Forgetten One


Part of The Carolinian

Forgetten One
The Carolinian Volume XV (Issue No. 9) October 1951
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Lqrics By Virginia Peralta (Post-Graduate School) 1. I could have kissed the lace of you into the Self-same incandescence with which you lit me. I could have taken the face of you In the compassing hands of mine And there could have been music. None from the spheres could have been more incandescent Sound. 2. We shall walk again that rustic dirt road of an Afternoon and talk about the things that should really be. And there shall be no barrier between your thoughts and mine. For whatever is your name does not matter, but that We have culled thoughts from out of the slowing sun And loved it; that you have given me the woof of Your dreams to weave with the warp of my pain. Pain and dreams sing a splendid song. Let me write it and we shall sing it again some day. Fopgotfen One By Idmila Calceta (Post-Graduate School) There is the valley forlorn reposeful desolate. And the quiet palm trees clothed in the cold mist; There is the hill; the forsaken bones Scattered beside a bared helmet and a rusted gun. There is the battered clif under the azure sky, The blood stains on its fragmented bosom. There is the heart of a long forgotten one Who fought But failed to see the march of dawn. Cinquains (Post-Graduate School) it was A surging tide, The whirlpool swirled untamed. Perplexed, with fear he asked the night. Must I? —F. S. Mendez Love real Get light from night. Is blind but never blinded. Warm never frozen, soft, unhardened Life long — S. Cuyos I sought To say how much Your love still means to me. But when I spoke one word, I said: Good-bye! —V. Peralta The dawn, Where does it go? No seer, no sage will know It vaults to some far land till day Returns. —E. Dano Take care That you don't fail To nourish it with deeds. Or you will find it lost... too late: Your soul. —V. Liao Lamco WHAT IS RUSSIAN . . . (Continued from page 9) do well to communicate with the Catholic Information Society, 214 West 31st St., New York 1, N.Y., and procure some of the informative pamphlets published by that Society. The entire series of twenty-six pam­ phlets can be procured for $1 post­ paid. These pamphlets are written by persons who are thoroughly con­ versant with Soviet Russia and its sinister system; Eugene Lyons, Wil­ liam H. Chamberlin, and other com­ petent authors. What Does Communism Teach And Practice? Why is the Catholic Church so vehemently opposed to Communism? Why is this system repudiated by sincere non-Catholics and even by all intelligent, well-informed patriotic citizens of every shade of belief? Is it because Communism denies the right of private ownership? If I compare the serious objec­ tions we have to Communism to the various rungs of a ladder, I should say the matter of private ownership was the lowest rung on the ladder. Certainly we oppose Communism because it denies the inborn right of man to private ownership of property, but that is by no means the most serious objection to this fearful system. We condem Russian Communism because it teaches and does its utmost to put into practice the following doctrines inspired by hell itself: 1. There is no God, and so a re­ lentless campaign to spread atheism must be carried on, es­ pecially in the schools, where children from the tenderest years must be robbed of all idea of God and imbued with utter atheism. 2. Religion is a delusion; it is but "the opiate of the people." 3. Man has no spiritual soul; he is not essentially different from the brute. 4. No objective norm of morality exists; all "morality" comes frqm the State; the only ethical prin­ ciple is that whatever helps to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat is right. 5. Marriage is not a sacred instititution; it derives its force only from the State, which can make and unmake marriages as it deems fit. 6. Children do not belong to par­ ents; they are the property of the State. 7. Terrorism must be employed as (Continued on page 34) Page 10 THE CAROLINIAN