Father Rector confers honorary degree on Ambassador Stevenson


Part of The Carolinian

Father Rector confers honorary degree on Ambassador Stevenson
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Father Rector Confers Honorary Degree on Ambassador Stevenson Mr. Ambassador William E. Stevenson: The University of San Carlos is about to bestow on you the highest honor which it is capable of bestowing on anyone—the Doctor’s degree, honoris causa. We do this to show our high esteem of your record over the years as a scholar and educator of renown, a diplomat and statesman of international repute. We think that the United States Government has conferred a great honor on the people of the Philippines by having appointed you as Ambassador to this country. In honoring you, Mr. Stevenson, we honor the nations you serve, the Filipino and the American. We also wish to point out the closeness of these two nations. The people of the Philippines stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of the United States, uncompromising and steadfast, in their struggle to maintain the free countries of the West. In pursuing these aims, the people of the Philippines have shed their blood not only on the plains of Luzon, in the military operations against the Huks, but also in Korea. They have nobly refused to play the Communist world against the United States as other countries have done. The Philippines has done this at sacrifices to her commerce and economic development. The American Government, motivated by her accustomed and "In honoring you, Mr. Stevenson, we honor the nations you serve, the Filipino and the American." traditional idealism in her foreign policies, magnanimously has forgiven her enemies and generously rendered them a helping hand on their road to recovery. Moved by a sincere love of humanity and a dedication to work for peace, real peace, the peace of Christ, she has cooperated with her allies and made and is making sacrifices, more than her share of them, to hold back the tide of world Communism. These efforts have saved Europe and for that matter the world from this evil system. In helping to maintain the freedom of the West, she has been most patient with her allies, prudent in facing crises and persevering in spite of misrepresentations, misinterpretations, effronteries, lack of cooperation and desertions. She is willing to suffer all these if by her help and leadership the flood of Communism be withheld and gradually dried up and the rest of the nations of the world, many of whom are Christian, be saved to carry on in their traditional cultures. FATHER RECTOR RIGNEY Therefore, we honor you, Mr. Ambassador, we honor the Filipino nation and the American nation. You, Mr. Ambassador, honor us by accepting this degree of Doctor of Laws (Doctor in Jure) honoris causa, and in doing so become a member of the family of the University of San Carlos. Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in the University by law and with the approval of the Secretary of Education upon the recommendation of the Director of Private Schools and of the Dean of the Graduate School, I as Rector and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of San Carlos, do hereby confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, with all the honors and privileges as well as the obligations and responsibilities thereunto appertaining. HAROLD W. RIGNEY, S.V.D. Rector University of San Carlos ,Cebu City, Philippines April 18, 1964. THE CAROLINIAN Page 9 SUMMER ISSUE 1964