Japanese textile imports from the Philippines


Part of Business Day Special Report

Japanese textile imports from the Philippines
Business Day Special Report March 27, 1974
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 2:i March 27, 1974 Cement topped non - traditional exports (Continued from page 27) total of $1 0 million or $393,000 more than what was sold in 1972 for a 55.82 per cent im­ provement. High sales of rubber shoes was another signi­ ficant development last year. The BOI data show that BOI-registered ex­ port producers made a total sales of $75.6 milCOMPARATIVE FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS Registered Service Exporters Jenuary to September, 1972 and 1973 (In Thousand US Dollars) Professional & Reporting Jan.-Sept More (Less) TarKniroi Firms H73 1»72 Amount Percent Services 10 811 292 519 177.74 Transport & Cargo Handling 1 4886 6619 (1733) ( 26.18) Motion Pictures 2 149 42 107 254.76 Advertisements 2 21 22 ( 1) ( 4.55) TOTAL 15 5867 6975 (1108) ( 15.89) lion in the first three quarters of last year. This is $38.8 million more than what was sold in 1972 or a 105.26 per cent increase. While there was an overall improvement in export sales, six major commodity groupings did not show sales im­ provements. Due to raw materials problems, there were no tinplates exports last year. While a total of $621,000 worth tin­ plates were exported in 1972. there was a zero We are a grateful company We are a direct beneficiary of the govern­ ment's program of encouragement and assistance to local enterprises exercised through the Board of Investments. For this, we are truly grateful. More power to the BOI! May it continue to succeed in its mission through the inspired leadership of men whose proven competence justifies our most optimistic expectations. LEPANTO CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY Subsidiaries: Diaboart Products (Philippines), Inc. • Insular Lumber Company (Philippines), Inc. k • Diamond Drilling Corporation of the Philippines • Lepanto Exploration (Asia), Inc. • Lepanto Investment and Development Corporation • Shipside, Incorporated JAPANESE TEXTILE IMPORTS FROM THE PHILIPPINES Items 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Ramie 433,402 468,275 470,149 507)147 220,784 (1,203,991) (1,300,868) (1,306,073) (1,408,554) ( 613,338) Ramie noils and waste (including 4,104 1,339 1,486 6,608 7,829 pulled or garnetted rags and yarn ( 11,401) ( 3,720) ( 4,128) ( 18,357) ( 21,749) "Manila hemp (including tow) 1,496,272 1,281,489 1,387,154 1,663,039 (4,619,922) 1,256,259 (fi,156,644) (3,559,976) (3,853,514) (3,489,888) Manila hemp waste (including 161,278 97,383 85,883 106,955 98,665 pulled or garnetted rags and yarn ( 449,697) ( 270,530) ( 238,583) ( 297,121) ( 274,091) Coir 22,537 9,218 3,386 14,442 30,344 ( 62,608) ( 25,608) ( 9,406) ( 40,120) ( 84,296) Sisal fibers - 1,710 ( 4,750) - - - Cardage, cables, ropes, twines and 994 1,861 3,071 39,463 10,338 manufactures thereof ( 2,761) ( 5,170) ( 8,531) ( 81,848) f 28,719) Table linen 110 ( 444) - - - 1,140 ( 3,167) Articles of plaiting materials 935 2,514 6,629 1,135 ( 2,597) ( 6,984) - ( 18,415) ( 3,153) Woven fabrics of flax or ramie 567 ( 1,575) - 450 ( 1,250) 4,700 ( 13,057) 554 ( 1,539) Vegetable textile fibres, n.e.s. - 1,440 ( 4,084) 427 ( 1,186) - Cardage, cables, ropes, etc. 2,150 2,150 142 of Manila fibres ( 5,873) ( 5,973) ( 394) - Nets and netting - 838 ( 2,328) 23,368 ( 64,916) 21,238 ( 58,999) Linens - 569 ( 1,581) 143 821 ( 397) ( 2,281) - Textile fibres - - 1,926 ( 5,350) 83,316 ( 231,452) 21,599 ( 60,002) Outer garments for men and boys - - 747 ( 2,075) 752 ( 2,089) 27,615 ( 76,714) Outer garments for women, girls and infants "" 4,313 ( 11,982) 48,381 L 134,402) 29,647 ( 82,359) Handkerchiefs - - 124 ( 344) 1,235 ( 3,431) Undergarments - - 2,443 ( 6,787) 1,852 ( 5,154) 237 ( 658) - Knitted or crocheted outer garments - - 1,791 12,010 ( 4,975) ( 33,617) 6,429 ( 17,860) Spun yarn of synthetic fibres - - 8,405 ( 23,349) 109,400 ( 303,913) Cotton fabrics woven (not including narrow and special fabrics) - - 33,989 ( 94,421) 9,052 ( 25,146) Embroidery - - 2,610 ( 7,251) 888 ( 2,467) Hat bodies - - 829 ( 2,303) - Articles of textile fibres for furnishing — - - 925 ( 2,570) 762 ( 2,117) Carpets, carpeting, rugs, etc. - - 153 ( 1,814) 320 ( 889) Stockings and socks - - - 97,670 ( 274,105) 5,326 ( 14,796) Labries woven, of synthetic fibres, not including narrow fabrics 375 ( 1,042) Total imports 2,120,849 1,864,832 1,990,949 2,656,537 1,838,698 Source: Japan Exports & Imports (5,891,719) (5,180,503) (5,530,856) (7,379,860) (5,107,903) VJe serve the Nation and the People CFC CORPORATION UNIVERSAL ROBINA CORPORATION MAKERS OF: • BLEND 45 COFFEE the nation’s largest selling coffee • N-RICH NON-DAIRY CREAMER • PRESTO CHOCOLATES • PRESTO BISCUITS • PRESTO ICE CREAM • BRACH'S CHOCOLATES MAKERS OF : • JACK 'n JILL FUN SNACKS chippy,pretzels, chiz curls, barbecue curls, potato chips ’ JACK'n JILL CANDIES • BRACH'S CANDIES • JOJO CANDIES • NISSIN S RAMEN NOODLE • TOOTSIE ROLL & POPS • DUBBLE BUBBLE GUM • ROBINA CANNED GOODS PASIG, RIZAL ISHAVER TELEPHONE ,692-5402