Income Tax Statistics, 1953 (Tables)


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Income Tax Statistics, 1953 (Tables)
Income tax statistics -- 1953.
Corporate taxes.
Income tax.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Legal Obligations of Commercial and Industrial Establishments to Provide Medical and De/ital Care Tabulated By Dwjght Dill, M.D. Health Service Corporation Legal Requirements 30 30-100 1. Care for job-incurred accidents and disease: (Reference: Republic Act No. 772) (a) Medical services and supplies x x (b) Surgical services and supplies x x (c) Dental services and supplies x x (d) Hospitalization and treatment x x (e) Completion of Workmen’s Com­ pensation Forms x x 2. Emergency medical and dental care (Ref­ erence: Republic Act No. 1054) x x (a) Stock of emer­ gency medicines x x (b) Stock of emergency dental medicines x x (c) Nurse — x (d) Medical consultant — x (e) Dental consultant — x (f) Dispensary — — (g) Retained physician — — (h) Retained dentist — — (i) Permanent physician — — (j) Permanent dentist — — (k) Infirmary or emer­ gency hospital — — (l) Dental, clinic — — 3. Yearly medical (phy­ sical) examination of all employees and la­ borers — X Number of Employees Less than 300 5. Detailed monthly re­ ports of medical and dental services.......... 6. Detailed annual re­ ports of medical and dental services THIRD CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC | OF THE PHILIPPINES > S. No. 89 First Session 1 (REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1054) AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE PROVISIONS OF ACT NUMBERED THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY-ONE, AS AMENDED, RELATIVE TO FREE EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT, AND REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED TWO HUNDRED THIRTYNINE, RELATIVE TO FREE EMERGENCY DENTAL TREATMENT, FOR EMPLOYEES AND LABORERS OF COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTION I. EXTRACT (a) If the number of employees and laborers, is not less than thirty nor more than two hundred, the owner, lessee, or operator shall keep a stock of emergency medicines under the charge of a nurse for the use of his employees and laborers, and shall furnish free emergency medical and dental attendance to them, except when, within a radius of one kilometer from the commercial, industrial, or agricul­ tural establishment there is a public dispensary furnishing medicine free of charge to poor applicants or a pharmacy where the employer can buy the same for the purposes of this Act, the keeping in stock of emergency medicines shall not be neces­ sary to do so, in the discretion of the Secretary of Labor or his authorized representatives:|Provided, however, that this exemption shall not apply in cases where the number of employees and laborers exceeds one hundred but is not greater than two hundred. 4. Yearly dental exami­ nations of all employ­ ees and laborers (b) When the number of employees and laborers exceeds two hundred but is not greater than three hundred, the owner, lessee, or operator in addition to keeping a stock of emergency medicines under the charge of a nurse shall employ the services of a permanent or retained physician and a permanent or retained dentist for the benefit of employees and laborers, provide a room of strong materials, properly ventilated, and adequate enough to meet cases of emergency. (c) When the number of employees exceeds three hundred, the owner, lessee, or operator in addition to keeping a stock of medicines and employing in full the services of a physician and a dentist for the purposes specificdin the preceding two subsections, shall maintain a dental clinic and an infirmary or emergency hospital of sufficient capacity of one bed for each hundred employees, except where this shall be unnecessary because of the existence of a dental clinic and of a hospital in the place, at a distance not greater than two kilometers from the commercial, industrial, or agricultural establishment. In such cases, the owner, lessee, or operator may enter into an agreement with said dental clinic and hospital to reserve the necessary number of beds for the purposes specified in this subsection: Provided, that the number of beds may be increased to three for each two hundred laborers and em­ ployees according to the nature of the establishment, at the discretion of the Secre­ tary of Labor. SECTION 8. This Act shall take effect three months after its approval. Approved: June 12, 1954. X X X X X X X X Income Tax Statistics, 1953 1953 CORPORATION INCOME TAX ASSESSMENTS BY KIND OF BUSINESS Bureau of Internal Revenue Kind of Number of Total Tax Business Returns Due Gas-oil distributing companies............... 3 P 7,515,970.00 Insurance companies......................... 74 1,397,727.00 Manufacturing companies....................... 214 12,416,225.67 General merchandise companies............ 513 8,302,588.00 Real estate companies................................ 69 1,584,295.00 Banking-Findnce institutions... 53 6,687,562.00 Mining companies....................................... 38 5,232,589.00 Amusement companies.............................. 65 397,183.36 Public utility companies.......................... 62 282,854.00 Land, sea, air transportation com­ panies ........................................................ 109 1,696,645.00 Educational institutions.................... 107 272,334.75 Agencies........................................................ 21 62,673.00 Agricultural companies.... 106 1,639,190.00 Apartments, hotels.... 10 21,841.00 Bakeries, groceries..................................... 18 7,984.00 Brokerage companies............. 22 129,683.00 Construction companies. 29 186,867.00 Drug stores............................................ 14 120,324.00 Accounting and law firms........................ 2 323.00 Hospitals-maternity clinics...................... 11 49,164.00 Lumber mills............................................... Sugar and rice mills................................... Publication companies.............................. Rentals.......................................................... Others............................................................ Unspecified.................................................... Total...................................................... 82 1,976,980.00 46 3,945,955.00 38 1,077,440.00 93 2,285,148.00 353 10,832,919.00 48 4,814,969.00 2,263 _?72,937,433.78 1953 INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX ASSESSMENTS BY NATIONALITY Bureau of Internal Revenue Nationalities Number of Returns Tax Due Filipino.......................................................... 43,684 P15,927,769.64 Chinese.......................................................... 11,167 4,577,972.15 American....................................................... 2,077 6,189,788.25 Spanish.......................................................... 729 .1,787,900.00 British............................................................ 389 1,243,917.65 French........................................................... 44 164,224.00 Swiss............................................................... 161 664,168.19 Indian............................................................ 284 67,471.00 Italian............................................................ 51 29,159.57 Others............................................................ 978 2,570,982.71 Total...................................................... 59,564 P33,223,353.16 376