

Part of The Carolinian

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NEWS ADMINISTRATION FATHER RECTOR GOES ABROAD Very Rev. Father Harold W. Rigney, S.V.D. went on home leave, after four years as Rector of this University, on May 3. He left Manila last May 5 for his home, Chicagoland, where he will visit his sisters and their families and his brother who is a priest. Father Rector is traveling by way of London, England, where he plans to do some paleontological research. This will take him, he presumes, from three to six months, after which he will fly to Chicago. He has also arranged his return trip over the Pacific to the Philippines which will take place in the summer of 1965. use GRADUATION DATA His Excellency, Dr. William E. Stevenson, United States Ambassador to the Philippines, was the guest speaker at the University of San Carlos commencement exercises on Saturday, April 18, 1964. The program opened with the Conferring of the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon the Ambassador by the USC Rector, Very Rev. Harold W. Rigney, S.V.D. Addressing the 882 graduates for the entire school year 1963-1964, the guest of honor exhorted them . . to use our training, our intellects, our abilities, and our character to live and act and work as members of a greater community.” He GLEN RODRIGUEZ RICARDO CHUA also commented that in his travels around the globe, particularly in Asia, he noticed that Asian countl ies show a lack of knowledge about each other’s history, background and culture. Hence the Ambassador urged the graduates that ",.. as the Philippines takes increasing leadership in this area, the time has come for everyone of you here today to learn more of your Asian neighbors.” Of interest to all is the fact that 12 of the 882 graduates, are receiving a master’s degree, 6 of them are faculty members of USC. Of the degree candidates 94 are finishing with honors: 36 magna cum laude, 49 cum laude, 1 with highest honors, 5 with high honors, and 5 with honors. Also that evening 12 graduates who passed among the highest in recent government board examinations were awarded gold medals. On the same occasion, the USC Administration and the Alumni Association awarded a plaque to Atty. Napoleon G. Rama, former editor of The Carolinian, and now noted staff member of the Philippines Free Press, as the Most Outstanding Alumnus of 1963-1964. Certificates of special award were likewise given to the following for outstanding achievements in their respective fields: Atty. Jesus Iriarte—Public Service; Mr. Jesus Martinez—business; Mrs. Amparo Dorotheo—Religion and Social Work; Dr. Jesus M. Tan—Science and Technology. Mr. Ricardo Chua, Chemical Engineering, delivered the speech of petition, while Miss Glen Rodriguez, Liberal Arts (Physics), gave the oration of thanks. THEOLOGY DEPARTMENT STUDENT CATHOLIC ACTION USC CHAPTER I. ORGANIZATIONAL SET-UP Name of School: University of San Carlos Father Moderator: Rev. Fr. Rudolf Rahmann, S.V.D. Chapter Adviser: Miss G. Villoria Unit Advisers: Miss Villanueva, Miss Roble, Mr. Gayo Total number of SC A members: 59 leaders, 76 militants, (no ordinary members) The whole chapter is divided into three units, and the latter into eleven cells. Besides there are standing committees, e.g. Planning Com., Com. on Posters, Catechetical Section, etc. II. SIX-POINT PROGRAM OF SCA ACTIVITIES 1. Religious — Twenty-one SCAns are teaching catechism in the Abellana National High School to 1,000 students, for a 40-minute session every Thursday. During the Students’ Retreat, Aug. 15-18,1963, the SCAns helped in maintaining order and in checking the attendance. Three students’ recollection were sponsored: Oct. 6 with Fr. Glansbeech, M.S.C. as speaker, Feb. 29 with Fr. Yoson, C.SS.R. as speaker, and March 21 with Fr. Rahmann, SVD as speaker. A Mission-Fund-Drive was initiated last October, wherein letters asking for donations for missionaries were sent to prospective donors. During Christmas, the SCAns went caroling for four nights. From the proceeds of these two activities, the amount of three hundred pesos (P300.00) was sent to the six Filipino SVD missionaries in Indonesia. 