Philippine Safety Council


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Philippine Safety Council
Tenny, Frank S.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
September, 1949 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 401 The petitioner, assisted by her husband, seeks to compel the Director of Posts to recognize the validity of said deposit, contending that Executive Order No. 49 is unconstitutional in that it deprives her of her property without due process of law. That question has been resolved by this court adversely to the petitioner in Hilado vs. De La Costa and the Philippine National Bank, G. R. No. L-150, April 30. 1949, wherein it was held: “We are of the considered opinion, and therefore hold, that the provisions of Executive Order No. 49, do not deprive the plaintiff of his property without due process of law or impair the obligation of contract entered into between him and defendant bank; because they are but the logical corollary and application to bank deposits in Japanese war notes of Executive Order No. 25, in so far as it declares that said notes are not legal tender in territories of the Philippines liberated from Japanese occupation, the validity of which is not, and cannot seriously be, questioned. “x X X X “It may safely be laid down as a rule that when a de­ posit is mdde with a bank or a person of notes made legal tender or currency by the military occupant of an enemy territory, and the occupation does not ripen into a conquest by the occupant because the territory is liberated and reoc­ cupied by its legitimate government, the deposit must be considered as with specification of currency, that is, as a deposit of money made legal tender or currency by the oc­ cupant, without necessity of stating it expressly unless there, is evidence to the contrary, because it is the only kind of money or legal currency in circulation after the genuine money of the territory has disappeared from circulation, as in the present case. It should not be understood to be a general deposit without specification of currency, that is a deposit of lawful money of the legitimate government, and it will have the same effect as if it were made with money that was legal tender or currency of a foreign country having no monetary treaty or agreement with the legitimate government; and therefore if such currency becomes valueless, the depositor- shall have to suffer the loss, because the currency so deposited is exactly of the same condition and validity as that kept in the pockets, or safe of the depositor.” The petition is denied, without any finding as to costs. (Sgd.) ROMAN OZAETA We concur: (Sgd.) MANUEL V. MORAN ” RICARDO PARAS ” F. R. FERIA ” CESAR BENGZON ” SABINO PADILLA ” PEDRO TUASON ” MARCELIANO R. MONTEMAYOR ” ALEX. REYES Philippine Safety Council By Frank S. Tenny Executive Director BY affixing his signature to Executive Order No. 259, the President of the Philippines creat­ ed a Fire Prevention Board on August 30, 1949. This marked the successful culmination of a move­ ment led by the Philippine Safety Council in recent weeks. Local citizens, residents, and organizations hailed the move. The order gives the Philippines a 21-member board of governmental department heads, professional fire-fighting experts, local safety experts, fire insur­ ance executives, and chiefs of large civic organiza­ tions. One-half are members of the Government, the overall Chairman being the Secretary of the Interior. At least 16 members are citizens of the Philippines. SAFEMADE BY: GENERAL FIRE-PROOFING CO. SUREST WAY TO SAVE MONEY, DOCUMENTS, RECORDS ... from BURGLARY, FIRE, DISHONE5TY! All materials and construction in GF Safes bear the Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. Label for Fire Endurance, Impact Resistance after extreme heat, Explosion-Proof qualities, Resistance to burglars’ tools! GF Safes are eligible for 20% discount in insurance rates! GF 1511 C: 1-hour fireresistive safe. U L Labels: Class C (1 hour) and T20 Burglary. Finished i n solid gray, in­ side and out. 16”W x 22”H x 16”D. GF 148: Bur­ glar Resistive Money Chest. UL Relocking Device. Robbery and Burive. Available in hard or soft chests. 