Campus Notes


Part of Forestry Leaves

Campus Notes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
• FORESTRY DAY NOTES Despite typhoon "Tilda" the College of Forestry celebrated its 13th Forestry Day on November 30, 1954. At 7:00 p.m., November 29, the bonfire was lighted in the Football Grounds after a torch parade around the campus. Skits were presented by the different class organizations and an amateur singing contest was held. Scalding coffee neutralized the effect of the chilly Makiling weather. The four lechons for the Luncheon the next day were cooked over the embers of the bonfire by students during the night. At 6:30 a.m .. November 30, Field Mass was held in the Forestry Pavilion, officiated by Fr. Collins of the St. Therese Chapel, College of Agriculture. After the mass, the boys changed into working clothes and cleaned the campus. At 10 :00, convocation was held in the Forestry Pavilion. Introduced by Forester-in-Charge Calixto Mabesa, Guest Speaker Forester Carlos Sulit, Chief of the Administrative Division, Bureau of Forestry, delivered his interesting speech. He expressed surprise at the high mortality of students last semester and pinpointed unpreparedness of the new students in high school and their lack of a proper system of study as the causes of the low percentage of survival. He admonished the students to be tolerant, to study well and to retain the knowledge they obtain in school so that they will survive the competition in the field after graduation. He emphasized that a student "must learn the ropes" in school and then "apply" them in the field later on. At 11 :30, SBO Adviser Prof. Jose B. Blando with Mrs. Simeona Franco, SBO President Eduardo Llapitan and the class presidents laid the Wreath on the Cenotaph. The luncheon, originally itlanned to be served in the Panglomboien Grove, was served in the Forestry Mess Hall in banana leaf sheatbs picnic style because of the uncooperative weather. In the evening, a barn dance was held in the Forestry Pavilion. Prizes were awarded to the best dancers in Waltz, Tango, Mambo and Boogie. * * * THEY RETURNED After a brief respite in the field, three ranger graduates are back in college to finish the B. S. F. degree. Mr. Primitive Galinato, who left the College in 1941, is back to finish the course. Now married and with 5 kids he is incumbent vice-mayer of Binalonan, Pangasinan. He was president of the SBO last semester. Ranger Generosa Cafieda, Ranger Class 1953, reDecember, 1954 • signed from the Bureau of Forestry last June to continue her studies so she could be of greater service to the country. The daughter of the Chief Clerk in the Division of Forest Investigation, College, Laguna, she is the only lady ranger in the country. Two years hence, she will be the first lady forester in the Philippines. Ranger Filiberto Pollisco, Ranger Class 1952, resigned from his job in the Bureau of Forestry to continue because he observed that the degree holder has more chances and opportunities for advancement than a mere ranger. He expects to finish the course in 1956. He was SBO vice-president last semester. Engineer Jose M. Ilagan is back after a successful operation for goiter in the Philippine General Hospital, Manila. We expect him to be a forester by 1956 now that he is in top shape. He is holder of the Nasipit Lumber Co. scholarship. The return of these old-timers shows they love the College and all what it stands for. We hope that similar ranger graduates will also return ior further studies in the future to take over the jobs of the old soldiers that are fading away fast. * * * CAI SA Students from Cagayan and Isabela in the Colleges tif Agriculture and Forestry formed the CAISA (Cagayan-Isabela Association) last August. The purposes of this organization are: to enhance brothei;.. hood and cooperation among students here from both provinces (which is far away from home) and promote closer relationships with their fellow men. Elected officers from Forestry are: Eduardo Llapitan (Cag.) vice-president; Francisco Empedrad (Cag.) secretary; Isabelo Tobias Jr. (Cag.) treasurer; Rogelio Baggayan (Cag.) PRO; and Quirico Tan (Cag.) auditor. Congratulations, may your organization live long. * * * FOR BETTER OR ... FOR WORSE The Seniors, in their Public Speaking Class under Miss Herminia Jundos, held an open panel discussion on September 22, 1954. The theme was "What is Wrong in the College of Forestry". Some results of the discussion which are of interest are: (1) The College of Forestry, U. P . is squatting in the grounds of the Makiling National Park-it should have a ground or campus of its own; ( 2) English is only 6 units while Spanish 12 units in the Ranger Course. · This means that we are stressing more on Spanish rather than on English in the Ranger Course!; (3) As compared with other 4-year courses, the B. S . F. degree course is heavily loaded Page 51 with units; ( 4) There should be sent to the College by the University authorities (?) a librarian with a Bachelor of Science in Library degree to be with Mr. Vitaliano Pareja, the present librarian; (5) There is lack of dormitories to accommodate students duly enrolled in the College; ( 6) There is a sad lack of College recreational facilities; and ( 7) There is lack of official seal. * * * CONVOCATION FOR CONSERVATIONISTS A convocation was given by the Forestry SBO and faculty on October 2 to honor the district foresters-delegates to the first Philippine Forest Conservation and Reforestation Conference. Starting the program, Prof. Valentin Sajor, Chief, Division of Forest Investigation, called the roll of the