The Grand master's message


Part of The Cabletow

The Grand master's message
extracted text
THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY We take pride in George Washington because ho was a Mason. In all respects, the “Father of His Country” towered high above all his contemporaries. He was “first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” During the dark days of the American Re­ volution, he never allowed dissention to run the lines of his army but continued inspiring his associates in the fight until final inde­ pendence was attained. In his administra­ tion, as its first Chief of Stale of the then infant republic, he took hie office as a sacred trust unlike dictators and pseudo-nationalists who administer governmental affairs as if it were their own to covet and leave the people to suffer as a natural result of their abuse for self-aggTandizement. Many monuments were erecled to honor Washington; states, cities and high institutions of learning and others were named after him. Many other things were made to keep the memory of that Great Man alive in the hearts of his fellows and admirers. Among Masons, the imposing edifice at Alexandria, Virginia — the George Washington National Memorial — stands as a living memento to the memory of George Washington. Washington was not only a great patriot, but he was an exponent of democracy and democratic institutions. When he was offered by his friends to be nominated for a third term, he stoutly refused be­ cause he wanted a real republican form of government. Before we obtained our independence, Washington Day was ob­ served every year — February 22. Now, we do not even remember the day. It is but fitting and proper to continue commemorating the day because by his examples and deeds he has shown to Filipino Masons the meaning of liberty for which our own forebears have si(Continued on page 277) disinterested cr too sanctified Io engage in the political life of this country . Lei then take stock with the changing world. Kemember the furor caused by a court conviction of an Italian bishop on slander charge? Our apathy in government affairs will hasten uur losing what our fore­ bears hare bequeathed to us and which we must transmit to generations following us. — Jose E. Bacela. THE GRAND MASTER'S . . (Continued from fronl-inside cover) milarly fought and died. To keep alive the spirit of Washington here, we are also honoring our Masonic heroes w ho have penshed tn the darkness of the night that wc may enjoy democratic principles for which they labored so much at the cost of their own lives. Such ce­ lebrations keep forever aglow the determination to safeguard cur de­ mocratic way of life and fight to the bitter end ar.y attempt to curtail It. February, 1958 277
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