ROTC reports


Part of The Carolinian

ROTC reports
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Tactical inspection results
About Capt. Aleonar of USC and his staff
Candidate school
Two new policies
Roster of cadet officers
by Rodolfo C. Kintanar Tactical Inspection Results About (apt. Aleonor of USC and His Staff Candidate School Two New Policies Roster of Cadet Officers SUMMER’S GONE and we arc now faced with the challenge of a new school year. Many blank days now await to be tilled with the joys and heartaches, the sweat and the fun of the struggle ahead. What achievements the Corps shall do this year yet remains to be done. What lessons the Corps had learned from the past still remains to be seen. The Diehards’ dream last year was not fully realized. In the Tactical Inspection, the Administration got the first place among all other ROTC Units in the whole III MA. This speaks for the efficiency of Captain Oscar SV Aleonar, the Commandant, and of the personnel in the Department of Army Science and Tactics under him like, Sgt. Bonifacio Ando, Sgt. Jesus Largoza, Armorer Fred Antipuesto. Clerk Eddie Figueras, and Secretary Rosa Linda Valenzona. But in the overall rating the Corps got only the fourth place in the whole III MA although it got the first place among all the ROTC Units in the city. The WATC unit commanded by Cadette Captain Sylvia Aquino got the third place among all other WATC Units in the III MA. This year there is no WATC Unit in the Corps. The WATC is stopped for lack of enrolment. The men in charge of the University of San Carlos ROTC unit are the following: Captain Oscar SV Aleonar, the Commandant; Sgt. Bonifacio Ando, Administration and Supply NCO; Sgt. Osias Gctalaga, Intelligence, Operation and Training NCO; and Cadet Colonel Fidel B. Dacalos, Jr., Corps Commander. Captain Aleonar, the Commandant, is a man who has been with the Philippine Army since 1948. An Advanced ROTC graduate from USC, he has been to the United States for further Military Studies twice. He is a veteran of the Korean War and has participated in the AntiDissident Campaign in Central Luzon. During his 18 years of service in the Philippine Army, Captain Aleonar has been the recipient of the following decorations: the Military Merit Medal (with Bronze Anahaw Leaf) ; UN Medal, Korean Campaign (UN); Korean Campaign (Philippine Award); Korean Campaign (US Award); Korean Presidential Unit Citation Badge; Philippine Presidential Unit C tation Badge; Combat Infantryman’s Badge (Korea); and the Anti-Dissident Campaign Ribbon. Aside from his duties as Commandant here in San Carlos, Captain Aleonar is also Commandant of the Cebu Normal School, Public Affairs Officer and Civic Action Officer of the III MA. Sgt. Bonifacio Ando, the Administration and Supply NCO. is a man with 16 years of experience in the Army. He is a graduate of the Basic Signal Officers Course, an Art llery Reserve Officer with the rank of Captain, and a Korean War Veteran. He has been the recipient of a unit citation for gallantry in act on from Korean President Syngman Rhee. Sgt. Osias Gctalaga, the Intelligence, Operation and Training NCO, has also been with the Philippine Army for about 15 years. He has participated in the Huk campaign in Pampanga from 1951 to 1953. Then he joined the Loose Firearm Campaign in Lanao. He had attended the Reserve Commission Officers Candidate School at the Philippine Army Training Center in Ft. William McKinley, now Fort Bonifacio; the Operation and Training In-Service Training in 1962 at the III MA; the ROTC Instructors Refresher Course in the III MA in the summer of 1962. He has been an ROTC Instructor in one of the local institutions in the city from 1958 to 1962. During his years of service, Sgt. Getalaga has been the recipient of many Commendations and Certificates of Merit, among them a Commendation from Colonel Albert Friedlander, CO of the Reserve Affairs Group, as the Most Outstanding Soldier of the Unit in 1965. He was also chosen by the Board of Officers under the Chairmanship of Col. David San Juan as III MA Candidate for Philippine Army Soldier of the Year 1965. Sgt. Getalaga was assigned to Diehard Corps only this year. He replaced Sgt. Jesus Largoza who volunteered for Vietnam and is now with the Philcag group which will leave for Vietnam this September. The present Corps Commander, Cadet Colonel Fidel Dacalos, Jr. is the former “CO” of the Ranger Unit of the University. He is a third year Electrical Engineering student. Other new personnel in the DAST Office are Miss Charitte Pagusara, a charming soft-spoken Zamboanguena taking BSE Major in Science, who is now DAST secretary; and Mr. Fred Asunto, a hard working Boholano taking Commerce, who is the clerk of the office. After the Tactical Inspections last March 24, a General Critique was held and with it the Diehard Unit began girding itself up for this year’s coming struggle. Last summer, a Cadet Officers Candidate School (COCS) was conducted in the university by the First Class Cadets led by Corps Commander Cadet Colonel Fidel B. Dacalos, Jr. Twenty-five men passed the course and they were duly honored in fitting ceremonies at the Jaycees’ Clubhouse last July 10. Guest speaker for the occasion was Colonel Antonio R. Romero, new III MA Commander. In his speech Col. Romero urged the then future cadet officers of the Corps to be true leaders, in the classrooms, in the campus, and in the field, not to be “leaders by appointment only”. Before his speaking engagement at the COCS graduation, Col. Romero paid a (Continued on next page) Aug.