How one man’s business benefits an entire province


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

How one man’s business benefits an entire province
Pajo, Juan
Lim, Tansiong.
Businessmen -- Bohol (Philippines)
Business enterprises -- Bohol (Philippines)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Governor Juan Pajo of Bohol tells How one man’s business benefits an entire province! |UST how much can one private business affect <J the economy of an entire province? Our Provincial Board members and I like the story of one of Bohol’s most able young businessmen. Read it—< and see for yourself just how important he and his business are to our province! * "Tansiong Lim is the owner and manager of the Motor Supply Company which bears his name. Located in Tagbilaran, Bohol, it houses the office, store and shop of International Harvester’s sales and service dealership for Bohol. With Harvester Company’s help. Mr. Lim made a modest beginning in 1950. Since then, his business has prospered amaz­ ingly. Today our International Harvester dealer’s base of operations occupies a new building with 800 square meters of space. He employs ten of our Bohol people and he has installed the latest equipment to provide the best in service facilities. “Now. iF all Tansiong Lim had achieved was a successful business which pays taxes, helps keep money in circulation and helps support ten families be­ sides his own. he would be a beneficial influence in our Province. He does more than that, however. The Tansiong Motor Supply's contribution to agriculture and transportation in Bohol is enormously important. Tn 1950 Tansiong Lim’s I nternational Harvester Dealership shared space with a number of other enterprises. Now the Tansiong Motor Supply Company has a building of its own with 800 square meters of space devoted to International Harvester Sales and Service. Governor JUAN PAJO of Bohol Senior Provincial Board Member, Timoteo R. Butalid. Provincial Board Mem­ ber, Maximo Cas bodes. “We raise rice, corn and cattle. Many of our citizens are in great demand as laboreis in all parts of the Visayas. To keep our harvests rich, and our produce and people moving from farm to maiket centers, we must have sturdy, efficient farm and transportation machines. The Tansiong Motor Supply sells those machines and keeps them rolling. What's more, with Harvester Company's help. Nir. Lim is able to give us information about the latest time and money saving methods in agiicullurc and transportation. “B:»hol is grateful to Tansiong He is a good citizen whose affable personality, and whose participation in civic and social affairs have won him many friends. In private life, as in business, Tansiong Lim, our Harvester dealer, is a real asset to the Province of Bohol I”