Objectives of the fourth teaching institute


Part of Acta Medica Philippina

Objectives of the fourth teaching institute
Tangco, Ambrosio F.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
OBJECTIVES OF THE FOURTH TEACHING INSTITUTE* AMBROSIO F. TANGCO, F.P.C.S. College of Medicine University of the Philippines There is no enterprise or undertaking that cannot benefit from periodic scrutiny aimed at re-evaluation or review. The Department of Surgery is most grateful for having been afforded the opportunity to do this during this seminar. The Head of the Department appointed a committee to prepare this seminar, and this committee would like to thank all who have contributed directly or indirectly towards the realization of this seminar. The subject matter, the Teaching of Surgery is very broad. This being the first seminar conducted by this Department, we would rather have it remain so, rather than restrict it to narrowed fields, to have the Department open to any suggestions from any quarters. We do not want to disrega!'d any topics or problems that may be considered pressing. We feel that we are here not to be praised or to praise ourselves but to be appraised and to appraise ourselves. We would invite those who would like to speak on subjects not yet included in the program to let us know that they may be included in the open forums. We have suggested some topics for consideration in the open forum. The sources tapped by the committee for the preparation of this seminar are the following: (I) graduates who are now in the private practice of surgery; (2) faculty members from the basic sciences; (3) taculty member!:> of the other clinical deparlmcnt~; (4) medICal students; (5) slaff members in the Department. The first group interviewed consisted of four graduates - one duly trained in this institutioD.; one who had his_ residency *Delivered during the Fourth Teaching Institute (The Teaching of Sur· gcry), Colle~ of Medicine, April 18, 1959 at the Philippine Gcncr.ll Hospital Science Hall. 41 42 ACTA MEDICA PHILIPPINA. here and later trained and practised in the United States and two who are bOlh m private practice and who took their postgraduate training abroad. As a whole this group believes that our average medical student is immature. One who had his whole trair.ing here also felt that our residents are too easy going and do not devote tlieir ti.me to productive efforts. Another member of this panel said that our residents are tied lo routine work and try .to take this as easily as possible. All from this group stated that our facilities for research work are very inadequate. Members of the faculty from the basic sciences gave a wide range of ;eactions to the seminar. The departments of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathology promised to participate actively in the discussion but refused to present any formal papers for consideration, claiming that the subject at hand is too broad; they felt that more specific problems should be taken. The Department of Biochemistry expressed the feeling that the basic sciences should teach thdr subjects in its purity and should not make any alterations to suit clinical teaching.. They feel that the correlation between basic sciences and clinical teaching should be taken care of by the staff of the respective clinical departments. The staff of the departments of Biochemistry and Physiology volunteered the opinion that every department has specific problems and projects and signified their willingness to cooperate in such projects. The departments of Microbiology and Anatomy are actively participating in the program, and other programs connected with these departments may be brought up during the course of this seminar. Among the clinical departments, we are happy to say that the departments of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Gynecology, which are probably the closest to surgery from the clinical point of view, are participating in the program represented by their respective heads. The other clinical departments promised to take part in the open forum on any aspect which may interest them. A conference was held with students representing the third. fourth and fifth years. The top three of each class and FOURTH TEACHING INSTITUTE 43 others chosen at random composed the group, Among the suggestions advanced by this group were: ( 1) The inclusion or resumption of courses in aaimal surgery to give them the "feel" of the operating room before they are actually assigned there. ( 2) The reduction of actual didactic lectures and the in· creased used of demostration even using audiovisual aids only. (3) The resumption of recitation periods during the lee. ture hour. ( 4) Tlw increase in number of reference books in the library. (5) The increase in laboratory facilities for use by students. (6) The employment d technicians to do routine labOfatory work. (7) The use of digest of lectures or syllabi on the various subjects similar to those used in other local universities. It was felt that these would enable them to prepare themselves better. (8) The demonstration of operative procedures to the whole 'class. With this material and open 5uggestions from members of the department, this program was prepared. We purposely and consciously omitted two interesting topics from this seminar, ( 1) the use of audiovisual aids in teaching and (2) extra-institutional teaching by faculty members. We feel that these subjects are important enough to merit individual seminars of their own. With these considerations, it will happen many times that topics will come up that will0 concern not only the teaching of surgery, and this must not be taken to mean that this department is trying to encompass fields beyond its limits. Medical education in itself is a very broad subject related to many ot9,er subjects. 44 ACTA MEDlCA PlllLIPPINA If, in this seminar, we can crystallize ideas on some specific problems or projects and see which ideas could be followed up, we feel we will have accomplished something. F~rthcrmore, if this body can actually formulate positive projects that may be carried out later and which will improve the teaching of surgery, th<'n this department will feel that its efforts would have been adequately repaid. With these views in mind. the department seeks the help of the faculty.