Masbate goldfield grows


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Masbate goldfield grows
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
18 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL February, 1936 Masbate Goldfield Grows Various gold projects in the old reliable Masbate district arc coming on for public notice, aside from the Soriano group, apparently phenomenal. If readers remember back 10 months, when we quoted liberally from Gus Heise’s prophecies of Masbatc’s future, current comparison would indicate that he was far from being wrong. How unbelievable IXL’s development has been. A year ago the real richness of those claims remained anybody’s guess. Now there is call for large mills; and the explanation is, money enough to prove the properties up. The oldtimc miners who sold IXL are peers of the best in the Philippines: W. G. Carpenter, T. J. Michel, C. J. Cooke, E. J. Johns, Arthur Bridle. They had the claims leased; and they sold their rights and equipment mainly because they lacked the use of capital enough to explore the claims further and expand their operations. They didn’t lack ability. Maybe it was best that they did sell, for now they are warm on the trail of a property really their own, Bridle excepted. (Bridle is off to Rapu-Rapu on a lone-wolf venture). The 4 partners in the old IXL are now developing the Pisong claims. They have more than 1,000 feet of tunnel work on these claims, and expect to bring in a mine. May they do so. Carpenter illustrates their calibre. British, he has mined since 1895 from British Columbia to Mexico on the Pacific coast of America; coming here and going to Masbate in 1914, when that property was the Syndicate, for 7 years he was Syndicate’s manager. Educated and conservative, he knows mining both theory and practice. The Nielson-Wittouck interests arc also busy at new projects, that it is learned are soon to be ready for investment. One embraces the Pajo and Keystone properties, and a 250-ton mill is proposed. This property is south of Aroroy, inland, and separated from Masbate Consolidated by a creek. Tinago also comes in for attention. It lies off the second sizeable cove down the coast from Poro, the port of Aroroy, from which it is about 1 hour’s walk. The harbor is protected, the landing good. Definite announcement may come out about this project during the time we arc printing. Ben F. Berkcnkotter is again interested in Masbate, this time at Capsay, where his old superintendent at Paniqui, Wm. Ick, is working with him. Capsay is on the Rio Guinobatan about 3 kilometers above Paniqui. Berkcnkotter has made no announcements. The Pisong claims of Carpenter and his partners adjoin Tinago on the south. The Soriano group bought IXL April 1, last year, and made net P187,381 on it up to December 31. Meantime they have made the 150-ton flotation plant ready for operation and converted the old amalgamation 50-ton plant—“that has been responsible for providing additional capital for development and mill construction”—to sliming and leaching. Attorney E. A. Perkins has the place on the directorate vacated by the death of the late Judge Francisco Ortigas. The other direc­ tors : Andres Soriano, president; J. Fraser Brown, vice president; H. T. Fox, J. H. Sampson (head of the engineering staff), Eduardo Roxas Gargollo, Benito Razon. ASEA self-cooled 3-phase transformer 45000 kVA. 126/57.5/52.5 kV, 50 cycles. The largest self-cooled transformer in the world now in service. KoppeL Allmanna Jvenska Elaktriska Aktiebolaget (Swedish General Electric, Limited) ASEA ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IS UNSURPASSED WITH REGARD TO RELIABILITY and EFFICIENCY SOLE AGENTS KOPPEL (PHILIPPINES) INC. Manila _____ — ____ Iloilo ZAT RESPONDING TO AD7ERTISEMENTS PLEASE MENTION THE AMERICAN CNAM3ER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL