Passing thru


Part of The Carolinian

Passing thru
The Carolinian Volume XV (Issue No. 9) October 1951
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PASSING THRU ■ Did you know that this magazine reaches a reader for, more probably, some readers) in the USA? I used to think that when this mog was distributed it would end up under a pile of dust in some battered cabinet. Or maybe YOU can put it to more practical use such as a bench cushion or a form of sunshade. Me, I usually use it to. . . aw, skip it. What do you read first in a magazine like this? Some people start with the Editorial, follows same with the news, then glides on to the articles, features, and ends up eyeing the pics. Others start the attack with a rapturous gaze at the cover, then turn it over to read the latest ad plastered on the back cover, after that they open the mag at the middle and scan the photos on the pictorial page, then riffle the pages for some chance eye-catching headline, peer at the cuts and drawings, take a peek at the Seccion Castellano, and simply slam if down after that and return their attention to the prof. Me, I look at the Editorial staff lineup and see if my name's still there! Say, what's a caged lizard doing in the men's washroom up there in the third floor? I'm thinking what a riot it'll create if it should go free for a while and decide to take a look-see in the Pharmacy lab next door! Those grey-clod Pharmers will no doubt make a lively panic. Hah, very funny. There are two sorry guys nowadays. By the time this'll come out in print they'll be away in Camp. You see, last year while we labored under a Springfield rifle they were in the poolroom shooting marble balls and giving us the rib for being fall guys" and sad sacks. In other words, they thought ROTC evasion pays. They were right. It does pay — in terms of len-month training period. Now they had to leave school and train. One of 'em is married, too. Poor guy............ I mean, poor wife! Maybe the university should also install a student telephone service. Like a public phone booth where the caller has to pay for a call. Right now the lady in the University drugstore singles you with a withering glare if you ask to use the phone in the office. Yeah, how about it ... ? And this time no dials, please. Just the sweet voice of the Telephone Company's operator cooing, "Number, please? " MONTH OF THE ROSARY (Continued from pope Hi) powerful means of obtaining tem­ poral blessings we have the most striking evidence in the very exis­ tence of the feast of the most holy Rosary. It was to commemorate two great temporal favors obtained through its instrumentality that this feast was instituted. These mem­ orable events are the two great vic­ tories over the Turks one at Le­ panto (1571), th§ other at Temesvar in Hungary (1716) - - both miracu­ lously obtained through the inter­ vention of the Queen of the most holy Rosary 2 But the fruits of the holy Ro­ sary are not confined to this life, they extend also to the life to come. As a penitential work, and an exer­ cise which enjoys the privilege of many indulgences, the Rosary is a most effectual means of cancelling the temporal punishment due to sin. Besides, it secures for ourselves and for the suffering souls in Purgatory the powerful intercession of the Mother of God, which appeases the divine wrath and moves Almighty God to shorten or alleviate the pains of the suffering souls. Such are, in brief, the fruits of the devotion of the Holy Rosary. It is a subject on which much more might be said. But is not the little I have said sufficient to convince you of the excellence of this devotion, to fill you with a high esteem for it, and inspire you with renewed confidence in its effects, and fervor in its practice? The least I can expect of you, then, and what your heavenly Mother ex­ pects of you, is that all of you - also the men, — have your beads and use them; that those who are not yet used to the practice of re­ citing the holy Rosary, start doing so this very moment. Besides, I would earnestly entreat you, Christ­ ian parents, for the benefit of your own souls and those of your child­ ren daily to assemble your children around you for the recitation of the Rosary in common If you can­ not recite all five decades, it will not be too much to ask you to re­ cite one or two every day. Thus you and your household will be un­ der the special protection of the Queen of heaven, the Queen of the most holy Rosary. She will bless you in this life, plead for you before the judgment-seat of God, and receive you into the mansion of everlasting bliss. October, 1951 Page 25