Dr. Emilio Osmeña organizes Surigao projects


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Dr. Emilio Osmeña organizes Surigao projects
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
20 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL February, 1936 Dr. Emilio Osmena Organizes Surigao Projects Dr. Emilio Osmena, farmer and physician of Cebu, a son of Vice President Sergio Osmena, writes us his opinion of gold mining’s future in general in the Philippines, and of the Surigao district specifically, where he has located more than 8,000 hectares of mineral lands. At Cebu he has organized the Premier Mineral Exploration Company with a capital of P300,000 whose units summing 1 * 210,000 are offered the public, P100 per unit. Portions of his letter are printed with this summary. From Americans of Cebu we learn that his viewpoint is enterprising. His association’s property comprises the best points in the entire holding as determined by a geologist and con­ sists of 31 placers of 64 hectares each and 107 lode claims of 9 hectares each. It is proposed to sluice the placers, prove the most promising ones by surface tests and drilling to bedrock. Intention is to prospect the lode claims and carry exploration far enough to organize companies to exploit them, and “acquire or lease such other areas as may be believed to be advantageous.” Is this the advent of a future mining magnate? How thoroughly is the spirit of industry stirring the educated Filipinos? The association’s affairs are temporarily managed by Dr. Osmena, J. H. Renner, A. Deen, and H. Huber. One of the association’s groups is the Poctoy, 6 kilometers from Surigao, 3 lode claims and 13 placers. The property was recently examined in a preliminary way by James S. DR. EMILIO OSMEflA’S LETTER “Received your letter of December 20 and I am with you in your prediction that Mindanao mining field would one day lead the Philippines. I am glad of this opportunity to tell you regard­ ing my mining activities in northern Mindanao, but I am afraid there will not be much to tell as we arc only starting. “About a year ago I started looking for good mineral properties in Surigao and during this time I have bought, took under option and located 8,240 hectares of mineral land that were considered to be good. At the advice of the pres­ ident of one of the successful mining companies now in operation, we proceeded to have these properties examined by a competent mining engineer preparatory to organizing an explora­ tion company. It is a lamentable fact that in the past many exploration companies have been organized with only the opinion of [a prospector, without benefit of real geologic examinations. This hazard we have eliminated.” Baker, who gathered random samples averaging 40 cents per yard at the old gold price, Pl.40 at the new. In the lode claims, vein was found in place. The Pili group is larger, at Masgad on the west coast and toward the mountains rising 1,400 feet 1 kilometer inland. There are 42 placers in this group, 3 lode claims. Baker found the people panning gold, as at Poctoy, and panners reported wages of 50 centavos to Pl.50 and P2 per day. Two main rivers tra­ verse the property; there was mining along the Can-aga 12 years ago, and this stream might, Baker reports, be the source of power ample for min­ ing operations. Baker reported that beyond doubt, mineralizing solutions had acted in this area and that quan­ tities of good ore are entirely possible. Assays of his samples were entirely satisfactory, the Osmena prospectus says. The third group is the Malimono, 16 placers and 62 lode claims at Ma­ limono, where coasting motorships stop as regularly as at Surigao itself. (In general, transportation and labor facilities are not forbiddingly difficult in Surigao, where the sea is commonly deep near shore and ships may anchor to unload machinery and supplies). The Malimono group has not been reported upon. A provincial highway projected to connect Surigao with the west coast of the province would traverse the group, incidental­ ly making the association a prospecting trail 3 kilometers long. Benguet Consolidated’s Power Plant: 5 Diesels 625 Horsepower Each