

Part of The Carolinian

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NEWS Rev. Fr. W'alslatcik, S.V.D. ENROLMENT STATISTICS Reports released from the Registrar’s Office last June 13th revealed an aggregate of 5,700 students enrolled in the various departments of the University (college level) for this semester. The College of Commerce and Secretarial leads the roll with total of 1,822, beating the College of Liberal Arts by a wide margin of 422 students. The Teachers’ College landed in the third berth with an enrolment of 1000 flat, while the College of Engineering and Architecture placed a close fourth with 950 on its rosters. The College of Pharmacy and the College of Law barely made the race as each registered 258 and 251 respectively. The Graduate School hugged the tail with 59 enrollees. THE ADMINISTRATION Fr. John Fr. John Vogelgesang left recently for his new assignment in Manila where he will handle the publication of a mission magazine, the SVD to be put out by the Fathers. We never realized how busy a man Fr. John was until he went away leaving a lot of vacancies. The administration had a hard time looking for somebody to assume the moderatorship of the Carolinian which he had so ably handled for the last three years. Nobody, it seemed, was willing to shoulder the responsibility. Fr. Joseph Baumgartner had to be convinced that he would only be acting moderator. Fr. Baum, as he is fondly called by those close to him, is concurrently Chief Librarian. The Headship of the English Department was temporarily adjudicated to Mrs. Avelina J. Gil. The Editorship of the University Bulletin, the weekly publication of the University, was dumped on the lap of Fr. Lawrence Bunzel, the new Dean of Student Affairs. Fr. Bunzel has recently returned from the Catholic University of America Rev. Fr. Pedro Kranewitter, S.V.D. where he specialized in Guidance and Counselling. Fr. Pedro Kranewitter, a new addition to the USC force, was appointed acting Dean of Religion. Fr. Pedro, an Argentine, has taken higher studies in Spanish Literature at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. He is presently the Head of the Spanish Department and Adviser to the Student Catholic Action. New Philosophy Head Fr. Joseph Watzlawik, a recent arrival from Manila, has been appointed Head of the Department of Philosophy and Regent of the College of Law. PEOPLE One Plus One Equals One . . . June 28th, Sunday, was a redletter day for Miss Miguela Estrella Martin. It marked the termination of her blessed bachelorhood and the commencement of a more blessed married life. The fortunate groom is Mr. Jose Amorado Descallar. The couple went on their honeymoon to Lanao, the home province of the bride and later to Baguio. They have decided to establish their home in the City of Cebu. SEATO SCHOLARS Two Carolinians, Miss Nela Delima of the College of Education and Mr. Filemon Fernandez of the College of Law, were each recently the recipients of one-year SEATO scholarships. The scholarship is a sort of aid to financially handicapped students who are leading in their academic classes and who possess qualities of leadership. ACHIEVEMENT The University of San Carlos boasts of: A hundred per cent passing record in the Board of Examinations for Pharmacists. A hundred per cent passing record in the Board Examinations for Architects. San Carlos’ candidates were Messrs. Melecio Ajero and Ignacio Salgado. J/r. Renedicto Alcantara Pa g e 26 THE CAROLINIAN NEWS A twenty-five per cent passing record in the CPA Board Examinations, with Mr. Benedicto Alcantara copping 8th place. The other successful examinees are: Jesus Canon, Luz Yee, Pedrito Rubio, Maximo Veloso, Aristedes Merida, Bartolome Pozon, Tomas Cala, Leonito Garciano, Pablita Palangan, Resurreccion Veloso, Lucionito Alino, Alito Despi, Carlos Talisaysay, Jesusa Maskarino, Emeterio Cagara, Pacianito Paraguya and Francisco Mendoza. Also: An air-conditioned audiovisual room. DONATION The West German government through the cultural attache of its embassy in the Philippines, Count Detlevu Rantzau, donated sixteen pup-tents to the University of San Carlos last June 30, 1959 for the use of the USC boy scouts. Reverend Richard Arens, High School Director, accepted the donation on behalf of the University. The pup-tents feature inner and outer tents: the outer, to keep the inner tents cool; and the inner, to protect the occupants from getting wet when it rains. The inner tents have rubber bottoms and built-in mosquito nets. Attending the turn-over ceremonies were prominent officials of the Bureau of Private Schools in this city. They were: Mr. Julian Yballe, Superintendent In Charge of the Nel a Delima Count Rantzau with a VSC Roy Seoul Central Visayas District, and Mr. Damaso Morales. Others present were Atty. Pedro Son, Atty. Santos Migallos, Judge Dominador Veloso, Don Gil Garcia, Mr. Nicanor Santos, Mr. Sevilla, Mr. Streegan and Mr. Edmundo Velasco, all belonging to the Cebu Boy Scouts Council. ORGANIZATIONS USC Legal Aid Bureau Reorganized On June 19, 1959, at four o’clock in the afternoon, the USC Legal Aid Bureau started its second year of existence with the following new set of officers: Mr. Adelino Sitoy Chief Legal Consultant Mr. Froilan Quijano Asst. Chief Legal Consultant Miss Carnielita Luna Record Custodian Mr. Filemon Fernandez Chief, Criminal Law Division and Liaison Officer Mr. D. Barcenas Asst., Criminal Law Division Miss Lourdes Ceniza Chief, Civil Law Division Mr. Manuel Valenzuela Asst., Civil Law Division Mr. Valerio Salazar Chief, Gene’-al Research Division Atty. Cesar Kintanar Adviser A brainchild of Dean Fulvio C. Pelaez, the Legal Aid Bureau is designed to offer legal advice to Carolinians on legal problems that confront them, render aid and assistance to them on legal matters, encourage scholarship and uphold the honor and reputation of the University. The Bureau is composed of third and fourth year students with at least one-semester residence, having a general average of not less than 2.0 and of good moral character. Membership is limited to not less than twelve nor more than eighteen. Debating, Speech and Drama Clubs to be Formed Realizing the importance of the ability to express oneself clearly, Atty. Fulvio C. Pelaez and Miss Leonor Borromeo are planning to form a debating club, and a speech and drama club respectively. The move is apparently motivated by the desire of the two crusading professors to develop hidden talents among the student population of the University. # JULY-AUGUST, 1959 Pa g e 27