Fragmento de un articulo publicado el 4 de Julio de 1953


Part of Espana Boletin Informativo

Fragmento de un articulo publicado el 4 de Julio de 1953
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
EDUCATIVA--------El Prestigio De La Unive1·sidad Espaiiola Los sl1bditos filipinos put•dl'n obtt·ncr f:'1cilm<"n1r Títulos :\radt:mkos C'spañolc'\. El aho!::ado ~lariano l.aurl'I Hidali::o, de Tanaw;m, Dalani::as, ha sido el pri.mrro (' n obt<'ncr d dr I>oC'lor en l>rn·(·ho 1u1r la l ·nhTr.,ídad de '.\ladrid, obtC'nil'ndo la ralifkaciOn máxima. •:1 Sr. l.:aurrl fut: lwrario dd ln'>liluto dl' Cuhura His· pánica d<' '.\ladrid. R<"ci1·nt('llll'RI<' ti Emhajador de Es¡>aiia rn '.\lanila le hiio <'Rlrq::a d<'I Título, momento qur rt'roi::f la foto;.:rafía . Son muC'ho; los rstu· diantcs filipinos que C'studian Durrho rn '.\ladrid. El Sr. Laurel lué el pri· mrro que realiió rsludio• ('0111pkto• para ohh·ncr el l>orlorado. La Prl'nsa es· pañola dd pasado l." df julio da cu('nl:' dt' nul' otro rstudiantc filipino ha oblrnido rl mhmo honor: llon :\lanut'I O. Soriano, 1amhi¡n con la 111:'ixb1a calificación. n~ la carta de un estudiante filipino que se encuentra en San Francisco de California, dirigida a la Sección Cultural de Ja Embajada de España ·:m Manila : "I have conc-2rted plans of study in Spain - if at ali possible, to get a Doctorate there. At present 1 am working for a Master's degree here at San Francisco State Collcge, and wHl recdvc my diploma in January. "Last November 1 ask·2d for information from the Universily of Madrid. and the catalog which they sent me impressed me with the fact that the program in Jit,erature and Hispanic Studies which they have there will more than meet with my expectations. And those who hav·e come from Spain are filled with praises about the creative and cultural life they have se2n manifested there." Valdemar O. Olaguer 2443 Vallejo Street San Francisco, Calif. Fragmento De Un Artículo Publicado El 4 De Julio De 1953 En El "Saturday Magazine" Del "Evening News"; Del Que Es Autor D. José M. Hemandez, Periodista Y Educador Filipino . . . The L'ni\·ersidacl de l\fadrid is modern in cvcry sense of th2 word, Lawns, hedges, buildings omd equipment are ali up-to-date And lo think that whcn the Communists left Spain there was nota single cent in the coffers of the nation : th<1t for t:l or so y·ears Amerita and the rest of the world shunned the company of Spain-as a man shuns the plague: that thc Unh'-~ rsidad de Madrid is a state university and depends only on what Fran<:o can and will gin! it. E\·ery Filjpino who goes to Spain, must 1'ce the L'ni\·ersidad de Madrid. It is clean, ncat, beautiful and spaciou~ . Its stru<:tures are streamlined, functional. aJHI, th:.irefore, altractive. But, lhis is just externa!. phys!l'al, material. What does the Uni\'ersity ha\'·e to offer? Ask the <lean of the Faculty of Philosophy <tnd Letters- as 1 did in '51.. \ The Uni\·ersity educatcs the whole man. It do 2s not Lelieve in an education that is compl·etely materiali:-:tic. It offers a hroad, deep and compreh :msi\·e cultural background in the only undergraduat·e col!ege-the Liberal Arts faculty. No one is at·ceptecl in the l!niver::;ity wit hout an A.B. degree. University studies are purely specialist and professional to produce exoerts. The curriculum call for a deep and abidini;? knowledgc of the humanities, the sciences. philosophy, :i nd mathematics. And the profcssors' families are afforded protection t:hould the professors die - as manv of them die - during the most productive periods of their careers. As enrollrnent is limited to those \\.'ho hav·e had cultural traininir in the A.B., and as professors are relatively better paid and prolected than even professors in the rich United States - you mav be sure that the student in thc Uni\·ersidad Central de Madrid acquires not onl.v instruction for a profe:-:sion but an education which is rich, broad and comprehensive. As in Oxford and Salama·nca, the Madrid student comes out of the Univ·ersit.v not only a n expert but a finished gentleman. You lea\·e the campus of the Uni\·ersidad de l\fadrid reluctantly. But you must go for time is on the wing." · Página A ESPAj¡A