2. Cultural — In connection with exMayor Ortiz’ (of Cebu City) proTHE CAROLINIAN Page 4 SUMMER ISSUE 1964 USC-SCA OFFICERS (1963-1964) From left to right: Mr. Ilamon Torralba—PRO; Mr. Daniel Hernandez—Editor of SCA SCROLL; Jose Teaiio—First Vice-President; Miss Victoria Lim—Treasurer; Miss Giiillerma Villoria—Adviser; Rev. Fr. Rudolf Rahmann—Moderator; Mr. Dionisio Sy—President; Miss Necitas Ybanez—Second Vice President; Miss Erlinda Rizarri—Secretary; Miss Gloria Alcordo—Assistant Secretary. posed resolution for the creation of a local movie board of censors, the USC-SCA sent a letter to the municipal board endorsing the move. A movie was shown last September in the Audio-Visual Room to have some fund for SCA. In connection with the seminary week, another movie was shown last Feb. 7 (“Bells of St. Mary”) in the Audio-Visual Room. From its proceeds, the amount of one hundred pesos (P100.00) was given to the SVD Minor Seminary. 3. Social — None. 4. Educational — The USC-SCA sponsored the first Inter-Collegiate Oratorical Contest last Dec. 15, 1963. The Theme was: “Communism and the Social Doctrines of the Church.” The “SCA SCROLL” was published monthly as the organ of USC-SCA. 5. Recreational — Two social gatherings were held, one after the induction of officers and reception of new members and leaders and another at the last general meeting, April 4, 1964. An excursion was held last February in Danao City. 6. Political — Some SCAns are members of the Supreme Student Council and active in other organizations. 7. Organizational — For three Sundays (July 28, Aug. 4 and 11) Leadership Training Course was given to the prospective leaders and Membership Training Course to prospective members. A Candlelight Ceremony for both courses was held last Aug. 25. Cell meetings were held weekly, though some cells were lax in this Father Weber participating in one of the workshops of the SCA chaplains conference. matter during the second semester. Central Council Officers met in eight special sessions. The USC-SCA Committee on Membership held the Archdiocesan Leadership Training: High School level for three Saturday mornings attended by six high schools; Collegiate level for three Sunday afternoons attended by 9 colleges. At this time the USC-SCA took care of the necessary communications, printing of application forms, training course materials, and the “Introducing SCA.” The Committee for the Establishment of SCA in schools which never had SCA Chapters started its work, but was formed by the Cebu SCA President, which was also giving training courses. USC-SCAns headed by their adviser welcomed Mr. Jose Concepcion Jr. at the Lahug Airport. Last Sept. 15, Mr. Concepcion Jr. gave a conference, stressing the need for student leadership. It was attended by 60 representatives from 9 chapters. (Sgd.) DIONISIO A. SY President THE CAROLINIAN Page 5 SUMMER ISSUE 1964 SCA DIRECTORS' CONFERENCE Rev. Fr. Matthias M. Weber, S.V.D., USC University Chaplain and Head of Theology Department, represented the University of San Carlos in the “First National Conference of SCA Arch/Diocesan Directors and Chaplains.” It was held last April 13-17, 1964, at the Casa del Clero Manilano, Guadalupe, Makati, Rizal. Delegates from 28 different archdioceses, dioceses and prelatures “nullius” attended the conference. Most Rev. Carlo Martini, D.D., Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, opened the conference, while His Eminence Rufino J. Cardinal Santos gave an address. The theme of the conference was: “The Chaplain, the Soul of SCA.” Other topics touched on the role of chaplain in the educational, cultural, political, social and recreational formation of student. GRADUATE SCHOOL DIRECTOR OF THE ANTHROPOS INSTITUTE VISITS SAN CARLOS UNIVERSITY Fr. Wilhelm Saake, S.V.D., Director of the Anthropos Institute, paid recently a visit to the university. He came last Saturday morning (May 2) by plane from Manila. He is on his way to New Guinea. In the course of his travel, he is also visiting the various members of the world-reknown institute who are scattered all over the world. We are proud, indeed, to mention that Fr. Rudolf RahREV. WILHELM SAAKE, S.V.D. BASC6N, GAVINA DOROTHEO, PAZ LEUTERIO, QUITERIO