The Catholic action front


Part of The Carolinian

The Catholic action front
Isaac, P.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
• MDSCELLANEA fl/w C&ilwlic (rfcihn F R O N T by P. ISAAC 1 HE SEMESTR AL vacation (usually the coup de grace? lor the various school organizations that are already moribund at this time ol the year) has gone by and the second semester is upon us. The dying enthusiasm and interest of the members of most of the clubs, organizations, and associations have taken their toll. Gone is the burning eagerness, gone is the zeal that characterized the earlier days, as a matter of fact, gone are most of the clubs, organizations, etc. themselves. To the chagrin of our president, Mr. Vergara, the Student Catholic Action seemed to be proving no exception to the general rule. Alarmed, he acted quickly. Calling for the reorganization and revamp of the unit and cell leaders (some of whom have been characterized by—shall we say—slight indifference to SCA functions) and calling for co-operation of all SCA'ns, he managed to stir up—more or less—the leaders (and even some officers) from the sluggish apathy that had befallen them. Barely one week after classes had started, the SCA'ns attended a Missa Recitata. That same day, a seminar opened the training of SCA leaders. Among the items on the agenda of the SCA for the rest of the year are the following: 1) a benefit show, "The Song of Sister Maria" and (we hope) "High-Time", 2) Bingo on the coming Students' Day 3) plans for the annual retreat 4) several cultural events, among them the projected "Drama through the Ages" (the pet pro ject of Sister Nelly McFarland); a literary-musical program, chairmanned by Brother Pete Montero, and a symposium; chairman: Sister Lorna Rodriguez, 5) the traditional Christmas caroling 6) plans for a souvenior SCA magazine. Among other things, the second semester found the SCA with a new Spiritual Director. Many other duties had prompted Fr. Hoeppener to relinquish this post. His successor is Fr. James Skerry. In the first week of classes, this writer with some moral support from Brother Pete Montero and our president interviewed Fr. Skerry. Well, it wasn't exactly that way. Actually Brother Pete and Brother Nick did most of the interviewing and I supplied the moral support and took down notes. Our new Spiritual Director came to the SCA Room looking, for all the world, like a silver-haired teen-ager and speaking in a New England accent with just the hint of an Irish brogue. Fr. Skerry was born in Boston, Massachusetts (the elected U.S. president's birthplace) on June 16, 1928, the second in a family of four brothers and one sister. All boys in the family studied in the seminary, but at present only Fr. Skerry is a priest. However, his younger brother recently took his vows. Fr. Skerry was ordained at St. Mary's, Techny in 1955. Originally assigned to Indonesia, but unable to get a visa to that country, Fr. Skerry was reassigned to the Philippines as a missionary. However he stayed on in Christ the King Seminary, teaching English and History, as well as doing parish work in the Immaculate Conception parish in Quezon City. At the same time, he studied in the University of Santo Tomas "on and off for three years". He finished his M.A. in English in that University just last semester. In San Carlos he is teaching English and Ethics besides being the SCA spiritual adviser. Fr. Skerry expressed interest in the religious aspect of the SCA and asked questions about the religious life of Carolinian students. Being new in this school, and his being the first time in the SCA, Fr. Skerry said he had to definite plans yet and that he wanted to observe "how you do things around here." THE CCAA IS DETERIORATING The current cage series of the Cebu Collegiate Athletic Association have been turned into a boxing bout where players figure in fist fights and into a "cockfight" in a "cockpit" where betting is rampant. If the CCAA were organized as a valid excuse to make tough guys instead of disciplined basketball players or gamblers out of upright citizens, then it is advisable that it be dissolved. It seems unethical for school authorities to tolerate the breaking of bones among players of contesting teams or gambling among the kibitzers. It is a blow to the CCAA which is composed of educated men to produce social problems through basketball games. Let's Talk It Over (Continued from page 12) CAROLERS: BE CHRISTIAN THIS TIME Christmas is here again. And caroling which is one of the indispensable fads of the season zvill dominate once again the Yzz'etide air. We are hoping that this season will not be made a good excuse for a smalltime racket. We anticipate our wish that carolers be a little bit Christian this time. They should not scrounge for charity both in kind or in cash at the most zznholy hours of the night. We think it would be too much for the tagbalay to be squeezed of their cash and be deprived at the same time of their sleep. If that’s not plain robbery, what is it? Page 24 THE CAROLINIAN