Executive Order No. 259


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Executive Order No. 259
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
402 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL September, 1949 GROSS SALES (TEN LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS) 1937-1949 Bureau of the Census and Statistics (1937 = 100) 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 January . . . . . . 95.1 75.5 88.8 106.7 104.8 _ 49.6 160.9 225.2 213.5* February . . . . . . 102.5 71.6 80.3 99.8 95.9 — 34.6 228.9 228.3 241.3 March................. . . 105.9 85.2 87.1 104.3 107.2 — 61.1 218.8 257.5 289.6 April................. . . 107.5 81.4 79.8 100.3 105.6 _ 75.1 155.3 254.0 231.2 May................... . . . 100.4 76.9 80.1 97.5 113.0 1.6 117.5 216.0 273.8 261.3 June............... . . . 100.3 76.6 107.7 103.5 117.0 5.4 85.3 249.4 308.7 278.9 July................... . . . 105.7 72.0 90.8 98.8 110.0 8.4 89.7 240.4 313.2 238.2 August................ . . 97.4 75.2 90.8 98.3 109.8 10.4 118.9 202.8 272.2 September . . . . . 83.4 76.8 103.3 93.1 114.0 110.7 116.4 219.2 261.1 — October .... . . . 97.0 80.1 103.4 85.8 100.1 10.8 147.0 222.9 252.5 November . . . . . 100.4 104.2 110.1 105.6 ,97.7 21.4 165.1 278.7 215.8 ___ December . . . . .. 104.3 88.6 119.4 119.1 64.8 27.9 184.4 291.8 253.4 — • Revised figures for January, February, and March. Each group is led by its own Chairman, who is em­ powered to call meetings of his group. You'll sense something differ*' ent when your fingers touch the highly responsive keys. It’s Rhythm Touch... to make your type­ writing easier. Your fingers will find comforting ease in the light­ ning key response. You’ll note better-balanced finger action ... the free-and-easy rhythm of Underwood’s finest typewriter... the popular choice of secretaries and executives. With Rhythm Touch . . . plus other new refine­ ments . . you get all the time-tried famous Under­ wood features .. . they make typing easier. See this new Underwood Standard Typewriter...with Rhythm Touch... NOW I SMITH .BELhCOATD. TRADE AND COMMERCE BLDG..MANILA Tel. 2-69-71 The purpose of the Board, as outlined in the ori­ ginal recommendations sent to President Quirino by the Safety Council a few weeks ago, is “to formulate and implement plans for the prevention and fighting of fires in the Philippines”. The Executive Order defines these powers and purposes. It is hoped that the Board may be able to suggest and activate ways to lessen the destructive fires that are taking place almost daily in our towns and cities. Names of the General Chairman and the Group Chairmen are as follows: General Chairman; Hon. Sotero Baluyut, Secretary of the Interior; Chairman Group One (Government), Hon. Nicanor Roxas, Un­ dersecretary of the Interior; Chairman Group Two (Professional), Chief Cipriano Cruz, Manila Fire De­ partment; Chairman Group Three (Safety), Execu­ tive Director Frank S. Tenny, Philippine Safety Coun­ cil; Chairman Group Four (Fire Insurance), L. P. Ralph, Chairman of the Manila Fire Insurance As­ sociation; Chairman Group Five (Civil Organiza­ tions), Mr. Aurelio Periquet, President of the Cham­ ber of Commerce of the Philippines. The PSC Executive Director has contacted Sec­ retary Baluyut and expressed the belief that meetings will be called in the very near future. The full co­ operation of all members is expected, due to the im­ portance of the subject matter. The full text of Exe­ cutive Order No. 259 follows: EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 259 CREATING A FIRE PREVENTION BOARD WHEREAS, destructive and dangerous fires occur fre­ quently in some sections of the country, rendering people homeless and destitute; and WHEREAS, the planning and study of efficient and mo­ dern methods of preventing and fighting fires are necessarv to insure the safety of the people and the protection of their properties; NOW, THEREFORE, I ELPIDIO QUIRINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby create a Fire Prevention Board composed of the following: PHOTOGRAPHIC CHRISTMAS CARDS Place Your Order Now Avoid Rush MARY OFTEDAHL ALMAR STUDIO 321 A. Mabini Tel. 5-33-26 September, 1949 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL_____________________ 403 The Secretary of the Interior General Chairman GROUP ONE (GOVERNMENT) The Undersecretary of the Interior .............................. A representative of the Department of Public Works Group Chairman A representative of a local fire-insurance firm to be designated by the Group Chairman ...................... The Manager, American International Underwriters (Phil.) .................................................................................. and Communications to be designated by the Sec­ retary thereof ...................................................................... representative of the Department of Education to be designated by the Secretary thereof .................. representative of the Department of Commerce and Industry to be designated by the Secretary thereof .. Member GROUP TWO (PROFESSIONAL) The Chief of the Manila Fire Department .................. Group Chairman A Fire-fighting expert from the Manila Fire Depart­ ment to be designated by the Chief thereof .......... Member A provincial fire-fighting expert to be designated by the Group Chairman ........................................................ A fire marshal, civilian or military, to be designated by the Group Chairman ........................................................ GROUP THREE (SAFETY) The Executive Director, Philippine Safety Council .. The Chairman, Advisory Safety Council to the Secre­ tary of Labor .................................................................. The Chief of Safety Servcies, Philippine National Red Cross .......................................................................... Group Chairman Member A representative of fire-fighting equipment distributors to be designated by the Group Chairman .............. GROUP FOUR (FIRE INSURANCE) The Chairman, Manila Fire Insurance Association .. Group Chairman The Manager, American Foreign Insurance Association Member GROUP FIVE (CIVIC) The President, Philippine Chamber of Commerce ... Group Chairman The President, Chinese Chamber of Commerce ........ Member The President, American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines ................................................................ The President, National Federation of Women’s Clubs of the Philippines .......................................................... The Board which shall meet at the call of the General Chairman shall have the following duties: (a) To investigate the origin and causes of fires; (b) To study ways and means of preventing fires; (c) To study suitable fire-fighting plans and facilities; (d) To arouse the inhabitants of the Philippines to the necessity of combating and preventing fires by ap­ pealing to their sense of individual responsibility through the newspapers, radio, posters or other means of dissemination; (e) To cooperate with the authorities concerned in the adoption of such measures as may be necessary for the effective supervision and regulation of the man­ ufacture, distribution, storage, and possession of peA great new folding camera Kodak Tourist Kodak’s newest, finest folding camera for 2‘/i x 31/, snapshots. The Lumenized f/4.5 lens ’’gets the picture” sharp and clear. A precise ’’flash” shutter clicks off speeds to 1/200 seconds. An ingenious built-in sliding scale quickly computes exposures. A newtype shutter release makes for greater conMake every exposure count...use Kodak Film TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU THE KODAK STORE 138 ESCOLTA, MANILA KODAK PHILIPPINES, LTD. 104 - 13th STREET PORT AREA, MANILA BURROUGHS You’ll worry less, get more done, with a dependable new Burroughs adding machine to speed and simplify your figuring work. Use it in your store, shop or office— large or small. Use it at home. Give us a call and find out why a Burroughs is your best adding machine buy. BURROUGHS, LTD. Phil. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Manila Tel. 2-61-26 BURROUGHS DEALERS: DAVAO CITY (also for MINDANAO-SULU I : Burroughs Sale Office: BAGUIO: Baguio Generul Trading: NAGA. LEGAS­ PI, LUCENA: Gabriel & Co.: CEBU: Valerinno Alonzo: BACOLOD: Warner Baines & Co.. Ltd.; ILOILO: Warner Baines & Co., Ltd. 404 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL September, 1949 troleum, gas, acetylene, dynamite, gunpowder, explo­ sives, blasting supplies, or ingredients thereof, ana other highly combustible matter; (f) To cause the inspection of factory buildings and other structures which are considered fire hazards and re­ commend to the proper authorities their removal or remodelling so as to provide sufficient protection against fire; (g) To encourage the observance in every municipality and chartered city of Fire Prevention Week Pro­ claimed in Proclamation No. 248 dated January 20, 1938; and (h) To submit from time to time to the President of the Philippines its recommendations on fire-fighting and prevention. The General Chairman may also call the group chairmen to a meeting from time to time. The groups shall meet at the call of their respective chairmen. All officers and employees of the different departments, bureaus, offices, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Na­ tional Government and those of the provinces, cities, muni­ cipalities, and other political subdivisions are hereby enjoined to cooperate with the Board in the performance of its func­ tions and, with the approval of the corresponding Head of Department, shall, when necessary, render such service as the Board may assign to them. Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of August in the year of Our Lord, 1949, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the fourth. (SGD.) ELPIDIO QUIRINO President of the Philippines By the President: (SGD.) TEODORO EVANGELISTA Executive Secretary WELDED STEEL JAMESTOWN. N.Y. FILING All Ball Bearing CABINETS prepared by those who recog­ nize the overall worth of al qua­ lity product. Any size to fit your needs. INQUIRIES AT F. H. STEVENS & CO., INC. 4th FLOOR, EL HOGAR FILIPINO BLDG. Manila—Tel. 2-86-13 United States Government Agencies in the Philippines The U. S- Maritime Commission THE U. S. MARITIME COMMISSION, the Amer­ ican Federal Agency entrusted under the Phil­ ippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946 with restoring and improving Philippine inter-island commerce, has been quietly engaged for three years in rehabilitating the Philippine maritime industry and looking after the interests of Filipino seamen who served in Amer­ ican ships. To carry out its portion of the Philippine Reha­ bilitation Program, the Agency started operations with a large staff in April, 1945. Today, with most of its work done, the staff consists only of two Amer­ icans: Capt. F. H. Byrne, Superintendent of Engin­ eers, USMC, and Mr. R. R. Spence, Maritime Attache of the American Embassy. Perhaps the most important work of the Com­ mission is the chartering on a “bareboat” basis of U. S. Maritime Commission-owned vessels to local steam­ ship companies. The company that charters a boat on “bareboat” basis acquires the boat alone without supplies, furnishings, or crew; the company itself has to supply these. At present there are nine ships chartered; two to the Everet Oriental Lines, three to the Philippine Steam Navigation Company, three to the Compania Maritima, and one to the Manila Steamship Company. These chartered ships, together