TROSDAL, ROSARIO MANTE, ROSETTA PATALINGHUG, FE MRS. ROSETTA FERNANDEZ MANTE mann, S.V.D., Dean of the Graduate School and Prof. Fr. Eugene Verstraelen, S.V.D., are members of this anthropological institute. Before coming to Cebu, Fr. Saake, in the company of Fr. Rahmann and Dr. Maceda, went to the island of Mindoro to pay a visit to the missions there, to look at some Mangyans and to see Fr. Thiel’s Mangyan Trade School and his archaeological collection too. This collection is now being catalogued by two members of the staff of the Department of Anthropology — Mrs. R. Tenazas and Mrs. L. Ramas. At the university Fr. Saake, himself a field worker who has conducted much research work in South America, was The following are the graduates: shown the growing archaeological and ethnographical collections of our school. He was impressed by the work being done in these lines. Plans are also afoot for the concentration of field work among the Mangyans of Mindoro. Not only will, perhaps, scientific work be intensified but also the establishment of pilot communities may be undertaken. MRS. FAZ R. DOROTHEO NEW MASTERS OF ARTS The Graduate School is happy to announce that for the school year 19631964 it had twelve graduates. Also, it is gratifying to note that among them six are members of the USC faculty. SUMMER 1963 “A Systematic Study of the Penning Gauge” M.S. Physics cum laude “A Bilingual Structural Analysis to Justify Theoretically the Cebuano Induced Verb Errors in English” M.A. English (Second Language Teaching) magna cum laude “The Socio-Economic Status of Retired Public School Teachers and Officials in Mindanao and Sulu” M.A. in Education cum laude “A Formal-Functional Description of Cebuano-Bisaya” M.A. Anthropology magna cum laude FIRST SEMESTER, 1963-1964 “An Evaluation of Student’s Errors in Sentence Structures Based on Bilingual Syntactic Analysis” M.A. English (Second Language Teaching) “The Socio-Economic Conditions in Balingasag, Jasa-an and Lagonglong, Misamis Oriental in Relation to the Educational Situation” M.A. Education cum laude THE CAROLINIAN Page 6 SUMMER ISSUE 1964 KOPPIN, BR1GIDA SECOND SEMESTER. 1963-1964 “A Study on the Reliability of a Self-Constructed Radiation Equipment" M.S. Physics cum laude LANGUIDO, CONCEPCION “The Principle of Duality: Its Role in Modern Mathematics" M.S. Mathematics magna cum laude LLANEZA, CARIDAD ROFLO, TARCELA “The Gothicism of Sir Walter Scott” M.A. English cum laude “Bamboo in the Economy and Folk Life of the Municipality of Tabogon, Cebu" M.A. Anthropology cum laude SISTER MARY OF ST. BRENDAN “Personality Development Among the Pupils of the Good Shepherd Sisters Through the Teachings of Sister Mary Euphrasia" M.A. Education (Guidance Major) cum laude TERRENAL, REGINA “A Socio-Economic and Educational Study of the Tinguians of Central Abra” M.A. Education cum laude posed of Messrs. Roberto T. Carvajal (Captain) and Elmer Festin and Miss Lily Uy, for romping away with all the prizes in the debate last Saturday on the proposition, "Resolved, that English Continue as Medium of Instruction in Our Schools”: as the winning team, the Negative Team was awarded the Grand Prize; as the Best Debater, Mr. Roberto T. Carvajal (Negative Captain) was awarded the Gold Medal; and as the Second Best Debater, Miss Lily Uy was awarded the Silver Medal. Adopting the Pure-Refutation Case, the winners spectacularly succeeded in preventing the Affirmative Team, composed of Mr. Douglas Banzdn (Captain) and Misses Erlinda Fern&ndez and Concepcion Ngo, from establishing a prima facie case. