Shipping review


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Shipping review
Cavender, H. M.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
February, 1936 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 37 SHIPPING REVIEW By H. M. CAVENDER General Agent, The Robert Dollar Co. From statistics compiled by the Associated Steamship Lines, during the month of December there were exported from the Philippine Islands the following: Exports for December amounted to 170,254 revenue tons, a slight increase over the preced­ ing month. Shipments of sugar amounted to 30,747 tons, all to the United States except 404 tons to China. Of the coconut products, copra and oil show increases, and desiccated coconut and cake and meal show To China and Japan................................................. Pacific Coast Local Delivery Pacific Coast Overland Delivery....................... Pacific Coast Intercoastal................................... Atlantic and Gulf................................................ European Ports..................................................... All Other Ports.................................................... Where Carried in Tone WA M iseellaneous Of Whieh Tons lmcncan Ro toms With Sailings 57,211 39 795 6 24,265 14 14,850 7 983 9 419 5 2,162 6 2,157 6 58,035 25 21,304 8 25,753 19 268 2 1,845 33 298 6 A Grand Total of 170,254 tons with a total of 79 sailings (average 2,155 tons per vessel) of which 40,091 tons were carried in American bottoms with 12 sailings (average 3,342 tons per vessel). decreases, the difference of 9000 tons being in favor of December. 20,000 tons of coconut oil went to the United States, and 315 tons to Europe. Copra shipments to the United States increased 1300 tons, and to Europe increased 5000 tons, a total of 24,000 tons moved. Cake and meal shipments decreased 500 tons, each market taking about the same proportion as in November. Desiccated Coconut shows a de­ crease of 230 tons, the total shipments being 5252 tons. Hemp gain 6000 bales. Europe took 9500 more than in November, Japan 2800 more, Australia took 4106 bale's, an increase of 2725 as compared to November, but the United States trade shows a distinct shrinkage amount­ ing to 8957 bales. Other markets are for small quantities only and show slightly decreased movements. Lumber and logs show the largest increase duiing the month, a total of ten and a half million feet having gone forward, almost double that of October and a gain of four million feet over November. The United States took onlv one and a half million feet, but shipments increased to China 270,000 feet, to Japan 4,500,000 feet, to Europe 120,000 feet, and to Australia 18,(X)0 feet. To Africa practically the same amount went forward both months. Iron ore shipments to Japan are very well established as a steady movemenf. A trial shipment of rock asphalt moved to Singapore. hipments of bulk molasses were made, noted in tobacco, embroide: extract, and vegetable lard cigars, furniture, and rope. Taking everything into month’s business was fairly cepting sugar, the year 1935 movement of all commodities amounting to 149,412 revenue tons, an average of 12,151 tons per month. First class and intermediate class passenger traffic from the Philippine Islands declined heavily during December 1935, as comp with the previous month, and even ir in comparison with December 1934, noted from the figures shown below INSURANCE For Every Need and Purpose FIRE WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION AUTOMOBILE MARINE ACCIDENT BAGGAGE PLATE GLASS Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd. Continental Insurance Co. Orient Insurance Company The Employers’ Liability Assurance Corporation Ltd. General Agent E. E. ELSER, INC. Kneedler Building Telephone 2-24-28 Honolulu IN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE MENTION THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF D Superior Qualify R R Dependable Service u B Y RING UP 2-1S-C1 B ■■ the next time you need a Rubber Stamp £ D s or Dry Seal and our Salesman will call ■> s T E iij-c/jtit r aim tt /■/> printing company f—1 A A L Sales Office: 2nd Floor M i IOI Escolfa P S S