What Do You know?


Part of The Cabletow

What Do You know?
Padua, Eugenio
Seek and find
The Cabletow Volume XLIII (No. 7) July 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Seek and Find... • What Do You know? WB Eugenio Padua, PM (5) • 1. Do you know that in the Philip­ pines there are three “Bethels” of the International Order of Job’s Daughters? (Olongapo, Manila and Duniaguete) 2. Do you know: — That you and/or your wife may visit any Bethel even though you are “not a member” of it? — That you do not have to pos­ sess and give any “pass word” or "sign”? —That you may enter the Bethel Room without much formality? — That the “Associate Bethel Guardian” and some members of the Bethel Guardian Council are Masons and the others women ? — That you will not be held up for money? (However, during the meeting there is the socalled “Coin March” when, if you wish, you may drop a coin of any amount, for charitable purposes.) 3. Do you know: — That your daughters and/or girl relatives between the ages of 12 and 20 years are eligible for membership in any Bethel even if they do not live in the town or city where the Bethel is located? — That they do not have to at­ tend every meeting, which, in the case of Bethel No. 2 in Manila, is held on the second and fourth Sundays of each month starting at 2:30 P.M. at the Plaridel Temple? 4. Do you know that the teachings of the Order of Job’s Daughters are based on the Book of Job with special reference to 42:15 which reads: “And in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job?” 5. Do you know that the Motto of the Order is “Virtue is a quality which highly adorns woman”? 6. Do you know that the purpose of the organization is to band girls together for spiritual and moral upbuilding, to seek knowledge, to teach love of God, love of Country, respect for its Flag, love of home and family and reverence for the teachings of the Holy Scriptures? 7. Do you know that they have a very beautiful inspiring ceremony? 8. Do you know how beautiful the teachings of the Order are? — Inner Guard: “We must be alert and watchful concerning the follies of the world which are ever pressing for admission to pure hearts and minds.” — Junior Custodian: “The hum­ blest task carefully performed is sometimes the stepping-stone to advancement and more import­ ant duties.” — Senior Custodian: “The huni' blest service merits the same attention as one of greater im­ portance and should be prompt­ ly and cheerfully performed.” — First .Messenger: “Obedience to the wishes of our Parents and Guardians is a virtue to be cherished and practised in our homes and daily lives.” — Seeond Messenger: “As we journey around the world gathering knowledge here and Tum to next pege JULY, 1967 11 there, we must always be mind­ ful of the pitfalls of human life.” — Third Messenger: ‘‘However lowly may be our stations in life, our responsibility to God and to all mankind should ever prompt us to noble deeds.” — Fourth Messenger: “Righteous service will lead to life eternal.” — Fifth Messenger: “We should reflect on past actions and thoughtfully review our sur­ roundings that we may reach the highest attainments in life.” — Librarian: “We should dev­ elop our intellect so that we may be of the greatest use to ourselves and others as we as­ sume our positions in such duties as it may please God to call us.” — Musician: “Harmony is es­ sential to all organizations and is a virtue for which we should all strive.” — Recorder: "My every act should be as the Recording Angel would have it in her Book of Life.” — Treasurer: “Honesty of pur­ pose is the foundation upon which to build character.” — Chaplain: “Piety, religion and reverence for sacred things arc the beacon lights of life.” — Marshal: “Good order, kind words and noble actions are essential in our lives.” — Guide: “As God in His wis­ dom guided Job to restored health and prosperity so will He guide us to live uprightly if we follow His teachings.” — Junior Princess: “1 he need of improving our times of prosper­ ity with acts of kindness to our companions.” — Senior Princess: “In the story of Job’s suffering, his faith in God and his utterances of wis­ dom, we learn that we will overcome our adversaries if we put our trust in Him.” — Honored Queen: “We arc taught the triumph of faith in God as we journey through life.” FOSTER PARENTS Aware of the character-building nature of the teachings of the Inter­ national Order of Job’s Daughters, and desiring to help in perpetuating the same in this country, Rosario Vil­ laruel Chapter No. 2 (Manila) of the Order of the Eastern Star, in its meeting of June 5, 1967, unanimously declared to make itself the “Chapter Foster Parent” of Bethel No. 2 (Ma­ nila) of the International Order of Job’s Daughters. And every member of the said Chapter, a “Foster Sister” or “Foster Brother.” It is now the task of the Chapter Foster Parent and of the individual Foster Sisters and Foster Brothers to foster the ideals of the International Order of Job’s Daughters and to en­ courage others to visit Bethel No. 2. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Address Bethel No. 2, International Order of Job’s Daughters, Plaridel Temple, 1440 San Marcelino, Manila. THE BEST IN YOU. . . Give love, and love to your life will flow, A strength in your utmost need: Havo faith, and a score of hearts will show Their faith in your word and deed. For life is a mirror of k ng and slave; 'Ts just what we are and do, Then give to the world the best you And the best will come back to you. 12 The Cabletow