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS PHILOSOPHERS HONOR SAINT THOMAS In line with its annual observance of the death anniversary of Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Department of Philosophy honored the Angelic Doctor with a literary-musical program last Saturday afternoon, March 7, at the Audio-Visual Room. Father Hubert Lorbach, the main speaker, delighted his audience with his masterly dissertation on “Understanding Between Science and Philosophy.” A crowd of wisdom-lovers (philosophers to you) whose entertainment tastes go beyond the mashed potato, the twist, and the Tahitian, turned out for the affair, which was built around the theme— Science and Philosophy. FIRST LITERARY INTERPRETATION CONTEST Carolinians got their first taste of an oral interpretation program when the ABPh.B Students Organization of the College of Liberal Arts, with the assistance of the English Department sponsored an inter-departmental oral interpretation contest last March 14, Saturday, at the Audio-Visual Room. Each college in the University was represented by one contestant. Cecile Motus of the Teachers College romped away the first prize (a gold medal) with her excellent interpretation of Alfred Noyes “The Highwayman.” The College of Engineering, in the person of Ramon Farrarons, garnered the second prize (a silver medal). His winning piece was Alfred Tennyson’s "Ulysses.” The third prize (a bronze medal) went to Felicidad Lucas of the College of Liberal Arts who capably rendered the "No Thank You” speech of Cyrano de Bergerac in Edmund Rostand’s play. The gold medal was donated by Councilor John Henry Osmena; the silver medal by the USC Supreme Student Council; and the bronze medal by one of the organization’s advisers, Mrs. Ledinila Amigable Quimpo. The board of judges was composed of Atty. Antonio Cuenco of RBS, chairman; Mr. Carlos de la Rosa of ABS and Mrs. Virginia Vamenta of CBC, members. Frank Legaspi, the organization’s energetic president, and the advisers wish to thank one and all who helped to make the program a success. KUDOS TO THE NEGATIVES The Liberal Students Confederation congratulates the Negative Team, comThe finalists of the Second Underwood Student Typing Contest held in Davao City on March 22, 1964. The students came from different parts of the Visayas and Mindanao. The Cebu representatives, both USC students, copped the first and third places. They were Miss Gordina Tan (first place) and Miss Cyril Villoria (third place) who are shown in the above picture third and fourth from the left respectively. Special congratulations are also in order for Ass’t. Professor Marcelo Bacalso, under whom the victors are presently taking the Speh 71 Course (Argumentation and Debate). The Liberal Students Confederation, the Sponsors of the debate, would like to thank the USC Debating Club, the Donors of the prizes, the Moderator, the members of the Board of Judges, and all those who in one way or another made the affair a memorable and successful one. ANOTHER DEBATE An inter-class debate on the proposition, “Resolved: That Red China should be admitted to the United Nations”, reeled off last April 11, 1964 at 3:00 p.m. at the Audio-Visual Centre. The THE CAROLINIAN Pa ge 7 SUMMER ISSUE 1964 winning team, the Negative, composed of Miss Rosalind Roflo, (Captain), Messrs. Alex Alivio and Dale Noval, was awarded the Grand Prize, donated by Asst. Prof. Samson Lucero, for having prevented the Affirmative team, composed of Miss Josephine Alegarbes, Messr. Benlot and Eduardo Yap, from establishing a prima facie case. However, because of the force and the eloquence of her speech, a competent affirmative speaker, Josephine Alegarbes romped away with the Gold medal, donated by Dr. Paterno Espina, for being the Best Debater. And because of his convincing arguments, Dale Noval won for himself the silver medal donated by Prof. Maria Gutierrez. Atty. German Lee, Mr. Alfredo Bantug and Mr. S. Lucero composed the Board of Judges. The Argumentation and Debate Class adviser, Mr. Marcelo Bacalso, was the master of ceremonies. The debate was sponsored by the USC-SSC and the Knights of Columbus Council 4638. SECRETARIAL DEPARTMENT USC WINS UNDERWOOD STUDENT TYPEWRITING CONTEST The University of San Carlos emerged the victor when its contestants copped the first and third places in the second annual Underwood Student Typewriting Contest which was held in Davao City last March 22, 1964. Miss Gordina Tan and Miss Cyril Villoria, students of the University of San Carlos, represented the Province of Cebu in the grand finals. They competed with other “best typists” from Dumaguete, Cagayan de Oro, Cotabato, Zamboanga, and Davao. It may be recalled that last March 10 when the Cebu finals of the Underwood Student Typewriting Contest was held, Miss