USC News


Part of The Carolinian

USC News
A. Sitoy , editor
S. Fabroz, editor
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
USC ENROLLMENT HIKES ANEW Enrollment this semester has gone beyond its usual reach. Consolidated lists show that students enrolled (college dept.) totalled up to 6,395. The total college enrollment of the first semester of last year was 4,141. The increase hikes up to 2,254. The College of Commerce ranks first in its number of students presently enrolled. College of Liberal Arts 6 Sciences second, and College of Education third. USC TOPS IN M. E. BOARD EXAMS Mr. Nicholas Lao Guico sports the rare distinction of copping the first place in Mechanical Engineering Board Examinations given last August, 1954. Mr. Lao Guico has made quite a history for himself and for his Alma Mater because, for the first time, a university outside Manila surpassed in mechanical board examinations. The engineer hails from Nuncia, Surigao. He is a bona fide alumnus of USC. The last mechanical board exams gave 100% for its USC examinees. The following names hurdled the board exams: Messrs. Mercedo Delgado, Francisco Lacida, Nicholas Lao Guico and Samuel Longakit. GRAD SCHOOL DEAN ASSUMES EDITORSHIP OF "ANTHROPOS" Fr. Dr. Rudolf Rahmann, S.V.D., USC Dean of the Graduate School, left the university for Switzerland last July 17, to assume the editorship of the "Anthropos", an International Review of Ethnology and Linguistics published in several languages. It may be recalled that Fr. Rahmann was Editor of that paper for a period of one year, twenty years ago. His assignment to Peking, China, as Rector of Fu Jen University made him leave his position. He was sent to San Carlos as Dean of the Graduate School. But he still maintained his connection with the paper by regularly sending contributions. Last July, he left Cebu for Switland to assume the very position he occupied twenty years ago. He will edit the "Anthropos". "Anthropos" is a Greek word meaning "Man". The periodical was founded fifty years ago, in 1906, by Fr. Wilhelm Schmidt, SVD, a great scholar. Before he bade goodbye, Fr. Rahmann announced that part of the data (materials) collected by him and Mr. Marcelino Maceda about the Negritos of northeastern Mindanao (the Mamanuas) and the Negritos of Negros (the Atas) and Panay (the Atis) will be published in the "Anthropos". Consequently, reorganization in the Graduate School immediately followed Fr. Rahmann's departure. Fr. Cornelis van der Linden, S.V.D., Ph. D„ was appointed acting Dean of the Graduate School with Mr. Marcelino Maceda, M.A. as his research assistant. Plans were made for the intensification of post graduate studies and extension of the number of Graduate Courses. Auf Wledersehn! Rev. R. Rahmann (center) poses with Father Rector (left) and members of the USC faculty at airport in Cebu. The former Graduate school dean left last July 16 for Switzerland. NEW "C" MODERATOR Moderator of the Carolinian this year is Rev. Fr. William Cremers, SVD. He takes the place of Rev. Fr. Bernard Wrocklage, SVD. Fr. Cremers was once a Procurator and Regent of the College of Commerce in San Carlos for three years. At present he is teaching religion subjects. 9TH ANNUAL DECLAMATION CONTEST The USC College of Education is announcing its 9th Annual Declamation Contest which will take place sometime in September. All college departments are invited to participate in the contest but with only one participant for each college or department. Medals will be awarded to prize-winners. LIBRARY BOASTS OF NEW VOLUMES Recently, the USC Library accumulated 28,822 new volumes of books. From such time up to July, it had an increase of 1,431. The following are some of the new exemplary volumes: AUGUST, 1955 Pa g e 31 The Human Wisdom of St. Thomas — Aquinas, St. Thomas; this is an expounded philosophy ol Catholicism where the hidden truth ol the Catholic religion is exposed in the vast fields ol human reason. The Selected Letters of Gustave Flaubert — Flaubert, Gustave; this book flashes a great deal ol light on Flaubert's ideas on art and society, which he expresses directly in his letters. The Church Speaks to the Modern World — - Gilson, Etienni; a text of dogmatism and social teaching of Pope Leo XIII. A Sketch of Medieval Philosophy — Hawkins, D.J.B.; this serves as the beautiful window of the past's brilliant philosophical life. It enables the readers of today to fathom its philosophical importance. Art Treasures of the Louvre — Hughe, Otto; it