district foresters. Mr. Primitivo Galinato, 1st semester SBO President, welcomed them with a short speech. Miss Remedios Chavez and Mr. Bernardo Pareja gave musical numbers. District 40 Forester Vicente Marababol discussed the role of forestry men in Mindanao and invited everybody to go south. India's Mr. C. Purkayastha, Chief, Forestry and Forest Products Working Group for Asia and the Pacific of the FAO of the United Nations, compared aspects of forestry in India with that in the Philippines and advised the students not to feel hard of the prospects of a graduate but must be serious always. Then Prof. Jose B. Blando, SBO adviser, pleaded for the district foresters' support to the acquisition of a new public address system for the College of Forestry. After the convocation, the visitors were accompanied by Bureau of Forestry personnel detailed in Los Banos to see the Forest Products Laboratory building, the Forest Experiment Station, the College of Forestry building, the Nurseries and other scenic spots of the Forestry Campus. A luncheon was given them by the Division in the Forestry Swimming Pool. In the afternoon, the Society of Filipino Foresters had its annual meeting in the Forestry Dancing Pavilion. A merienda was given them by the SBO after the meeting. MORE THAI STUDENTS Four new Thai students arrived on the campus last September to pursue the degree course. Welcome to Forestry. Mr. Udhai Chanphaka, Thai forest ranger, is a record holder of the 15-kilometer marathon in Thailand. Mr. Som Pherm Kittinanda, Chief of Teak Reforestation in the eastern part of Thailand, is a prospective member of our Soccer Football Team. Mr. Somphong Pachotikarn, Thai forest ranger, specializes in the 100-meter dash, broad jump and hop step and was once featured star of a film entitled "Forestry" in Thailand. Mr. Vinai Bhandhaburana, Page 52 forest ranger, expects to be in the Forestry Soccer Football Team. Already here for a year are Messrs. Kaspa Aganidad and Patived Arayasastra, Provincial Foresters in Thailand. In previous years, Siamese excelled in our Football Team. We expect that our Thai brothers now enrolled here will keep the colors flying for Forestry in the athletic events. • * * FORESTRY FLOAT WINS Tl ' float of the College of Forestry won second priz, in the Loyalty Day celebrations in the College of Agriculture last October 10. The forestry float was a miniature mountainone side of which was covered with forest and the lowland below it was progressive; while the other side was devoid of trees and eroded and the lowland below it was wasted land. The float pictured the contrast between the effects of a land with sufficient protective forest cover and that of one without. It drew enormous applauses from the crowd and even from President Magsaysay and his corps of reviewers. * * • ON SPORTS The Forestry Volleyball Team again won the Los Banos Colleges Volleyball championship this year. By superior skill, they humbled the Aggie Junior Team, the only team that threatened to dethrone them last November 18. As a tradition, the team always won. The team is captained by Artemio Cacayan and coached by Forester Cesar Recto. Con· gratulations! The Basketball Team, also, did it again this yearthey lost. But it was the team that first defeated the Aggie Seniors on its last fight. Mr. Alfredo Eugenio is captain and Forester Rosario Cortes is coach. There are still 15 girls in our College-how about a girls softball team. Coach?-well ... Miss Herminia Jundos! This would be the first time in history that the College of Forestry has a team to compete with the Aggie lassies. Push on, ladies, we are going to win. The Forestry Soccer Football Team was strong before but this year it faded. With the arrival of 4 more prospective Thai members maybe .... The team's coach, Forester Cesar Recto, will show us. The Forestry Tennis Club was organized last July. It is composed of faculty members and students who could wield the tennis racket. Members pay a monthly membership fee of PO.SO. A new net and balls were bought recently by the Club. The courts are now always clean and prepared for games. Almost every afternoon, the girls are flexing their muscles and sharpening their eye-sights in badminton. The small open space between Dorms No. 1 and No. 2 serves as a grassy court. The set is owned by Messrs. Aganidad, Arayasastra and Komkris. FORESTRY LEAVES Our two varsity athletes, Mr. Herman Agpawa (400-meters) and Mr. Filamor Yadao (Pole Vault) are now practicing for the track and field events. If the two Thai runners will join them, we may be able to bring home to Forestry more points in the coming meets in Rizal Memorial this semester. * * * SOLICIT FUNDS To follow up the appeal of Prof. Jose B. Blando for contributions for the new College public address system from the district foresters last October 2, Mr. Modesto Tobias, FORESTRY LEAVES Business Manager, is sending letters to the fieldmen. Funds are lacking still for the purchase of the desired address system. Through the FORESTRY LEAVES, the student body organization pleads to our college sympathisers and friends to please help us push through this project. SBO President Llapitan also appeals to the fieldman. * * NOW FOREST PRODUCTS LAB MEN Some members of our College Faculty who are specialists in research were attached to the Forest Products Laboratory's technical staff. The Laboratory being very near the College, these faculty members can still have time to continue their instructional work. Prof. Eugenio de la Cruz, Sr. Forester, Bureau of Forestry and CF Professor of Forest Policy and History, is