Gordina Tan and Miss Cyril Villoria won the first and second places respectively. In the grand finals held in Davao, Miss Gordina Tan, who won first place, received the following prizes: a one-year scholarship, one Underwood typewriter, one gold medal and a plaque. Miss Cyril Villoria, who placed third, was given a bronze medal, a plaque, and gift items. The second place was won by Miss Raquel de Vera of Mindanao Colleges, Davao City. All other finalists received consolation prizes. This annual contest is sponsored by the Aboitiz Marketing Corporation with the cooperation of the Davao Association of Secretaries and the Cebu Association of Secretaries. LECTURES "MISSIONARY OF HAPPINESS" VISITS USC An unexpected but thoroughly welcome windfall blew our way last Tuesday afternoon in the person of an amiable bearded gentleman who has been nicknamed "missionary of happiness” — Father Narciso Irala, S.J. The globe-trotting Jesuit gave a spirited lecture on “How to Achieve Health and Happiness by Controlling Your Emotions." With the help of a vivid, colorful diagram and down-to-earth illustrations from his rich reservoir of personal experience, Father Irala explained the mechanism of REV. EUGENE VERSTRAELEN. S.V.D. fear, anger and sorrow — the manner in which they can interfere with happiness, and effective methods of controlling or even preventing them. He pointed out the high incidence of psychosomatic ailments the physical etiology of which continue to baffle expert diagnosticians today despite the presence of distressing physical symptoms. Such neurotic conditions according to this experienced observer of human nature, is largely due, not to the repression of the much-advertised sexual urges as Freud has pictured them, but more probably to the restraining of higher impulse in man which would propel him to seek supernatural fulfillment. This theory is currently the basis of a revolutionary technique known as "logotherapy” which was originated by Victor Frank. This proceeds by helping the patient realize the needs of his soul and its search for God. Father Irala believes that this technique is twice as effective as psychoanalysis. To demostrate further the physiological harm that can result from aberrant emotions and inner conflicts. Father Irala related his visit to the Montreal laboratory of Hans Selye who has won worldwide renown in psychological circles for his work on the detrimental effects of stress on the individual undergoes physiological mobilization, neurological and glandular, which when unduly continued without constructive release produce a state of tension, externally manifested by a variety of psychosomatic symptoms such as headaches and chronic fatigue. Father Irala has written several enlightening books on this topic, some of which may be ordered through the Liberal Arts Office. PEOPLE FATHER VERSTRAELEN ON HOME LEAVE Father Eugene Verstraelen, SVD, left the University of San Carlos last April 29 for Manila where he took the plane for his home land, The Netherlands, on May 7. He will be on home leave for three or four months. Father Verstraelen has been connected with the University of San Carlos for several years. He is a linguist. Father Verstraelen studied Indology and took postgraduate courses in Hinduism, Buddhism, Indonesian History and Indonesian languages at Leiden, Holland, in preparation for going to Bali. After obtaining his M.A. on the above study, he was well set on leaving for Indonesia, but the political situation there prevented him from undertaking the trip. To make up for the change he studied linguistics, and finally completed his doctorate in Utrecht. He went to India, where he spent half a year in visiting important archaeological and religious Hinduistic and Buddhistic places. He came to the Philippines in 1956 and stayed at the Espiritu Santo Parish in Manila for one year, after which he was sent to San Carlos. He hds been devoting his time here to teaching old Javanese, Sanskrit, general linguistics and historical languages of the Philippines. He has also made extensive archaeological trip to provinces in northern Luzon and in Mindanao. Father Verstraelen was recently appointed member of the