Beatitudes of a leader


Part of The Cabletow

Beatitudes of a leader
extracted text
MASONIC READERS The best informed Mason is the reader Mason. To our regret not enough Masonic Brothers occupy themselves by reading thorough* )y the Masonic periodicals edited in the United States and abroad. If we would have Masonry keep on a parallel with the progress of the ages, we must continue the process of its development. If we really want Masonry to be of human culture and practical usefulness, we must not neglect our reading. We must read our Constitutions or laws, our histories, proceed­ ings, biographies and symbolism. With a thorough reading of our Masonic books and periodicals, we will be able to keep up with the progress of the age, and with humanity in its progress; but, by neg­ lecting it, the Craft will fall a victim to its own lethargical sleep. The Masonic periodicals advocate progression in knowledge, in benevolence, in moral improvement and in intellectual culture, in order to make us better and wiser Masons. Therefore, it is advisable to read more, and much more. Masonry has a vitality in literature and, by neglecting our reading, we lose that vitality. Masonic litera­ ture reveals new beauties as it is developed and understood. We Masons must exert ourselves in order to build our Fraternity on a solid foundation, a light to guide our wayward footsteps to usefulness and honor. This can be done only by reading, studying and deepening ourselves in the many instructive, philosophical Masonic writings appearing very frequently in our many Masonic magazines and books. — The Key BEATITUDES OF A LEADER Blessed is the leader who has not sought the high places, but who has been drafted into service because of his ability and willing­ ness to serve. Blessed is the leader who knows where he is going, why he is going, and how to get there. Blessed is the leader who knows how to lead without being dic­ tatorial; true leaders are humble. Blessed is the leader who seeks for the good of the most con­ cerned, and not for the personal gratification of his own ideas. Blessed is the leader who considers leadership an opportunity fer service.—High Twelvian. 29G THE CABLETOW
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