

Part of The Carolinian

Ando, Elias
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE MAKING OF A MAGAZINE, especially a school organ, becomes at once a difficult and trying experience. The (ideal) publication that would appeal to all levels of intelligence does not exist. For that matter, it has never been the aspiration of the editorial staff of this paper to put try to. A generally positive response was felt with the first issue of the Carolinian and we pride ourselves in having received warm remarks concerning the admittedly revolutionary changes done with the paper. And we never know how much a few words can boost up an ego until a letter of congratulations comes in from no less than Father Rector himself. Also, we are conscious that displeasure and discontent are always in order with each. An instructor criticized it for using ' quotations from different authors"; another, not quite finding the issue a "prayerbook," decried it as being materialistic. These are naivete of the first order. We are not against adverse criticism but let us have more sensible ones. Please. Likewise, a student said it would take some three hours for a college freshman to understand the editorial. We do not wish to believe that the colleges of this progressive university are merely an extension of the high school department. Ach, Himmel! If we tried pleasing all three at once, we would go crazy. We don't want to. And then pleasing everybody is an absurd absurdity. We have no other subterfuge but to let it go at that that the first issue of the Carolinian was controversial; it stepped on many uncovered toes (probably suffering from athlete's foot) but had also impressed on the moral liberal readers the possibility of achieving not only something "new" but also something the organ was apparently in need of. At first glance, the reader will notice this issue is a far cry from the first volume. It is much thinner. And thumbing through the pages, he will find some items have been pulled out and new ones thrown in. BUT HOW'S THIS FOR A HAPPY FILL-IN: Delano Tecson, avid basketball fan and the Student Council's very own dynamo, has thought over and come up with the happiest compromise the staff and the readers can possibly get to — him doing the items for the sports section. Also, Manuel Satorre for having obliged us so and by that we hope everybody feels better. It seems it is the nearest approach we can go about to please people but it brings us to thinking twice when we have to solve problems as: Whatever-Happened-to-Photography Dept. Yes, whatever happened to the photographic venture so enthusiastically received in the first issue? Well, here at Publications all we do isn't just get hold pen and paper and go to press. Finances, unluckily, have also to be considered, bringing about our having to settle for a measly 32 pages sans the photographic section and the elaborate illustrations but for which we are trying to make up by an even more careful layout and selection of types. Unaware of it, the reader is much affected by letters used in reading matter. He may experience unusual pleasure in reading an article or otherwise but will hardly be conscious that the type and its arrangement have been responsible for much of the feeling. We believe this fact has been used to just such an advantage. A photographic venture similar to the “Lonely Vision" is being planned for the next issue. The ed informs the readers that, though still in the research-stage yet, the item will come up with something newer and fresher as far as photographic subjects are concerned. USC ENTERS THE AGE OF THE BUILD —New feature in the Cebuano skyline will be the 8-story Faculty Building slowly taking shape in the form of steel rods that rise into the air and hulks of concrete encasing metal. The swank building, at completion, will house the SVD Fathers whose present fourth floor quarters will be made available as additional classrooms. Another purpose: recreational rooms for the faculty. Special features: air-conditioning throughout and a basement to boot Oh, dem faculty members, de lucky group! —The engineering people will soon have to change stations too when talk of another ten-story building, (am I right Tatay Engelen?) spanning the present site, the Sto. Rosario Church and the present girls' high school, will materialize. The building will offer air-conditioned laboratories, lectures via closed-circuit television, and a gym nasium-cafeteria. Or so we are told. Whether the talk is fact or fancy, it would, indeed, be an experience to really have our home once and for all. (This fellow is from there, too, you know.) MISCELLANY: Wilfredo Chica decided poems like Visit, Proem etc. weren't getting him any better with Mario. Is busy doing Edna St. Vincent Millay. And Rey Yap, missing the photographic section, settles down to give you a little short of a lowdown on pornography. Lady Chatterly's Lover, Vladimir Nabokov, etc. THE COVER No. It is not a connotation of anything Hitchcockish in nature. Only, the reader should be a little more aware of the things around, and how they influence him like pornography. Nabokov, P. H. Lawrence, etc. In other words, the things that are. Emphasis on the last word. And there was no better way we could designate the implication than an eye so overwhelmingly possessing, we have yet to see the public's reception when we start bringing it around. Every now and then we have a dearth of articles to print. Some do come in that are fit to be used but have to be shelved for later use. Their themes are not the ones we need quite yet. There are those among the readers who do know how to write and we hope, for once they would stop to think their “can't care less" attitude will get them and us nowhere. And don't they think the magazine could be a little better off with them pitching in? I'm sure we wouldn't be caught dead showing around a 50-page mag with only one by-line to some 12 or 15 pages. So please, huh? FRAGMENTS......... bv ELIAS ANDO