Anthropos Institute, a scientific organization in West Germany. (Continued on page 18) SUMMER ISSUE 1964 THE CAROLINIAN Page 8 COT. FILOMENO R. GARCIA. Jr. NADELA AND GARCIA OFF TO AUSTRALIA Two Carolinian R.O.T.C. cadets of the Philippine Army were selected from a group of 12 finalists in a competitive examination held throughout the Philippines. They are to study at the Royal Australian Army Officers’ School at Portsea, Victoria, Australia. This scholarship is sponsored by the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization under the 1964 Colombo Plan. The lucky Carolinian cadets are Cdt. Casimiro Nadela and Cdt. Filomeno Garcia Jr. Casimiro Nadela, finished his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering last April 1964, while Filomeno Garcia Jr. finished his Bachelor of Science in Commerce last October 1963. Both were cadet officers at the USC ROTC CDT. CASIMIRO NADELA NEWS (Cont’d from p. 8) Corps. They are slated to leave in July in time for the opening of classes at the Royal Australian Army Officers’ School. NEW FACULTY MEMBER The University of San Carlos is proud to present a new name in its roster of brilliant young priests. Father John M. Berry, S.V.D., is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He studied for the priesthood in Techny, Illinois, and was ordained there in June, 1957. Sent to Rome after his ordination, Father Berry took postgraduate courses in Philosophy at the Gregorian University, finishing the same in 1961. In the same year he was sent to the Philippines. At present he is working on his doctoral thesis. His first assignment after Rome was as professor at the Archdiocesan Seminary in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, teaching Philosophy, Physics, English, and Homiletics. At the same time he was the Assistant Prefect of Seminarians. Father Berry is not entirely a stranger in San Carlos. He was here last summer preaching retreats. He is presently handling Philosophy of Education and a course on an Evaluation of John Dewey’s Philosophy of Education, both on postgraduate level. Asked on his impressions of Cebu, Father Berry says he is very much impressed, especially with San Carlos. He is amazed at the calibre and efficiency of the University Staff, and is captivated by the Cebuano friendliness and cordiality. He express pride at being a part of “this outstanding center of learning in the Visayas and Mindanao.’’ He concurs wholeheartedly with the opinions expressed by Dr. Paulino Garcia concerning San Carlos. "And,” he added, “the high quality of the USC science department is lavishly praised in many knowledgeable circles outside the SVD fold.” FATHER BUCHCIK RETURNS Father Anthony Buchcik, Dean of Teachers College, returned to San Carlos, after a year and a half of leave of absence, last May 1st. Father had left Cebu on November 20, 1962 for Los Angeles where he stayed for some time and there went on to Chicago. He spent quite a while in and around that City. "It’s not only to relax that I’ll be able to do,” he said when he departed from Cebu. “I’ll also have a chance to audit course in teacher training, to deepen and to widen my knowledge of teachers’ institution procedures.” That’s exactly what he did while in Chicago. It may be well to recall that REV. JOHN M. BERRY, S.V.D. Father Buchcik finished his master’s degree in DePaul University, and his doctorate at the University of Chicago. Father Buchcik spent eleven months in the United States of America and during this time he visited several of the most outstanding universities, observing classes, examining equipments in the Colleges of Education. Father Buchcik was able to visit his home country — Poland — without any difficulty. He stayed four months in his country, moving about freely without ever being bothered. His greatest joy was that he was able to celebrate his silver sacerdotal jubilee with his aged parents, last year. After Poland, he also visited briefly Germany and Austria. In Italy he visited, aside from Rome, Subiacco, the old Benedectine monastery, Assisi and Nettuno, the place of Maria Goretti. Welcome home, Father! REV. ANTHONY BUCHCIK, S.V.D. THE CAROLINIAN Page 18 SUMMER ISSUE 1964