the Chief of the Laboratory. He holds B.S.F. (cum Iaude, 1926) from the State University of Idaho and M.F. (1927) from Yale University. He has been chief of several divisions of the Bureau, the last of which was the Division of Forest Management. Prof. Emiliano Roldan, CF Asst. Professor of Forest Pathology, is now forest pathologist of the Laboratory. He holds B.Agr. (1918), B.S.A. (1922), and M.S:-A. (1923) from the University of the Philippines and M.A. ( 1930) from the University of Illinois. For. Rosario Cortes, CF Instructor in Wood Technology, is now a physicist in the Laboratory. He holds B.S.F. (1930) and M.F. (1931) from the University of Washington. For. Martin Lagrimas, CF Instructor in Wood Technology, is now a Sr. Forester in the Laboratory. He holds A.S.C. ( 1929) from National University and B.S.F. ( 1950) from the University of the Philippines. For. Francisco Tamolang, CF Instructor in Dendrology, is now a Sr. Forester and in charge of Wood Anatomy in the Laboratory. He holds B.S.F. ( 1947) from the University of the Philippines and Grad. Dip. in Forestry ( 1952) from the Australian Forestry School. For. Domingo Jacalne, Instructor in Silviculture, December, 1954 B.S.F. ( 1950) University of the Philippines, assumed the duties of For. Cortes in the Division of Forest Investigation, Bureau of Forestry. Other members of our faculty but are personnel of the Bureau of Forestry are expected to be attached to the technical staff of the Laboratory later on. * * • IN THIS CORNER Led by the Division of Forest Investigation, the Forestry Community at College, Laguna observed the Barrio Farmers' Week from October 23 to October 31, 1954. Fruit trees were planted around the different houses on the campus during the Forest Conservation Day. Tilapia fishponds of residents were visited during the Fish Conservation Day. During the Rural Youth Improvement Day, games were played. The Faculty won over the Pensionado Club in basketball, and over the S.B.O. in tennis. Prizes were given the victors in the games. Foresters Domingo Lantican and Domingo Jacalne lectured to visiting students from the Concordia College on November 13. Mr. Lantican lectured on the values of plants to mankind: aesthetic value, value as windbreak, sanctuary of birds and wildlife, conservation of water supply and amelioration of climate. He explained by illustrations the effects of forested areas to agriculture. He described the parts of a tree and the uses of each. Mr. Jacalne lectured on plant propagation both sexual (by seeds) and asexual (by propagative parts) methods. He explained the processes in sowing seeds, care of the seedlings, lifting of the seedlings, and planting. He showed them the correct processes of budding, grafting, layering and propagation by leaves. They accompanied the visiting students to the nursery after the lecture. In connection with the celebration of the Philippine National Science Week, Novemer 21-27, 1954, the four institutions, namely, Division of Forest Investigation, Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Experiment Station and the College of Forestry, U.P., opened up their laboratory departments to the public for people to see the different forestry exhibits and other features that are of interest. The personnel of the aforementioned entities also held a special meeting in which papers were read. A program was held also to commemorate the week. The man behind this affair is the energetic Chief of the Division of Forest Investigation, Prof. Valentin Sajor. * * * X'MAS PROGRAM To commemorate the birth of our Savior, the College of Forestry faculty and student body and residents of the Forestry Community held a proPage 53 gram on the evening of December 16, 1954 in the Forestry Pavilion. The Elifferent classes presented skits and carols wherein the Freshmen and the Sophomores won respectively. In the Lantern Contest, two classes tied for first place but the Senior class won over the Freshman by fair Jack and Poy. In the Spanish conjugation contest, Ernesto Corpuz won by correctly conjugating the Present Perfect Sul>junctive of the Spanish verb CABER. The Quiz Honor number was much applauded by the audience. Vocal numbers were rendered by Mr. Pachotikarn (solo) and Misses Prima Sumague and Marcelina Espregante (duet). The faculty members gave their X'mas messages to the students. Refreshments in the form of Tableria de Jose Chua Koo Mogpog, Marinduque Timber Concessionaires Lumber Dealer General and Government Contractor Sells Dao, Guijo, Yakal, and Malave at Reasonable prices Compliments of CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE of Cagayan de Oro City Page 54 gift packages were given the audience by the SBO. SBO President Eduardo Llapitan read the message of Dean Felipe R. Amos who failed to attend. The affair ended with the Student Body mass singing of "Silent Night" by the audience. The affair was made successful through the efforts of the faculty and student body adviser. Officers of the SBO for the second semester, 1954-1955 are: Eduardo Llapitan, President; Artemio Cabanday, Vice-President; Filamor Yadao, Secretary; Gregorio Principe, Treasurer; Florencio P. Mauricio, Auditor; George Batoon, Athletic Manager; Mariano Valera and Aquiles Esber, Sgts.-at-Arms; Juan B. Galo (Senior) and Alfredo Eugenio (Junior), Representatives to the U.P. Student Council; and Prof. Jose B. Blando, Adviser. Compliments of VALENCIA LUMBER Valencia, Bohol Compliments of PHILIPPINE INDUSTRIAL TRADING (PHIL INTRA) LEGASPI BRANCH Tel. No. 234-Rizal Street, Legaspi Albay Lumber Dealer & Manufacturer FORESTRY LEAVES