Looks at...


Part of The Carolinian

Looks at...
The Carolinian Volume XV (Issue No. 9) October 1951
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
off the record ■■ ■ ■ ■ -bv Liza F. Garcia; A very wise friend of ours ob­ served — "In this business of keep­ ing (or, if we must be exact, try­ ing to keep) a column one of two things is to be expected: you win friends and influence people — or you lose friends and influence peo­ ple into minor crimes like man­ handling, murder and mayhem." And from acid experience, we know that's true — too true. ---------o-------Right at the moment many of us are fully occupied with this im­ portant, problematic business of growing up. We — well, we're grown up — quite. How do we know? It's this way: We used to want a lot of things. Many things, important, useless, good, bad etc, — and we hollered and raise coin when we couldn't have them. That's the way it is with kids. And then, we couldn't have the one thing we wanted most — we just couldn’t. So, we've grown up. Now we don't kick when we can't have the minor things (like going to movies and parties and dates everytime we want so). This is being adult. If this isn't, what is? Take a lesson, children. Believe it or not, there's actually a man alive who admits that this stuff about guys preferring girls who are un-lipsticked, unmascaraed and unroughed is all hooey — you know, baloney, bunk. Quote: When I was eighteen I always declared I didn't like paint­ ed women but deep down in my heart I loved them. There's some­ thing about Max Factor (when spread all over a girl) that has a soothing effect. It's very good for a guy's morale. Unquote. Mr. Gon­ zalez, Instructor, USC. Before press time we peeped at VN LIM's "Passing Thru" He speaks about professors. We copy. We say: There's something refreshing and interest-catching about professors who come to class looking neat and fresh out of fashion magazines. This is a very effective way of presenting the "spinachy" Sort of subjects. (The not-too-exciting- but-' very staple-kind) You like to keep looking at the rostrum and when you keep looking, why, you listen. But we know of one school marm who goes one better: She lectures with a sparkle in her eyes. She loves and lives her subjects. The interest she feels, she projects, gracefully, painlessly, to the stu­ dents. Sounds like a paean praise? — no, we're just commenting. And while we’re on teachers — we hear there's an Engineering Ins­ tructor who's sweet on some one in the Education department. We hope that next issue we can give you the "cutting-the-cake-picture." November — or October — or late September weddings are all right too, you know. Before people get to weddings, there's usually the proposal. We've always taken proposals for granted until, in our news writing class, someone raised the earth-shaking querry —Who proposes first — the man or the woman? This was in connection with human interest an­ gles to the news story. You know, the man-bites-dog stuff, etc. We wrangled and wangled and warred for the last quarter of the period. When the bell rang, Mrs. G., asked for an opinion, countered calmly (before she joined Mr. G. who was waiting for her at the door) "Boys, are you men or mice?" That, ma'am, is the moot ques­ tion. In an off-the-record moment, the Jr. Carolinian Moderator — with a canary-that-j ust-digested-the-cat air remarked, "Wait till you see our first issue." Why, Father S..., that actual­ ly sounds as though you think the Jr. Carolinian will do us one better. If that happens, that will be be­ cause you have such a good model in our Carolinian. Yep, you high school children will always do well to be guided by our pen prints. Don't be too disappointed if you don't quite make our grade. Takes time, and growing up. Politics is in the air — we can't help feeling it too, friend Herbie and us. But we have more edifying things to think of, so we don't bother too much. Could be also we're less (Continued on page 7) Looks At... ............ a looker lurking among test tubes and chemicals is Rosita Ty. Lurk­ ing among chemicals is one thing and concocting something from them is another thing. Both she does with an amazing skill and accuracy, which can t be said for a greater part of us............. dubbed "Smilin' Jack" by his high school principal, VICENTE ABELLANA still breaks into a bashful smile when given even a slight ribbing by his pals. ............ MANOLO MERCADO. Small guy, big noise, Smart alecky cracks and not only wonderful but amazing sense of humor. ............ PAT VELOSO, JEFFY CANCINCO, ELLIE RELLOSA, and LYDIA SOLIA There never was a bunch of ladies who are as conscientious as they are in their Dance 4 and you can't blame them. It’s the only subject which has something to do with "curves" and "figures" (ehem!) Well, happy trimin!, girls! LUZ JIMENEZ whose beautiful orbs inspire an all-day humming of "Beau­ tiful Brown Eyes". Or maybe "I’d Love To Take You On a Slow Boat To China!" ............ A fugitive from the General Course, WALDO CANOY who is also currently a Commerce fresh. Waldo complains that his eyes get in the way of his hands when he sit down to pound off on an Underwood at his typing class. What with this semes­ ter’s fresh batch of "Dear Secretaries" providing pleasant distraction............ who wants to learn to type!! .............Slick Fe Cabatingan who not only stands for Lucero’s SV Battery but for USC Green and Gold dribblers, as well. .............PIO PASTORFIDE, a rabid be­ liever in "Beauty is a matter of opin­ ion," who is convinced that he has come upon an "angel" straight from Hollywood .... or was it, French Gongo, Pio? (Continued on page 32) Page 4 THE CAROLINIAN