Shipping review


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Shipping review
Cavender, H. M.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
26 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL April, 1928 SHIPPING REVIEW By II. M. CAVENDER General Agent, The Robert Dollar Company r Cargo moved from the Philippine Islands during the month of February was practical­ ly the same as for January, there being about 4000 tons less cargo with one less sailing. Tonnage for the Atlantic coast was still scarce but for for­ ward bookings is be­ coming plentiful. Owing to unfavorable rains in parts of Negros many of the Centrals are falling behind their original estimates. The copra situation is improving, especially in the district around Cebu, where copra is now moving in considerable quantities. In Manila, however, the situation is not satisfactory and supply is far below present demands. Some of the refineries are now working, but several are still unable to secure sufficient copra, even at advanced prices, to warrant starting. This shortage is also adversely affecting the produc­ tion of desiccated coconut, which is approximately THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK -- LTD. (ESTABLISHED 1880) HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA, JAPAN Yen Capital (Paid Up) - - - - 100,000,000.00 Reserve Fund - - - - 99,500,000.00 Undivided Profits - . . - 7,223,536.48 MANILA BRANCH 34 PLAZA CERVANTES, MANILA K. YABUKI Manager PHONE 1759—MANAGER PHONE 1758—GENERAL OFFICE 50% of normal. The contract rate system as applied to'cargo moving to Japan and the Pacific coast, has been so satisfactory both to shippers and steamship companies that the Associated Steamship Lines are now considering extending the system to the Atlantic coast. Freight rates are firm and there have been no changes of immediate consequence. Leaf tobacco has been changed from measurement to weight, the rates having been adjusted to equalize this change. This alteration was made as it was felt to be a fairer basis to shippers as all sales and internal revenue collections are made on the basis of weight. Passenger traffic as a whole has shown a considerable gain over last month, especially to China and Japan. Traffic to the United States and Honolulu showed a slight increase and with the close of schools steerage traffic is expected to increase materially. During the month of March a total of 2589 passengers, all classes, are reported to have departed from the Philippines. (First figure represents cabin passengers; second figure steerage) To China and Japan 502-565, to Pacific coast 152-421, to Honolulu 0-841, to Straits Settlement 37-7, to Mditerranean portsl64-0. From statistics compiled by the Associated Steamship Lines there were exported from the Philippines during the month of February 1928: To China and Japan ports 9366 tons with a total of 39 sailings, of which 4395 tons were carried in American bottoms with 14 sailings; to Pacific coast forilocal delivery 24,427 tons with 11 sailings, of which American bottoms carried 15,285 tons with 9 sailings; to Pacific coast for transhipment 1133 tons with 8 sailings, of which American bottoms carried 1127 tons with 7 sailings; to Atlantic coast ports direct 81,138'tons with 19 sailings, of which American bottoms carried 41,894 tons with 8 sailings; to European ports 14,074 tons with 18 sailings, of which American bottoms carried 195 tons with 3 sailings; to Australian ports 694 tons with 5 sailings, of which American bottoms carried none; or a grand total of 130,832 tons with 64 sailings, of which American bottoms carried 62,896 tons with 19 sailings. SHIPPING PERSONALS Geo. J. McCarthy, assistant general Pas­ senger agent of The Robert Dollar Co., with headquarters in Shanghai, arrived in Manila March 21 aboard the ss President Lincoln, Philippine Acetylene Co. 281 CALLE CRISTOBAL MANILA OXYGEN Electrolytic Oxygen 99% pure HYDROGEN Electrolytic Hydrogen 99% pure ACETYLENE Dissolved Acetylene for all purposes WELDING Fully Equip­ ped Oxy-Ace­ tylene Weld­ ing Shops BATTERIES Prest-O-Lite Electric Stor­ age Batteries IN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE MENTION THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL