Herbie series


Part of The Carolinian

Herbie series
The Carolinian Volume XV (Issue No. 9) October 1951
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
HtRBIl SCRIES MONTH OF THE ROSARY (Continued from page 3) by vnlim ==^=^=^== PLIGHT OF THE STUMBLE BUM Friend Alex — Alright, so here I am again. What's my beef this time? Nothing except that three times a week for one whole semester I have to sit up front in a seat entirely surrounded by females. Imagine me up there feeling like a sore thumb! Maybe I should give the prof an apple for putting me on the spot. Alex, you know how allergic I am to conspicuous spots. Well, brother, I have to take it this time. And you know what, Alex, this particular class is simply alive with females. There are only about six or seven he-men there, and, true to all forms of gallantry, the same are scattered at the end seats of the rows. And where am I but up there in the second seat of the first row, and, adding salt to the wound, the prof flashes a sweeeet smile at me and asks, Would I rather take the first seat! You couldn't transfer me back to my favorite spot at the end of the row with a pyramid of diamonds. It seems the prof has to look at my mug once in a while to maybe see if I am still there or have I vanished. Why such unwarranted interest in me. . . . I wouldn't know except that 1 guess maybe the prof knows we used to skeedadle out when roll call was over back in the days of our Math 1, eh Alex? Or maybe the. acoustics of this room-in-question is so excellent, our little palavers I hold in the back seats with some of the boys are clearly audible in the prof's platform. Mary had a little lamb, but my prof has a little guinea pig, and brother when this bovine fails to take that second front-row seat the neighboring girls start looking around wiih glee in their eyes and snickers from their lips. So what can I do but make a spectacle of myself going up front where them gals are and generally making a thorn of myself among them roses! Phooey. Still, Herbie. ing us on the path of Christian virtue? c) Finally, the constant practice of the devotion of the holy Rosary secures for us the greatest of all graces — the grace of final per­ severance, or of a happy death. This is a special grace, which we cannot merit by any work of ours, but which is to be obtained by humble and persevering prayer. But thus we can infallibly obtain the grace of final perseverance. For Almighty God has set no limits to the efficacy of prayer, as far as our eternal salvation is concerned. But it is not sufficient to pray for this grace incidentally or from time to time; we must pray for it without ceasing, according to the teaching of our Lord, "that we ought always to pray and not to faint" (Luke 18, 1). Now, it is certain that there is no more suitable way of prac­ tising this continual prayer than by frequently saying the Rosary. As a proof of this assertion, in­ stead of the many arguments I might advance, I shall adduce the following simple, but well authen­ ticated fact. A celebrated preacher of the last century was one day summoned to the death-bed of a young nobleman, who was well known to be of dissolute habits. Not without much misgiving in his heart did he obey the summons. But how great was his surprise to find the dying man most contrite for his sins, and fully resigned joy­ fully to offer the sacrifice of his life as an atonement for his errors! He confessed his sins and received the last sacraments with the most ardent devotion. The confessor, un­ able to explain this miracle of grace, asked him the cause. The sick man, amid tears and sobs, answered: "Oh, my Father, this grace must be as­ cribed to the intercession of the Mother of God. When my mother lay on her death-bed, he called me to her bedside and made me promise that I would daily say'the Rosary. I have kept my promise, though for the last ten years I per­ formed no other act of religion. The Mother of God has saved me." He soon breathed his last in the greatest peace of soul, and the priest took his departure, blessing the mercy of God and the power and efficacy of the holy Rosary. That the holy Rosary is also a (Continued on page 25) THE CAROLINIAN