-Sept., 1966 THE CAROLINIAN Page Twenty-nine courtesy call on Rev. Dr. Rudolf Rahmann, University President, in his office on July 7. He was accompanied by his staff and Captain Aleonar. Training for the 1,375 cadets enrolled this semester began last July 16. This training shall continue every Saturday until the end of the semester. There shall be no training on Sundays. Last July 30, while the men were on the field, Col. Romero visited them to observe how training was conducted and how the men behaved. This is the first time an Area Commander visited ROTC Cadets during their training and the USC Cadets were the first observed. Col. Romero was satisfied with the conduct of the men and the method of training. Two new policies are implemented tlfs year by the DAST. One is the shortening of the sleeves of the Type “A” uniform (khaki) and the wearing of Pershing Cap of Cadet Officers with the Type “A” uniform. The other is the Special Formation of the Corps Very lice. Rudolf Rahmann, University President, receives courtesy call of Col. Antonio R. Romero (left forcyround), newly desiynated III MA commander. To the riylit is Capt. Oscar SV Aleonar, commandant military science and tac‘ics. ROTC Cadet Officers for 1966-67 Cdt . Co l . Fide l B. Da c a l o s, Jr . Corps Commander every last Sunday of the month for the purpose of attending mass. The cadets are also enjoined to receive Holy Communion. “We are not only concerned with military training but also of the spiritual side since of this the soldier needs more,” Captain Aleonar said concerning this policy. The Set-up of the Corps at present is as follows: PRESENT SET-UP By the way, this is for you girls; the ROTC Officers are scouting around for Sponsors... Whether the Philcag is catapulted to the heights of glory or to the depths of despair, we can be sure we have Diehards there. As of now, I know of three men with the Security Forces of the Philcag. They are Sgt. Jesus Largoza, Sgt. Ramon Apurado, and Santiago Prejido, son of Capt. Lucilo Prejido, and a former platoon leader of Foxtrot Company. The Department of Army Science and Tactics thanks the Supreme Student Council for the portable transistorized megaphone given to the Corps. More power to the Council! J Cdt Col Fidel Dacalos, Jr ............................................... Corps Commander Cdt Lt Col Maximo A Encomicnda ............................. 1st BCT Commander Cdt Lt Col Francis D Alvez........................................... 2nd BCT Commander Cdt Maj James T Hofer................................................... Corps SI & Adjutant Cdt Capt Francisco Padilla ........................................... Corps S2 Cdt Maj Bonifacio Ybaiiez ............................................. Corps S3 Cdt Maj Mauricio Santiago Jr ..................................... Corps S4 Cdt Capt Gil Blanco ......................................................... CO, “A” Co Cdt 1st Lt Roy Ratcliffe.................................................... 1st Plat Ldr, "A” Co Cdt 1st Lt Felix Ayaay .................................................... 2nd Plat Ldr, “A” Co Cdt 1st Lt Florante Macalisang ...................................... 3rd Plat Ldr, “A” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Gustavo Neri Jr.............................................. 4th Plat Ldr, “A” Co Cdt Capt Edgar Saso ....................................................... CO, “B” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Gregorio Cabajar ........................................... 1st Plat Ldr, “B” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Virgilio Flores ................................................. 2nd Plat Ldr, “B” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Abner Torres ................................................... 3rd Plat Ldr, "B” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Mariano Mancao ............................................. 4th Plat Ldr, "B” Co Cdt Capt Emmanuel Espiritu ....................................... CO, "C” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Romeo Lim .................................................... 1st Plat Ldr, “C” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Romeo Seno .................................................. 2nd Plat Ldr, “C” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Adriano Perez .............................................. 3rd Plat Ldr, “C” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Roberto Fuentes .......................................... 4th Plat Ldr, “C” Co Cdt Capt Erlindo Gonzaga ............................................. CO, “D” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Francisco Rabuza ..................................... 1st Plat Ldr, “D” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Reynaldo Berdin .......................................... 2nd Plat Ldr, “D” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Haul Cayme .................................................. 3rd Plat Ldr, “R” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Reynaldo Cruz .............................................. 4th Plat Ldr, "D” Co Cdt Capt Gaudioso Villagonzalo ..................................... CO, “E” Co Cdt 1st Lt Roy Cimafranca ............................................. 1st Plat Ldr, “E” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Celso Macachor ............................................. 2nd Plat Ldr, “E" Co Cdt 2nd Lt Francisco Palang........................................... 3rd Plat Ldr, “E” Co Cdt 2nd Lt Ruben Gierran ............................................... 4th Plat Ldr, "E” Co Cdt Capt Abraham Wenceslao ......................................... CO, “F” Co Cdt 1st Lt Cecilio Rabuza ................................................ 1st Plat Ldr, "F” Co Cdt 1st Lt Wilson Sopocado ............................................ 2nd Plat Ldr, “F” Co Cdt 1st Lt Vicente Mancelita Jr .................................... 3rd Plat Ldr, "F” Co Cdt 1st Lt Isabelito Labra ................................................ 4th Plat Ldr, “F” Co Page Thirty THE CAROLINIAN Aug.-Sept., 1966