Legislation, Executive Orders, Court Decisions


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Legislation, Executive Orders, Court Decisions
Selph, E. E.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
122 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL March, 1953 VOw? BOIES MULTIPLE VITAMINS AND MINERAL CAPSULES Will Pep You Up Multiple Vitamin, • Supply dally vitamin requirements to the average diet. Cod Liver Oil • Specific against rickets and the resulting bone malformation. Liver, Iron, and Vitamin B-Complex • Specific against simple anemia and corresponding blood deficiencies. Manufactured in the United States Diilribuled Exclusively by Philippine American Drug Co. (BOTICA BOIE) 102-104 Escolta, Manila CEBU ILOILO LEGASPI DAVAO At all Leading Drug Stores throughout the Islands Distinctive PICME-FRAMB Only the finest materials are used, artistic care governs the choice of colors and styles, and our expert workmanship com­ pletes the frame to your satisfaction. PWUPPHE EDUCATION CO # 1104 Custillejos MANILA Telephone 3-22-51 When Republic Act 650 comes up for review at the present session of Congress, this incongruous situation should be brought under scrutiny as it is believed that the Philippines is the only country in the world where rayons are considered as an essential clothing item while cottons are classified as a non-essential. At present the Filipino consumer is being forced to wear the more expensive rayons whether he likes it or not because three times as many dollars have been allocated for rayons than for cottons. Such a situation appears to be contrary to the public welfaie and it is believed that the authorities will not be con­ tent to let this situation continue. Legislation, Executive Orders, and Court Decisions By E. E. Selph Ross, Selph, Carrascoso & Janda THE Committee on Labor in the House of Represen-. tatives has recommended approval of House Bill No. 3254 which provides for a gratuity fundforemployees made up by withholding 5% of the compensation of the employee and the contribution by the employer of an equal amount. There are four grounds for payment to the em­ ployee of separation pay in the amount of one month’s pay for each year of service. These grounds are: (1) resignation; (2) death; (3) retirement after 60; (4) incapacity not his own fault, abolition of his position, or other reason independent of his will. House Bill No. 3569 provides for a division of Drug and Cosmetic Control in the Bureau of Health. There will be a Board of Drugs and Cosmetics empowered to conduct investigations and set up standards. House Bill No. 3583 provides for amendments to the emergency medical and dental treatment laws and reduces the number of employees for which the services of physicians, nurses and dentists, and clinics and infirmaries may be required. House Bill No. 3513 provides for the establishment of an Industrial Research Institute and maintenance of the same by a 1/2% fee on all imports, to be collected in the same manner as the exchange tax. House Bill No. 3594 provides for the elimination of the import of foreign leaf-tobacco at a rate of 20% per annum of the 1953 imports, so that by the end of 5 years no further importations would be allowed. 't'here is a recently published decision of the Patent Office to the effect that “Nylon” is a generic term and cannot be the subject of a trade-mark registration, (In re 20th Century Nylon Shirt Factory, October 9, 1952) any more than silk, cotton, ramie, or linen. MOTOR SERVICE CO., INC. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS • ACCESSORIES GARAGE & SHOP EQUIPMENT BATTERIES • TIRES • TUBES 230 13th St., Port Area — Tel. 3-36-21