Weekly changes in retail prices


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Weekly changes in retail prices
Philippines. Bureau of Commerce. Market Division.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
408 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL September, 1949 NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Due to greatly improved manufacturing me­ thods, ive are now offering our “ELEPHANT Brand” ASBESTOS CEMENT SHEETS Plain — 4‘ x 8' x 3/16" Plain — 4' x 8' x 1/4" Corrugated 8' x 40 - 1/4" x 1/4" AT REDUCED PRICES Fur further information please call THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., FAR EAST. LTD. 6th Floor, Ayala Bldg. Manila Tel. 4-79-41 to 4-79-45 Distributors for: HUME PIPE & ASBESTOS COMPANY Mandauyong, Rizal Provincial Agents: Davao : Ker & Co., Ltd. Iloilo : Ker & Co., Ltd. Legaspi : Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd. Cebu : F E. Zuellig. Inc. Bacolcd : Earnshaws Docks and Honolulu Iron Work Aug. 27 — Secretary of Finance Pedrosa, in a press in­ terview in Baguio, stresses the need of extending the import control program “because we are just beginning to feel its salutary effects”. To counteract the drain on foreign ex­ change reserves because of the excess of imports over exports, he urges three remedies: providing reserves for the purchase of imported goods necessary for rehabilitation, encouraging expansion of Philippine industries, and coordinating the poli­ cies of the Import Control Board with those of the Monetary Board of the Central Bank. Aug. 30 — The President signs Executive Order No.259 creating a Fire Prevention Board. Aug. 31 — The President signs Executive Order No. 261 waiving the additional progressive taxes due from certain sugar mills from the 1948-49 crop, “either because they are now operating at a loss or are still heavily indebted and need assistance for rehabilitation”. The Centrals listed are: Central Asturias, Central del Norte, Central Santos-Lopez, Luzon Su­ gar Company, Central Paniqui, Central Milling Co., BogoMedellin Milling Co., Central de Tarlac, Central Don Pedro, Hind Sugar, Co., Ormoc Sugar Co., and Central Pasudeco. Budget Commissioner Joven in his capacity as Chairman of the special Cabinet committee to evaluate existing surplus army property, announces that sealed bid for the purchase of all the remaining properties of this kind in possession of the Government will be received until September 15, 1949; the properties have been divided into 8 lots in accordance with the situation of the bases, and offers may be made for a single, several, or all lots. Weekly Changes in Retail Prices Bureau of Commerce, Market Division MINOR increases in prices of several native food com­ modities slightly pushed up the Bureau of Commerce Price Index to the 222.23 mark, up 0.59 point com­ pared with the level prevailing a week before. As a consequence, the goods-exchange value of the Philippine peso which only last week reached a record high, wa$ automa­ tically reduced to 44.99 centavos compared with the pre-war (1941) peso. Mainly responsible for the upswing of the index were marked increases in prices of eggs owing to lack of arrivals and seasonal decline in domestic production. Spearheading the upward movement were hen’s eggs which recorded a cons­ picuous gain of 30 centavos at Pl.70 per dozen, followed by increase of 10 centavos made by leghorn eggs at P2.50 per dozen. In sympathy with the rise in prices of hen’s eggs, duck’s eggs advanced by 10 centavos at Pl.70 per dozen for either fresh or salted Except for a 25-centavo increment registered by lapu-lapu at P3.75 per kilo, prices of other fish item recorded decre­ ments. Prominent among the downward movers in this group were apahap, dalag and shrimps. Fresh vegetable items were generally steady. Only string beans and chayote registered changes; the former recording a drop of 2 centavos at P0.45 per kilo and the latter easing off by 3 centavos at P0.18 per kilo. MOTOR SERVICE CO., INC. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS • ACCESSORIES GARAGE & SHOP EQUIPMENT BATTERIES • TIRES • TUBES 230 13th ST., PORT AREA TEL. 2-65-27 September, 1949 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 409 LIARKETS DIVISION The rice market was virtually quiet and featureless. Prices remained unchanged at Pl.48 per ganta for first class wag-wag and Pl.43 for second class; Pl.35 for first class macan and Pl.30 for second class. A peculiar situation prevailed in the sugar market. While increases have been continually registered in wholesale prices, retail prices have remained steady at ceiling levels. How­ ever, there has been an apparent tightening of supplies of the commodity, particularly the refined variety, in some places. The continued relaxation in prices of textiles and cons­ truction materials has been providing a most encouraging as-’ pect to the overall price developments for the past several weeks. Widespread mark-downs in quality fabrics dominated the recession in prices of textile goods. Taffeta, Romans Crepe, Baby Sharkskin, Sand Crepe, La Conga (Celanese) and Goodall Palmbeach suffered 5 to 10 centavo outs per yard. Slashes in a good number of important Duilding items highlighted the general recession in this group. Galvanized Iron, No. 26, 3’ x 8’, plain, led off the deflationary movement with a drop of 15 centavos at P6.65 per sheet. Plaster Board, 1/4” x 4’ x 8’, receded to P3.90, off 10 centavos while size 3/8” x 4’ x 8’ eased off by 5 centavos at P5.85 per sheet. Recording 10-centavo decreases were Masonite (tempered), size 1/8” x 4’ x 8’, at P7.65 per sheet, Asbestos Board, size 3/16” x 4’ x 8’, at P6.65 per sheet, and Hardboard, size 1/8’ x 4’ x 8’, at P5.65 per sheet. Gravel and sand recorded 5-centavo declines at P6.00 and P5.00 per cubic meter, respectively. FOR RE-WINDING OF GENERATORS—MOTORS CALL E. J. MORA ELECTRIC CO., INC. Address: 170-2 M. de Comillas Tel. 6-65-85 THE COLLINS COMPANY Established 1826. Incorporated 1934. COLLINSVILLE, CONNECTICUT Commonwealth Axes Dayton Pattern also Double Bit Patterns for swamping and falling The Collins name on any axe is your guarantee of high quality Obtainable in all the leading Hardware stores everywhere Exclusive Agents CHAM SAMCO & SONS, INC. P.O. Box 928, Manila 300-308 Sto. Cristo, Manila Phone: 2-81-72 This film will take your pictures •• .TONIGHT! The 'amazing speed of Ansco Superpan Press film makes night photography easier, surer, more enjoyable. It will enable you to take indoor pictures that you never believed possible . . . and with our expert developing and printing service, it’s easy to get crisp, clear, beau­ tiful prints. Better stop in today. BOTICA BOIE, Inc. Photo Department On the Escolta, Manila CEBU • ILfJlLO • LEGASPI • DAVAO