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NEWS Miss Remedios Fradejas USC BOARD TOPNOTCHER OFF TO U. S. Miss Remedios Fradejas, who placed fifth in the government board examination for chemists last year, left for Manila last August 15 on the first leg of her trip to the United States. She will take up studies for a master’s degree in chemistry at the University of Texas, where she will join Miss Jane Kintanar, another USC scholar, who is presently studying for a doctorate in physics. Miss Fradejas’ travel is backed up by a Fulbright grant, while her stay and study at the University of Texas will be financed by the University. USC SCHOLAR RETURNS AS ONLY ETHNOLOGIST IN CEBU USC scholar Marcelino Maceda returned last July from Europe to be the first and only doctor of ethnology here in Cebu. Now back with the teaching staff of the Graduate School of the University, Mr. Maceda was in Europe for three academic years on a USC scholarship grant. He obtained his Ph.D. in Ethnology from Fribourg University in Switzerland and studied a few subjects in Vienna University in Austria and in Lund University in Sweden. He minored in English Literature and theoretical Economics. Aside from the scholarship grant, Mr. Maceda got the following scholarships: Fonds Suisse Nacional de la Recherche Scientifique, which was granted to special students in Fribourg; International Student Course in Lund University; and a travel scholarship to big German universities where ethnology is taught as a course. (Among them were: Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt, Bonn, Cologne, Hamburg, and Muenster universities.) He travelled with Father Rahmann, S.V.D., former Dean of USC’s Graduate School, presently a faculty member of Fribourg University and a well known anthropologist in Europe. Dr. Maceda graduated from Fribourg U with honors. His doctorate thesis dealt on a comparison of the culture of the Mamanua Negritoes of Northeastern Mindanao with the cultures of other Southeast Asian Negritoes. Before he left for Europe, Mr. Maceda had already done extensive field work among the primitives of Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros and Panay. He was also research assistant in the USC Graduate School. At present, Dr. Maceda is writing a monograph on the Mamanuas, which he hopes to publish in a European scientific magazine under joint authorship with Father Rahmann. Incidentally, USC is the only school in Cebu that is doing work in the field of ethnology. AUSTRIAN BOY SCOUTS INTERVIEWED AT USC Two Austrian boy scouts, Harold Rumpier and Peter Schlogel, who hitchhiked their way through Africa and Asia to the World Jamboree at Mt. Makiling, were interviewed at the Audio-Visual Center of the University last August 6. Fr. Richard Arens, S.V.D., Director of the Boys’ High School, introduced the two boy scouts before the big audience that jampacked the Audio-Visual Center. The boys, who had many interesting experiences to tell about their hitchhiking adventure, which they had planned a year before, ‘‘to relieve us of the boredom of our office work”, hail from the city of Graz in Austria. They started hitchhiking in October, 1958, arriving in Manila during the first week of July, 1959. Atty. Arsenlo Villanueva LAW PROFESSOR LAUNCHES BID FOR LOCAL POST Atty. Arsenio C. Villanueva submitted his name to, and was nominated in, the Loyalist Bloc convention held last July 26 at the UV Coliseum as candidate for Provincial Board Member. Atty. Villanueva was formerly Examiner of the Bureau of Civil Service in Manila, Assistant City Fiscal of Cebu, Assistant and later acting Provincial Fiscal of Cebu and First Vice-Mayor of the City of Cebu. He has been teaching in the University of San Carlos since 1939 when it was yet called Colegio de San Carlos. USC WRITERS CLUB REORGANIZED In a luncheon-meeting at the Avenue Restaurant last July 26, the USC Writers’ Guild, brainchild of the late Cornel io Faigao, was reactivated by the remaining members. Among the activities which the Guild has decided to undertake are the publication of a magazine, the holding of convocations on literature and journalism, which will be open to the general public, and regular o o sessions in which the latest