Philippine Safety Council


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Philippine Safety Council
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXX (No. 2) February 1954
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
February, 1954 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 75 Philippine Safety Council By Frank S. Tenny Founder and Executive Director A STEP forward in the improvement of Manila traffic conditions was taken recently by Mayor Arsenio H. Lacson when he reactivated the Manila Mayor’s Traffic Committee, The group is charged with the re­ sponsibility of creating practical over-all plans which will be coordinated with that part of the traffic administration which is the duty of the National Government. The mem­ bers are: City Engineer Alejo A. Aquino, Chairman Police Chief Telesforo Tenorio City Planner Enrique J. L. Ruiz Traffic Engineer Rodolfo Maslog Former Director of Traffic Frank S. Tenny Two prominent safety officials from overseas were entertained and consulted by the Philippine Safety Council Board of Directors during recent weeks. Charles F. Alexan­ der, of the Industrial Safety staff of the U.S. National Safety Council, was a local visitor as the guest of the Philip­ pine Air Lines. Thomas Winkle, also an industrial safety specialist, is here from the International Labor Organiza­ tion staff in Switzerland, assisting the Department of Labor. Both of these gentlemen are making valuable contributions to the national safety movement. The Council continues to urge Malacanang to form a National Public Safety Committee, to embrace the factors of fire protection, traffic administration, industrial accident prevention, security matters, safety education, and allied matters. It is hoped that this vital project will be realized soon. Encouraging stirrings in the safety field are being noticed in local industry. Inquiries are becoming more frequent, and more “savvy”. Management seems to be slowly but surely realizing the value of safety in its opera­ tions. The insurance industry is helping very much in this respect. Considering conditions even a few years ago, these “rays of sunshine” are most welcome. The element of safety was introduced into the tourism movement, for the first time as a specific topic, during the recent PATA-AFETC convention in Manila. A sub-com­ mittee, headed by the writer, was formed to outline the program. Among the plans are elimination of abuses often perpetrated on visitors which result in bad publicity over­ seas. Thirty-five drivers of the Manila Electric Company were awarded “Safe Driver Award Badges” at annual ceremonies this month. Two men received their Five Year Awards, the first in the Philippines. The vehicular accident rate at MERALCO has shown a marked and continuous decrease and is now one of the lowest in the fleet field. Next month will again see the observance of FirePrevention Week. The support and cooperation of everyone is enjoined. The Council will be glad to assist, without cost, in the holding of an Employee’s Fire-Prevention Rally in your plant. Telephone 3-25-19 2147 Azcarraga PILFERAGE AND ARSON INVESTIGATIONS LIE DETECTOR TESTS-DOCUMENT ANALYSIS JOHN E. CURTIN, GEN. MGR. THE ROUTE OF THE BEARS Serving THE PHILIPPINES JAPAN HONGKONG U S. WEST COAST PORTS FAST - REGULAR - DEPENDABLE UNITED STATES LINES, INC. GENERAL AGENTS PORT AREA MANILA 133601 33602 33603 33604 PASIG RIVER BODEGAS GENERAL BONDED WAREHOUSES * SOUTHWESTERN SUGAR & MOLASSES CO. (FAR EAST), INC. MOLASSES BUYER 145 Muelle de Binondo Tel. 2-63-10