14"W x 18”H x 19’’D. Exclusive Distributors: The Store of Quality 454 DASMARIRAS 16th & ATLANTA STS. TELS. 2-79-78 & 2-79-79 TEL. 2-94-89 $ Tune in on DZPI for the Deems Taylor Concert from C :30 to 7:00 P.M. every Tuesday and Sunday and on DZRH from 7:00 to 7:30 every Wednesday night for the PHILCO HOUR Bing Crosby Show. 402 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL September, 1949 GROSS SALES (TEN LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS) 1937-1949 Bureau of the Census and Statistics (1937 = 100) 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 January . . . . . . 95.1 75.5 88.8 106.7 104.8 _ 49.6 160.9 225.2 213.5* February . . . . . . 102.5 71.6 80.3 99.8 95.9 — 34.6 228.9 228.3 241.3 March................. . . 105.9 85.2 87.1 104.3 107.2 — 61.1 218.8 257.5 289.6 April................. . . 107.5 81.4 79.8 100.3 105.6 _ 75.1 155.3 254.0 231.2 May................... . . . 100.4 76.9 80.1 97.5 113.0 1.6 117.5 216.0 273.8 261.3 June............... . . . 100.3 76.6 107.7 103.5 117.0 5.4 85.3 249.4 308.7 278.9 July................... . . . 105.7 72.0 90.8 98.8 110.0 8.4 89.7 240.4 313.2 238.2 August................ . . 97.4 75.2 90.8 98.3 109.8 10.4 118.9 202.8 272.2 September . . . . . 83.4 76.8 103.3 93.1 114.0 110.7 116.4 219.2 261.1 — October .... . . . 97.0 80.1 103.4 85.8 100.1 10.8 147.0 222.9 252.5 November . . . . . 100.4 104.2 110.1 105.6 ,97.7 21.4 165.1 278.7 215.8 ___ December . . . . .. 104.3 88.6 119.4 119.1 64.8 27.9 184.4 291.8 253.4 — • Revised figures for January, February, and March. Each group is led by its own Chairman, who is em­ powered to call meetings of his group. You'll sense something differ*' ent when your fingers touch the highly responsive keys. It’s Rhythm Touch... to make your type­ writing easier. Your fingers will find comforting ease in the light­ ning key response. You’ll note better-balanced finger action ... the free-and-easy rhythm of Underwood’s finest typewriter... the popular choice of secretaries and executives. With Rhythm Touch . . . plus other new refine­ ments . . you get all the time-tried famous Under­ wood features .. . they make typing easier. See this new Underwood Standard Typewriter...with Rhythm Touch... NOW I SMITH .BELhCOATD. TRADE AND COMMERCE BLDG..MANILA Tel. 2-69-71 The purpose of the Board, as outlined in the ori­ ginal recommendations sent to President Quirino by the Safety Council a few weeks ago, is “to formulate and implement plans for the prevention and fighting of fires in the Philippines”. The Executive Order defines these powers and purposes. It is hoped that the Board may be able to suggest and activate ways to lessen the destructive fires that are taking place almost daily in our towns and cities. Names of the General Chairman and the Group Chairmen are as follows: General Chairman; Hon. Sotero Baluyut, Secretary of the Interior; Chairman Group One (Government), Hon. Nicanor Roxas, Un­ dersecretary of the Interior; Chairman Group Two (Professional), Chief Cipriano Cruz, Manila Fire De­ partment; Chairman Group Three (Safety), Execu­ tive Director Frank S. Tenny, Philippine Safety Coun­ cil; Chairman Group Four (Fire Insurance), L. P. Ralph, Chairman of the Manila Fire Insurance As­ sociation; Chairman Group Five (Civil Organiza­ tions), Mr. Aurelio Periquet, President of the Cham­ ber of Commerce of the Philippines. The PSC Executive Director has contacted Sec­ retary Baluyut and expressed the belief that meetings will be called in the very near future. The full co­ operation of all members is expected, due to the im­ portance of the subject matter. The full text of Exe­ cutive Order No. 259 follows: EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 259 CREATING A FIRE PREVENTION BOARD WHEREAS, destructive and dangerous fires occur fre­ quently in some sections of the country, rendering people homeless and destitute; and WHEREAS, the planning and study of efficient and mo­ dern methods of preventing and fighting fires are necessarv to insure the safety of the people and the protection of their properties; NOW, THEREFORE, I ELPIDIO QUIRINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby create a Fire Prevention Board composed of the following: PHOTOGRAPHIC CHRISTMAS CARDS Place Your Order Now Avoid Rush MARY OFTEDAHL ALMAR STUDIO 321 A. Mabini Tel. 5-33-26