works of the members will be discussed and criticized. The club is exclusive and its membership is limited. Presently, the members are Sixto LI. Abao, Jr., B.C. Cabanatan, Junne Cahizares, Manuel S. Go, Nelson Larosa, Demetrio Maglalang, A mor solo Manligas and Francisco Robles. GENERAL STUDENTS SLATE LITERARY TILT The second year General students sponsored last September a university-wide literary contest. The contest featured three divisions: short story, essay and poetry. Cash prizes amounting to P300.00 were at stake. Mr. Demetrio Maglalang, adviser of the class, received the kudos of everybody for the novel undertaking. USC BLUE ARMY MOBILIZED The Legion of Mary of the University of San Carlos is recruiting members for the Blue Army of Our Lady, which has been organized to proclaim and fulfill the message of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima. The Blue Army’s precise objective is the conversion of the people of the USSR and thus the removal of the danger of war. The members of the Blue Army pledge to fulfill the Blessed Virgin’s conditions for peace, namely, the daily saying of the rosary, the wearing of the brown scapular, and the offering of sacrifices which consist in the fulfillment of their daily duties in reparation for sins. The signatures of those who take this pledge will be microfilmed and sent to the shrine of Fatima in Portugal. A LAW FRATERNITY IS BORN As a sort of crystal ization and materialization of the long pent-up desire of most of the College of Law people to create a strongly cohesive and homogeneous organization, the SIGMA SIGMA PHI (Sword and Scale Fraternity) was born. The place was Jenny’s. The time, 7:30 on a Saturday evening. The occasion was marked by seriousness and solemnity. The Fraternity elected the following officers: Most Exalted Brother, Froilan Quijano; Exalted Brother, Enrique Alvarez; Brother Keeper of the Records, Macario Balansag; Brother Keeper of the Purse, Augusto Go; Comptroller, Steve Fadullon; and Brother Herald, Marcial Rubia. Froilan Quijano Pa g e 30 THE CAROLINIAN NEWS The fraternity then proceeded to draft its constitution for its first project. A committee was formed. On the evening of August 22nd, the body formally ratified the constitution after a most enlightening exchange of ideas. Truly, the constitution is an outstanding piece of intellectual creation expressing the sentiments of a truly democratic group. FOREIGN LUMINARIES FIGURE IN USC'S FORTNIGHTLY LECTURES A Trench professor and a member of the American Consulate in Cebu were recently guests of the University of San Carlos in separate convocations on educational and scientific subjects held fortnightly. Professor Charles Moraze, a SEATO lecturer, spoke at USC’s Audio-Visual Hall on “The Influence of the Far East in the History of European Cultures”. Professor Moraze hails from Faris. After studies in Germany and England, Professor Moraze obtained his doctorate at the University of Paris. From 1938 to 1942, he was a pensionado of the Thiers Foundation. After receiving the “Croix de Guerre” (a military award) in 1944, he became Director of Studies at the School of Higher Studies. Glen H. Fisher of the American Consulate in Cebu spoke on “Understanding a Foreign Culture”. Fisher is a sociologist and cultural anthropologist. He took his doctorate at the University of North Carolina in 1952. He spent three years in Mexico to write about community development in that country. He was then a professor at the State Department, Foreign Service Institute, after which he entered the Foreign Service and was first assigned to Venezuela and of late to Cebu City. USC ART ASSOCIATION FORMED An art association designed to promote art consciousness in the university campus was organized last August 22, 1959. Prof. Julian Jumalon of the Dept, of Architecture and Dr. Felix Savellon, president of the Cebu Art Association, supervised the meeting. Amorsolo Manligas, a senior architecture student and currently staff member of the Carolinian, was picked president of the newly-formed association. Other officers elected are: Teodoro LI. Alcuitas, Vice President; Melva Rodriguez, Secretary; Amelia Cabrera, Treasurer; Flora JuAmorsolo Manligas mapao and Ismael