USC in the news


Part of The Carolinian

USC in the news
The Carolinian Volume XV (Issue No. 9) October 1951
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
USC HONORS FIRST FILIPINO MISSIONARY The Society ol the Divine Word (SVD) holds the distinction ol count­ ing among its members the first Fi­ lipino missionary priest to be sent out from his motherland. This mis­ sionary, Rev. Fr. Fernando de Pedro, S.V.D., will leave sometime in No­ vember ol this year lor Indonesia where he will contribute his share in the work for the salvation of souls. On August 15, the University of San Carlos, a university run by SVD Fathers, had two causes for rejoic­ ing. In the first place this day was the celebration of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother of God. In the second place, the university had a distinguished vi­ sitor — Rev. Fr. de Pedro. At 7:00 o'clock, a.m., a "Missa Cantata" was officiated at the uni­ versity chapel by the honored guest. At the choir loft, the newly re-organized university choir joyously sang "Misa de San Pedro." In the afternoon a crowd turned in at the San Carlos Quadrangle to attend a literary-musical program sponsored by the College of Education in honor of Fr. de Pedro. While the num­ bers on the program were being rendered, collection plates were Carolinians join the NAMFREL. Photo taken at the first Cebu NAMFREL Con­ vention held at Times Kitchen on Sept. 17 last. USC was represented by Messrs. E. de la Serna (Lex Circle Prexy), J. Chung, Jr. (Lex Circle Vice-Prexy), & A. Cimafranca (Law Seniors Prexy). At the head of the table is NAMFREL National Coordinator Col. Jaime N. Ferrer. Other Cebu schools were represented: and the Cebu K. of C, Rotarians, Jaycees & YMCA had each at least a representative in the Convention. passed through the audience by lady members of the Faculty. The guest was introduced by Rev. Father Albert van Gansewinkel, SVD, USC Rector, who was one of the instructors of Father de Pe­ dro during the latter's student days in the Vigan Seminary. Father Rector proudly praised his former student for seriousness and diligence in his studies. "Perhaps," Father Rector said, "it was while working on the paper, Outside the Catholic Church there is No Salvation, that Father de Pe­ dro was inspired to work for the salvation of others." The first Filipino missionary to Indonesia thanked the Faculty and students of USC for the honor given him. He said that his visit to this university was "a never-to-be-for­ gotten memory" which would serve "to dispel the dark clouds that hang over a lonely missionary." He ex­ horted the audience to pray for the missions. Fr. de Pedro is a native of Laoag, Ilocos Norte. He pursued the priestly studies in Vigan Seminary. Ordained in 1942, he was assigned organist and in charge of the choir of Vigan. For six years he worked as secular priest in Vigan. Rev. FERNANDO DE PEDRO, S.V.D. First Filipino Missionary to Indonesia. Feeling the call to the missions within him, he applied for member­ ship in the Society of the Divine Word and was admitted into the Christ the King Mission Seminary in 1947. In 1951 he made his perpetual vows as one ol the SVD Fathers. Fr. de Pedro's departure to In­ donesia will be a response to a re­ quest made by that country two or three years ago for two or three missionary priests. He is to be ac­ companied by another SVD priest, Fr. M. Villaruz. His station will be in Timor, one of the islands of In­ donesia four times bigger than Cebu. This island has a population of 1 million of which 70 thousand are Catholics. The guest's parting message to all Carolinians was: "Keep up the good spirit!" DOORS RECENTLY INSTALLED IN CHAPEL Beautifully carved wooden doors recently installed in the USC cha­ pel make it possible lor studertts to pass through the corridor on the third floor of the main building crossing the chapel without giving disturbance to the Blessed Sacra­ ment. These doors can be folded to give more space to the chapel during Sundays and feast days of obligation. Meanwhile, the communion rail which have been expected by those who attend Holy Mass in the USC chapel, has arrived from Manila and are already installed. Page 26 THE CAROLINIAN