is in this book where appreciation of beauty is deeply touched. It has reproductions in the lull color of 100 paintings in the Louvre, including the portrayal of European art history. Ethics and Facts — Messner, J.; discusses the fine roots of contradictions of human existence —• the fine fundamental and powerful human impulses: the sex impulse, the impulses toward happiness and liberty, the social impulse, and the cognitive impulse. ELECTION RETURNS It goes without saying that the early days of every school-year arc always remarkably characterized by hectic campaigns on elections ol officers representing the different organizations in San Carlos U. This year, too, we round the same cycle and as a consequence the followina officers were elected to lead their respective organizations. Lex Circle — Victor M. Espina. President; Adelaida Palomar, VicePresident, Naty Ilao, Secretary; Catalina Borromeo, Treasurer; Macario Remolador and Pedro Caracho, Sgt-at-Arms; Cesario Melia, PRO, Lolito Gil Gozum, Auditor. USC Portia Club — Adelaida Palomar, President; Esperanza Abellanosa, Vice President; Catalina Borromeo, Secretary; Anita Maambong, Pro. College of Law: First Year — Fred Zaragoza, President; Julieto Tabiolo, Vice President; Rosie Sanchez 6 Luisa Castaneda, Secretaries; Zenaida Ty and Nora Espanola, Treai :rers, Samuel B. Fabroz 6 Erasmo Diola, Press Relations Officers; Alejandro Luzon 6 Florencio Villarin, Sgt-at-Arms. Second Year — Victor Espina, President; Plaridel Estorco 6 German Palmares, Vice Presidents; Mercedes Gozo, Secretary; Inicio Sy, Victor M. Espina President, Lex Circle Treasurer; Joe P. de la Riarte <S Teresito de la Paz, Press Relations Officers; Al Libre, Pet Caracho 6 Andres Montejo, Sgt-at-Arms; Naty Ilao, Auditor. Third Year — Hernando Geoti na, President; Godolredo Ramilo, Vice President; Catalina Borromeo, Secretary; Anita Maambong, Treasurer; Dick Alcuizar, Sgt-at-Arms. Fourth Year — Francisco Chin, President; Adelaida Palomar, Vice President; Marina Legaspi, Secretary; Mardonia Camacho, Treasurer; Jacinto Mendez, Press Relations Officer; Virginio Oledan 6 Andres Torres, Sgt-at-Arms. Kappa Lamabda Sigma Sorority — Most Exalted Sister, Eva Estorco, Exalted Sister, Lolita Galvez; Keeper of the Records, Evangeline; Most Trusted Exchequer, Gupi Gubuxani; Trusted Exchequer, Tita Mabugat; Keeper of the Keys, Elsa Yap; Press Relations Sister, Victoria Maguerra. Selected Honorary Sister, Mrs. Consuelo C. Reyes; Past Honorary Sisters, Mrs. Gloria Esuse cano and Mrs. Lily Ferreros. Adviser — Mrs. Bernardita Valenzuela. USC Juniors' Sword Fraternity— Commander, Bienvenido Gonzales; 1st Vice-Commander, Felipe Labucay; 2nd Vice-Commander, Ramon Roska; Secretary, Sostenes Codilla, Auditor, Jacinto Gador; PRO, Erasmo Diola; Advisory Body, Vicente Belarmino, Jose Dean, Wilfredo Geonzon, Amorito Canete, Reynaldo Leyson and Manuel Tomboc. USC Jaycee — President, Antonio Ybanez, Vice-President, Rafael Neri; Secretary; Carmen Borromeo; Treasurer, Arlene Go, Press Relations Officer, Winefredo Geonzon; Auditor, Noe Espenilla. Education Seniors — President, Filomena Escasinas; Vice-President, Fe Lozada; Secretary, Amparo Marilao; Treasurers, Fabian Satur and Emma Kintanar; Press Relations Officer, Epifania Magallon. Francisco Chin President, Senior Class College of Law Home Economics Dept. — Flora Noval, President; Carolina Canaya, Vice-President; Consuelo Galindo, Secretary; Aurora Abellana, Treasurer; Antonietta R. Gabuya, PRO; Miss Carmen Camara, Adviser. Pa g e 32 THE CAROLINIAN USC Francisco Marino; Vice-President, Luz Pepino; Secretary, Amparo Bullicer, Treasurers, Susana Caballos and Avelina Lopez; Press Relations Officer, Betty Calejesan, Liaison Officer, Gregoria Buenconsejo; Social Manager, Consorcia Dapiton. Engineering & Architecture — Carlos Alvarez, President; Felipe Labucay, Vice-President; Elsa Pilapil. Secretary; Luella Lacson, Treasurer; Ignacio P. Salgado, Ir. and Cayetano Intong, PRO; Melecio Ajero, Isidro Bito-on, Julian Evangelista, Francisco Miole and Luis Batongmalaque, Sgt-at-Arms. Commerce Seniors — President, Antonio Ybanez, Vice-President, Rafael Neri; Secretary, Arlne Go; Treasurers, Imelda Loquillano and Betty Saw; Press Relation Officers, Noe Espenilla. General Course & Philosophy — President, Ledinila Amigable; VicePresident, Silverio Mohal; Secretary, Helen Tabla, Treasurer, Milagros Evangelista; Press Relations Officer, Renato Rabor; Sgt.