Sala, Auditors. In its effort to promote art consciousness on the campus, the association will sponsor convocations and art exhibits in the very near future. Regular field trips for outdoor sketching is being planned as a means of developing the talents of its members. Prof. Jumalon and Dr. Savellon will serve as advisers of the association. USC LEGAL AID BUREAU SPONSORS CONVOCATION As part of its public service program, the USC Legal Aid Bureau, an exclusive organization of the College of Law, designed to aid students of the University in resolving their legal problems, sponsored a series of convocations on the various legal provisions on matters of general interest, to which the general public was welcome. The first convocation dealt on the law provisions on marriage; the second, on paternity and filiation; and the third, on election laws. An open forum was held after each lecture, during which the different speakers were practically roasted by a keenly interested audience, which jampacked the Audio-Visual Center to its full capacity. Atty. Cesar Kintanar, adviser of the Bureau, and Dean Fulvio C. Pelaez of the College of Law, were congratulated for an auspicious feat that the bureau has to its credit. Atty. Mario D. Ortli ORTIZ RUNS FOR COUNCILOR Atty. Mario Ortiz, Faculty member of the College of Commerce and adviser of the Law Debating club, has definitely decided to enter the local political arena by running for councilor of the City of Cebu under the Osmena-Cuenco fusion. Atty. Ortiz hails from Sibonga, Cebu. He finished his Elementary course in only 5 years having been accelerated twice. He spent his high school and early college days at the then Colegio de San Carlos. Even in his student days, Atty. Ortiz displayed remarkable leadership. He was an actor, military man, orator, debater, scholar and writer. Atty. Ortiz finished his law course at UST in 1947 and passed the BAR given in the same year with an average of 80.05%. Thereafter, he worked as newspaperman, radio announcer and instructor of the College of Law of the University. Ever since he was connected with the University, Atty. Ortiz has been producing prize-winning orators and debaters. Presently, Atty. Ortiz is Secretary to the Mayor of Cebu City. Married to the former Miss Julita Villacorta, UP Scholar and beauty, they have 3 sons yet, Reynaldo, Danilo and Perome. j Adelino B. Sitoy SITOY WINS COUNCIL PRESIDENCY Adelino B. Sitoy, standard bearer of the Carolinian Youth Party, led his team to a smashing victory over the Student Youth and the United Students parties in the Supreme Student Council elections held last August 1. Sitoy practically swept the polls, beating his two opponents in the persons of Anthony Sian of the United Students Party and Roberto Rosales of the Student Youth Party, 1996-511-483, respectively. Except for the College of Engineering, bailiwick of Tony Sian, where he lost by 61 votes, Sitoy carried all colleges. In the College of Commerce, where Bob Rosales was expected to garner a comfortable majority, being a student of that college and Grand Akan of the reputedly powerful Alpha Kappa fraternity, Sitoy won by a margin of 131 votes. Elected along with Mr. Sitoy were: Jesus Alcordo, vice president; Miss Lorna Rodriguez, secretary; Miss Teresita Vergara, treasurer; B. C. Cabanatan, auditor; and Filemon Fernandez, press relations officer. Except for Miss Vergara, who belongs to the Student Youth Party, all the officers-elect belong to the CYP. In the congressional race, mostly CYPers came out victorious. USC GRADUATES PASS CHEMISTRY BOARD EXAMS 100% The University of San Carlos recently added another feather to its befeathered cap when it made a 100% passing record in the latest board examinations for chemists. The successful examinees are as follows: Mr. Gervasio Riconalla .. 80.37% Mr. Temistocles Bontuyan 78.95% Miss Pacita Teves .......... 76% ELEVATOR FOR USC Another novel addition to USC’s facilities is the new passenger elevator installed at the left wing of the Administration building. Acquired from the States, the elevator arrived here in the middle of August. It took six weeks to install it in the concrete shaft, ft SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1959 Pa g e 31