What do you think about the restoration of the seventh grade?


Part of The Carolinian

What do you think about the restoration of the seventh grade?
Quitorio, Buddy B.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
— Conducted by = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BUDDY B. QU/TOB/O This issue, we shall refrain (as if we shan't) from harping about such shenanigans as nuclear fission, inflexible bras, Armi Kuusela, Kamlon and certain "vested interests." Gripes, No! ... we (gulp!) dare not! Fission is much too out of this world. And speaking of, rather, gawking at inflexible bras is . . . (tee .. . hee). Armi Kuusela is a snazzy haymaker all right but Kamlon is (omigosh!) awfully bloodshot. No soup, brudder. We're getting the heebyjeebies. What about "vested interests"? We'll bite. What about? Aw, we’ll rid out noodles of that jetsam. After all, who wants to lay eggs which can't be hatched? Okeh . . . That still leaves us no less a humdinger to gurgle with than Imay Pecson’s rumpus over her educational cadavers. So we've heard, she's mad as a wet hen at the yokels who mussed her bills. That goes for any Tom, Dick and Harry who has the nerve to oppose a woman's desires. We are warning you while nothing much has yet been swallowed up in a brannigan. When a dame lights a fuse, man, grab your belly and beat it!! Our good lady senator has shown an indefatigable concern for us underdogs especially in the field of education. Recently, she has sponsored a measure which restores a lost rung to elementary education. We most certainly agree that it's some gimmick which will work wonders in improving our standards. But we are not certain that you are game to this. Besides, we are not deadsure about Imay, either. You know, varium est mutabile semper femina . . . Guido Lavin Liberal Arts ... About the Restoration of the Seventh Grade? • Consolacion Greta Bibit, College of Commerce, says: "Why, that's great! That's a frank approach towards the amelioration of the lot of elemenary school children who have been treated like dirt, heaven knows whence. I can't say that those kids will scoot up to be wizards and geniuses. But I dare say that each proposition would give those children a chance to survive the rigors of high school. We have learned our lessons and must profit from it. The havoc wrought upon our educational system in terms of vituperations and denunciations as well as the Consoladdn Greta Bibit Commerce Cosmi Mirabueno ROTC Corps Commander moral melancholia from which our younger brothers are suffering should be enough to addle our senses. Let's snap out of this puttering and get down to brass tacks." • Cosine Mirabueno, ROTC Corps Commander, says: "In favoring this proposal, I have no other consideration except that which is in regard to the employment of legions of teachers who are still pounding the streets. This, mind you, is no panacea to unemployment although it is fair to surmise that this plan will relieve many jobless teachers of a lot of despair off their chests. If the government has enough moola to lavish on lame-ducks and political vampires, it should have no legitimate excuse for folding its arms while the poor unemployed teachers go to rot. Such a proposition is a down-toearth solution to our educational muddle. It should be endorsed by the people." • Guido Lavin, College of Liberal Arts, says: "Now, isn't that something? Personally I think it is an eye-opener and what's more, we are the ones to gain from that suggestion. But what have our legislators done? Politics, my foot! Everytime something worthwhile comes up, if’ quickly takes a header into the political quagmire. Let us face the facts. We cannot afford to simply close our eyes to the glaring defects of our educational system. The suggestion to restore the seventh grade is laudable, to say the least. It is worth more than all the bravado and hullabaloo that our legislators have handed out for public consumption. Well, public servants, shoot the works! (Continued on page 29) Pa g e 10 THE CAROLINIAN a Scalper. He broke the ice with one of his charity throw but muffed the second attempt. Tom Echivarre followed with a doubledecker clinching the game for the night. "Tentacles" played the hero's role for the Green and Goldies. At the closing seconds Enriquez of the CCC sunk in a free throw just before lemon time. Top scorer Jor the Carolinians was "Uncle" Arche with 11 digits while Llamoso piled in 20 markers for the vanquished. USC WARRIORS WON SECOND ASSIGNMENT: BEAT CIT. 35-47 A local crystal-ball gazer predicted that the USC Seniors are still a team to reckon with. This might be true judging from the results of their two encounters. A dopester also said that the USC eagers has still something in their sleeve which might prove detrimental to the other teams. Yeah, they beat the CIT techs. What of it? That's what every body expected. Here is how they did it. The first quarter wasn't so good a game for the crowd who wanted a little run for their money. Velez of the Technicians broke the silence with a running shot. Sagardui quickly retaliated with a foul throw. From there, Vic Dionaldo led the fight for the Carolinians with his smooth one-hand flips. Belangel of the CIT Maroons began puncturing the basket with long shots but the Boys were not to be outdone with the fireworks. There were a thousand and one attempts made by the Local Boys but only a handful of them went through. The timekeeper's whistle for the first quarter found the USC Killers on the lead with two points. Score: 7-9. The succeeding frame was monopolized by the second stringers of Coach Baring's defending champs. Rubi burnt the cords with his "duck-shots, aided by "Uncle" Arche's under the basket sneaks. The substitution process began for both teams. Omas-as, a new rookie, got the jitters everytime the ball jumps into his hands while Sestoso, also a freshie, went berserk with his attempts at the bucket. Replacements came in for the second stringers and made a better showing with "Tentacles" Sagardui mauling the Technicians with unerring semi-hook shots fed by the "Ace" Roy Morales. Wildcat Galinsoga of CIT rattled the Boys with a six-point rally at the near close of the canto. (Continued from page IS) The score for the second quarter was 21 for the Green and Goldies while CIT totaled 18 ciphers. The third quarter was a battle of wits between the two cage mentors of both teams. There was a twominute deadlock at the score of 24-all and that gave Coach Baring the creeps. He sent in to the rescue, Vic Dionaldo, Mr. Two-points, and started blistering the cords with angle shots. The deadlock was smashed when Mr. Two-points started racking up points for his team. Guntime found the Boys still leading at a stretched margin of eleven points, 35-24. The scoring sodk that these CaWHAT DO YOU THINK?. . . (Continued from page 10) Cisar Climaco • Cesar Climaco, College oi Education, says: "What a person is when he tackles the responsibilities of life, he owes largely to his training during his formative years. It is while he is still in the grades that he learns the fundamentals of education. What little bits of wisdom he acquires, in those years, become ingrained in his mental as well as moral fiber. Let us not lose sight of this. Neither of the fact that our school children today are, on the whole, ill-taught because of the negligence and indifference of those in whose hands rests the power to overhaul our present unsystematic system. There is a crying need for the restoration of the seventh grade. If some teachers are not strangers to being catalogued as morons, what can we say about the grade tot? Calling him a donkey or a saphead would only be too mild. And that's unkind." rolinians have came out in the final round. Vic Dionaldo and "Top Man" Morales started to raise their score with uncanny shots. Dionaldo with his set shots and Skipper Morales with his witty escapades. Supported by Martin Echivarre and "Tentacles" Sagardui, the quartet forged on through smooth waters and soft winds crushing every Wildcat on the way. Smart weaving baffled the Technicians who had to cede the game for the Carolinians. The gun barked for the end of the game with the Green and Goldies at the upper end of the score, 35 for the vanquished and 47 for the victors. USC LASSIES WALLOP SIH BELLES IN VOLLEYBALL TILT Coach Llanto's female slappers trounched the Southern Islands Hospital Nurses in a net battle last August 29. It was a two-out-of-three tussle in which the Carolinians won the first two and losing the other one. The play was fought at the USC volleyball court witnessed by a swelling crowd of San Carlos inhabitants. Hoarse cries and earsplitting shrieks lauded both teams as they exchanged swats and slaps, for the volleyball top berth. In the first frame, the skirted Greens sparkplugged by Skipper Alejandria Salinas battered the Nurses' defenses with deadly volleys of ack-ack accuracy. Netters Huguete and Villararosa bolstered by Hipe and Evangelista joined hands in dunking the SIH hopes for the net supremacy. The score for this set: 21 for the Carolinians and 9 for the Whites. The second set proved fatal for the Wound-healers. Unsteady serve and erratic placings worsen their situation but were lucky enough to earn a point as their score for the rest of the game. This clinched the pennant for the Green Amazons, who scored 21 markers against the White-capped damsels' lone digit. The third setto was purely exhibition, giving a chance to the second team to display their reserved net talents. The Wound-healers, with gritting teeth and vengeful eyes, showered the Greens' territory with slashing fury and a sleet of hard serves toppling the Carolinian fort and smothering them to ashes. This was also the canto where Cap'n Salinas, the Block Buster, absented herself to give the White maidens a chance. The final score: 18 for the Carolinians and 21 for the Fuente Osmena netters. October, 1952 Pa g e 29