-at-Arms, Alfaro and Magno. Mr. Antonio V. Siayngco is the adviser. Pre-Med — President, Sostenes Codilla; Ass. Secretary-Treasurer, Dulce Kintanar; Auditor-General Evelyn Regis; Press Relations Officer, Roberto Espina; 1st Year—President, Oscar Abella; Secretary-Treasurer, Wilhelmina Monterroyo; 2nd Year— Angel Teves, Jr.; Secretary-Treasurer, Vermen Verallo; 3rd Year — Cecilio Delgra; Secretary-Treasurer, Rosario Kiamko. Pre-Law — President, Romulo Bacol; Auditor-General, Ramon Roska; Secretary-Treasurer, Teresita Carreon; Second Year Officers — VicePresident, Froilan Quijano; Secretary, Estrella Silva; Treasurer, Bellie Dolalas; Press Relations Officers, Geronimo Creer, Jr. 6 Vergilio de la Victoria; Sgt-at-Arms, Ildefonso Puray 6 Manuel Gumalo. First Year Officers — Vice-President, Regalado Maambong; Secretary, Betty Antonio; Treasurer, Lilia Kintanar; Press Relations Officers, Juan Lopez and Filemon Fernandez; Sgt-atArms, Vivencio Rallos & Oscar Avalon. Atty. C. Doronio, Mrs. B. Valenzuela, and Miss L. Varela are the advisers. SCA RELEASES MANUAL In response to the insistent appeals by unit leaders in all schools, the Student Catholic Action newly released a manual covering SCA principles and procedures. The manual covers the following topics: The Nature and Definition of SCA; Aim of Student Catholic Action; What Makes a Cell Leader; How to Start a Cell; The Cell in Action; Committee Functions; Organizational Structure; Rights, Duties, and Privileges of Officers and Members; and How tc Conduct Cell Meetings. Guides and suggestions for the preparation of the Five-Point program of the Catholic Action v/ere also included. USC HOLDS CATHECHISTICAL INSTITUTE •Under the initiative of Rev. Fr. Enrique Schoenig, USC Dean of Religion, the University is holding a Catechistical Institute for students from various parishes and schools who like to become future certified teachers in Religion in the high school. Classes are held every Saturday for one and a half hours with Very Rev. Fr. Rector teaching for forty-five minutes and Rev. Fr. Schoenig also for forty-five minutes. A student must at least be a high school graduate to quality him or her for this course. It will take two years lor one to be considered and certified as a graduate. LIB. ARTS SPONSORS LECTURE-SERIES FOR STUDENTS To help students form correct notions of university life, the USC College of Liberal Arts is sponsoring this semester a series of lectures for USC students. The first of these series of lectures was given by Rev. Fr. Cornells van der Linden, SVD, Ph. D., Dean of the Graduate School, last July 8, inside the USC Projection Room. A crowd of teachers and students heard Fr. Linden's "Idea of the University." It began with an interesting history of the university and ended with his enumerations of the requirements that have to be fulfilled by a university. Of special interest was the mention of the one-man universities that once existed in Europe, to which students from all places flocked. Rev. Fr. van der Linden stressed that the aim of a university is knowledge and truth in God. "It is this unifying aim which makes possible a university a living society of professors and students who seek truth and knowledge in an atmosphere of brotherly cooperation," he concluded. At press time. Rev. Fr. Joseph Goertz, SVD, Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean, was gearing for dnother lecture entitled "Why a Catholic University?" to be delivered personally by him. EXCURSION — COMMERCE SENIOR CLASS The Senior Class of the College of Commerce, led by its officers, held an excursion to Buhisan Dam, Sunday, July 10. The occasion was marked by an exhaustive two-kilometer hike before the excursionists reached the destination. Observation tour and hiking pleasure were the objectives. (For photos, see pictoral section. SCA AIRS "CYRANO DE BERGERAC" The famous balcony scene of Edmund Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac was aired by the SCA Theater Guild at 7:00 to 7:30 P.M. which had already begun last July 16 over station DYBU. The weekly production of this particular instalment is extraordinarily good and the SCA invites all who are free to tune in for a half hour of fun. Radio play for Cyrano de Bergerac was written and directed by Jess Vestil, the former Ed of the "C". Among those who participated in the first instalment of the play were Jess Vestil (as Cyrano de Bergerac,) Henry Halasan, Phil Ruiz, Alfredo Buenaventura, Rudy Gamboa, Wilfredo Filomeno, Charito Alo and Agnes Sian. use AUGUST, 1955 Pa g e 38