New U.S.C. appointments


Part of The Carolinian

New U.S.C. appointments
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A CHRYSANTHEMUM DESIGN, also traceable to the Early Ming blue and white; identical to specimens recovered at Calatagan. wares found in the Puerto Galera area are contemporaneous with wares excavated in Calatagan. Incidentally, Dr. Fox estimated the length of use of the Calatagan sites as burial grounds of the early Filipinos as only about one-hundred and fifty years. Calatagan is, so far, the only archaeological site in Luzon where great quantities of Siamese wares have been recovered. This A DEITY (?) carved out of coral, identical with specimens found in Calatagan. fact is in contrast to Professor H. Otley Beyer’s early findings. According to him, “Chinese trade-relations with Luzon were much less disturbed (by competition with traders bringing wares from Siam and other Southeast Asian areas), and the quantity of Siamese and Indo-Chinese ceramic wares probably never exceeded 5 to 10% in the Luzon trade.” The discrepancy in the percentage of Siamese potteries recovered in Calatagan, plus the fact that the area had been occupied for a relatively short time, and Beyer’s hypothesis has posed a challenging problem. To solve this problem Dr. Fox postulates the likelihood of an intrusion of a group from the south, or central Philippines, where, according to Beyer, the Siamese potteries were common. Many comparative studies with other areas have yet to be made, but there is a strong indication that this “intrusion”, to use Dr. Fox’s expression, may have been made by groups of people coming from Mindoro, in particular, from the Puerto Galera area. The presence of large quantities of similar trade wares as well as of native earthenware found in the two areas would seem to support this preliminary hypothesis. FLASH! NEW U.S.C. APPOINTMENTS The Divine Word Missionaries have received from their Superior General in Rome the list of new superiors who will govern the Society in the Philippines in the next three years. The new U.S.C. appointments are as follows: Very Rev. John Vogelgesang, S.V.D. — Rector of the University of San Carlos Fathers’ Community, Cebu City. Very Rev. Rudolph Rahmann, S.V.D. — President of the University of San Carlos. Rev. Isidoro Kemerer, S.V.D. — Director of the USC Boys’ High School and the SVD Seminarians at the USC-BHS. Rev. Jeronimo Galvan, S.V.D. — Secretary of Finance (Procurator) of the University of San Carlos. Furthermore, the following have been appointed as councilors: Rev. Gregorio I. Pizarro, S.V.D. — Vice-Rector; Rev. Michael Richartz, S.V.D., Rev. Harold W. Rigney, S.V.D., and Rev. Raymond Kolk, S.V.D., (admonitor). Very Rev. George Heinemann, S.V.D., is the new provincial superior, succeeding Fr. Alphonse Lesage, S.V.D. Fr. Constante C. Floresca, S.V.D., assistant provincial, Fr. Alphonse M. Mildner, S.V.D., admonitor; Fr. Vicente Braganza, S.V.D., and Fr. Ernest Keilen, S.V.D., councilors.# THE CAROLINIAN Page 31 SUMMER ISSUE 1964