Develop and grow or decay and die


Part of The Cabletow

Develop and grow or decay and die
The Cabletow Volume XLIII (No. 7) July 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Their children we know, both offspring and enterprise. They’ve spread through the country benevolent and wise. He gave to his country and those close beside him A heritage non—ending, a light never dim. He was restless, unrelenting, a curious sort, Of the stuff that gets things done what’er the import. He lived for himself—yes, that may be the charge. But we are the richer for his heart. O so large. DEVELOP AND GROW OR DECAY AND DIE When one year later, then, I sat alone (In memory hearing Juan’s words so oft repeat— “Come to my home in Tairan, Bob,” and see Life in its tenderest facets to be shown.) On his veranda, broad, serene, with a tone So readable. The challenges fearlessly leap “Develop and Grow or Decay and Die” to meet My gaze and dare me take them as my own. Then bares myself to itself—it kens as true, That oft I would, but can’t lay hold Of courage to brave the unknown and sue For the better I know can be mine in measures untold. To “Develop and Grow” I must try always to hew. T<> "Decay and Die” I must never permit to take bold. (The foregoing poems arc by WB Robert Jordan, PM. They were written to commemorate the first anniversary of MWB Juan S. Alano’s death on July S., 1966. The second 'poem drew inspiration from MW Alamo’s handwritten note on a blackboard a day before he died.) TRUST Tho other day one of my managers asked me what is the most important at­ tribute of a leader. For a moment I paused, because the requirements of good leadersh’p consists of so many qualifications. Then suddenly all doubt passed from my mind and I answered, “Trust.” It is obv ous, that no matter how otherwise qualified a leader may be, unless his followers have trust in him, they can never respond to his leadership without some reservation of mind. Therefore, trust should be the basic quality we search for in our Masonic leaders. REW. JULY, 1967 17