Truth crushed to earth


Part of The Cabletow

Truth crushed to earth
extracted text
“TRUTH CRUSHED TO EARTH . . A Hitler of Germany, a Mussolini of Italy, comes into power. That power is predicted on the ignorance of the masses. The dictator has only to use brute force and crafty words to club the people into submission. Of course Freemasonry must be forced underground. The people must not be allowed to think. They must follow blindly. Masonry, as all Masons know, is never extinguished. The Light is not seen, but even if only one Mason escapes lhe sword of the dic­ tator, Masonry continues to live. Too late the dictator learns that you cannot kill the spirit of Freedom, which is inseparable from the spirit of Freemasonry; too late he learns that you cannot destroy man’s belief in the existence of a Supreme Being, a truth that is also inseparable from Freemason­ ry; and that you cannot erase from the heart of man that faith in the ultimate victory of Good. Today we have the counterparts of Hitler and Mussolini. In Spain Franco imprisons Masons for the one reason—they are Masons. Foolishly he attempts to remove the Light from the vision of men. Religious discrimination and persecution go hand in hand with any form of dictatorship be it Communism. Fascism or Hitlerism. -Truth Crushed to Earth Wil) Rise Again; the eternal years of God are hers; but error wounded writhes in pain, and dies amid her worshippers.”—Masonic Messenger. THE HIGHER DEGREES All the so-called higher degrees in Freemasonry are worthy and amplify the first three degrees from which they all spring, but in the true cense the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason is the highest of all degrees. It is indeed the Master’s degree, and, whoever takes this degree in the genius and spirit of the ancient Craft will never be in the least disappointed. He goes forth a new man, as one risen from the dead. He may not accomplish all in a short space of time; but, if the leaven has been placed in a good and honest heart, he will grow in grace and knowledge and become a pillar in the Temple of Light.—The New Age—Oregon Fremason. THE CABLETOW
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