Many roads from now [poem]


Part of Business Day Special Report

Many roads from now [poem]
Business Day Special Report March 27, 1974
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
March 27, 1974 Business Day Pages mnnv Rosas mom iross... We’ve made a bid tor progress. We’re racing against time. Together as a nation, working for collective goals. As individual industries, setting specific targets to assume a national role. Within our participation in the PCMP and our involvement in the development of ancillary industries , we have blended our goals with the Filipino dream. Our Engine Plant is a single road in our long journey towards national progress. There will be many other roads — all leading to the same goal. As we travel our first miles, we pause to give due credit to all those who have inspired us, worked with us, to build our Engine Plant. To the national government for inspiring a new vision. To the Board of Investments for a more meaningful direction. To our Customers and friends for their continuing confidence. To our associates from Toyota for their technological assistance. To our engineers and workers for measuring up to the demands of the new technology. To the Filipino people for its capacity to prevail. And we shall prevail. A strong nation. A prosperous people. Within our individual spheres, we work our paths today. To meet in the morning of our true becoming many roads from now. TEAMWORKING with TECHNOLOGY DELTA MOTOR CORP REACH INC