on shipment to that market should be reasonably reduced in order to induce the ·expansion of our lumber export trade. The heavy tax burden borne by.the lumber industry is strongly objected to by the lumbermen. The 17% exchange tax on imported machinery and equipment for logging L'lnd sawmilling should be eliminated if the lumber industry is to be given any relief at all. As the agricultural machinery imported to the Philippines is exempted from payment of 17% exchange tax, the imported machinery for logging and sawmilling which Page 9 Elso produce commodities of commerce should also be exempted from payment of 17 'lo exchange tax. The wharfage tax of P0.60 per cubic meter of export logs and fl.itches should also be eliminated for the reason that all logs that are exported do not pass any government wharf. Export ft itches are almost in· variably loaded at the private wharves of lumber companies. Mismanagement is often the cause of failure of the small operators. This problem cannot be well remedied unless the small operators are extended financial assistance to enable them to employ exper ienced men to gather their business efficiently. MINOR FOREST PRODUCTS Aside from timber, Philippine forests have abundant minor products that are of economic value. In the upland forests there Firewood: ~re firewood, charcoal, rattan, palms, vines; bohos and bamboos, and orchids. Many trees yield nuts, resins, oils, gums and tanning or dye barks. Almaciga trees yield resin known as Manila copal and Benguet pine trees yield turpentine. The predominant trees in mangrove swamps produce firewood, charcoal, tannin and dye barks. Nipa palms growing in thick stands in most mangrove swamps areas produce leaves valuable for thatching houses and yield sap that is converted into fermented beverage or manufactured into alcohol. Minor forest products gathered from public forests are generally consumed locally. A few of them constitute commodities for export. Estimated Quantities of Minor Forest Products in Public Forests.-The estimated quantities of different minor forest products in public forests are shown below as of June 30, 1954: Upland species ..................... . 118,259,000 cubic meters Mangrove species .................. . 2,831,000 cubic meters Rattan: U nsplit rattan . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . 777,111,000 linear meters Split rattan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . 114,250,000 kilos Nipa shingles . _ .. __ ... _ . _ ....... _ . _ .. _ . _ 196,221,000 pieces Nipa sap ............ _ ... _ .... _ ..... _ .. 39,246,000* liters Bohos and Bamboos _ . _ ................. . 220,450,000 pieces Manila copal .......................... . 24,577,000 kilos Manila elemi ........................... . 322,000* kilos Dipterocarp resins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,852,000 kilos Oleo resin ............................. . 50,001,000* liters Tanbark and dyebark ................... . 1,542,433,000 kilos Diliman and other Vines ................. . 3,057,000 kilos Buri leaves ............................ . 2,463,000 kilos Buri fibers .. '. ......................... . 135,000 kilos Charcoal .............................. . 7,878,000 cubic meters Lurnbang nuts and Kernels .............. . 1,792,000 kilos Estimated Value of Minor Forest Proc1ucts.-The forest charges on the above minor forest products are estimated at P66,216,000.00. Their commercial value is estimated at P758,769,000.00. of Internal Revenue P183,606.34 representing forest charges on different minor for~ est products cut and collected from public forests. Revenue from Minor Forest Products.Considerable amount of forest charges is collected by the Bureau of Internal Rever:ue annually. During the fiscal year 19521953, there· were collected by the Bureau Page 10 WILDLIFE The forests of the Philippines are havens of wildlife which includes game animals like deer, tamaraw, wild pigs, etc., game birds like wild ducks, snipe, doves, pigeons, etc., 2nd protected insect and song birds. Unlike FORESTRY LEAVES the forests of Malaya, India and Africa, there are no fierce wild animals in Philippine forests. There is no inventory of the !<.umber of game animals and birds found in Philippine forests. It is estimated, howC'ver, that for every hectare of forest land there is PO.SO worth of game and wildlife. This will give us a total value of P7,869,000.00. FOREST LANDS The wise use of forest lands is a source of government revenue. Under Section 1838 of the Revised Administrative Code, the Director of Forestry may lease or grant permits for the best use of forest lands oc vacant public lands not declared alienable disposable land. INDIRECT BENEFITS The indirect or intangible benefits derived from the forests are its influences on stream flow, soil and climate. Such benefits cannot be evaluated in terms of pesos but in general well-being of the country. Forests act as water reservoirs and as such, they regulate stream flow, prevent flood in a large degree and minimize the silting of streams. The supply of water for water power and for irrigation depends upon good forest c-over. It is for this reason that the water~heds of streams supplying water for water power have to be kept under adequate forest cover and must be reforested when nece·ssary. The importance of this matter must be well recognized in view of the fact that water powers are now being developed in various parts of the country. The Ambuklao Hydroelectric plant is a very typical example of the project Forest cover minimizes soil erosion and enriches the soil fertility content. Forests provide excellent hunting grounds, healthful recreational opportunities, food, and shelter and habitats for wildlife and game animals. They ameliorate climate and make it healthful for man. They also enhance the natural beauty of landseapes. TENTH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE CONSERVATION OF FOREST RESOURCES In forestry, the concept of conservation does not mean accumulation of forest wealthRather, it refers to systematic cutting of timbec and other forest growths in such a manner that the forest capital is kept in its: present condition, if not better, so that it can provide a sustained supply of raw materials for the need of the people. Unlike mining in which the ores removed from the bosom of the earth are not replaced at all, !umbering, if carried on scientifically, can be kept on indefinitely because the timber or other forest growths cut and removed are being replaced. Obviously the enemies of forest conservation are the destruction of forest growths by illegal kaingin making, the unregulated cutting by illegal forest usera and the wasteful method . of forest extraction. The responsibility of conserving the forests rests on the Bureau of Forestry. At present we have adequate laws for conserving the forests. These laws are well implemented by forest regulations of the Bu1 eau of Forestry. In the granting of forestry license, the Bureau of Forestry is guided by the principle that the one who is most qualified to protect the forest is given the preference to get the license. The cllowable annual cut granted in the license is calculated not to exceed the estimated ::.nnual growth of the forest and, at the same time, it is based on the volume of overmature trees in the ~rea which have to be cut to save them from deterioration. The method of cutting, gathering and removing the forest products is prescribed in the licenses to avoid wastes of raw materials and unnecessary damage to the forest. The cutting of trees below the prescribed limit i$ prohibited. The pUrpose is to avoid. the cutting of trees that have not reached their economic age. Such are the regulations of the Bureau of Forestry designed to conserve the forest but, the perennial problem of lack of fund and personnel has made it impossible for the Bureau of Forestry to stop the illegal kaingin making, the unPage 11 regulated extraction by illegal cutters and the wasteful cutting of timber and other forest products by forestry licenses. It is significant to state that the Bureau of Forestry is now starting a more effective measure towards fore·.st conservation. Steps are now being undertaken to reforest the logged-over areas so as to supplement by artificial planting the natural regeneration of such areas. This is a much cheaper method of restoring forest areas than by reforesting them after they have been reduced to grassland by illegal kaingin makers. A movement is presently being started by the Bureau of Forestry for effective forest conservation. The step being taken is to require the timbeT licensees to practice selective logging. By this measure, destructive method of logging will be greatly miniI11ized, if n.c;>t entirely stopped, and the nee· essary stocking of timber in the area for s1,1cceeding cuts would be provided so as to rna.intain continuo\ls supply of timber for the present and future needs of the people. A REMINDER ; The Philippines still has. abundant forest resources. The standing timber is estimated at 1,081,777,963 cubic meters of which 707,482,680 cubic meters under the accessible c;:ommercial forests are suitable for exploitatjon. Our annual cut of about 1 billion board feet can be increased considerably without depleting the forest provided that the illegal kaingin making or the shifting method of cultivation and the illegal and destructiv:e cutting of timber are controlled. ln al.most all Dipterocarp forests, overmature trees constitute consider~ble volume of the stand. This overmature timber must be cut an;' _utilized properly as fast as possible in order to save it from deterioration. The lumbermen have machinery and equipment adequate to increase lumber and timber production. So as to make maximum use of these investments, they should have additional capital . and good markets Page 12 for their products. A corollary to the expansion· of lumber and timber production is the expansion of lumber markets. The foreign markets should be developed much further in order to stimulate increased production. Forest conservation should be given proper attention in the planning of accelerated industrial development of the country in order that there could be a continuity of supply of timber and other forest products. In order to reach this obje'Ctive, the Bureau cf Forestry must be given adequate funds and personnel. Every work creation is threefold . . . First, there is ·the creative idea, passionless, timeless, beholding the whole work complete at once ... Cecond, there is the creative energy begotten of that idea, working in time from the beginning to the end, with Sff'eet and. paSlfions . . . Third, there is the creative power, the meaning of the work and its response to the living soul . . . And these three are one, each equally in itself the whole mark. -Dorothy L. Sayers Compliments of Mayor Isabelo Abeleda ·Timber Licensee -Specialty: Railroad Ties (Malave) (Under contract w/MRR) Posts (Malave, Tindalo, I pil, Bansalaguin, etc.) Address: San. Jose, Occidental Mindoro FORESTRY LEAVES