Far East DeMolay Conclave


Part of The Cabletow

Far East DeMolay Conclave
Meneses, Antonieto
The Cabletow Volume XLIII (No. 8) August 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Antonieto Meneses, PMC A dream that took three years to mature eventually became a reality when the associated DeMolay Chap­ ters of the Jurisdiction of the Philip­ pines, Guam and Okinawa convened in Manila from June 30 to July 2 for a three-day DeMolay Conclave. For the first time in the history of De­ Molay in the Philippines, Chapters all over the islands threshed out their common problems other than those found in the teachings and ritual of their Order. The first jurisdictional conclave’s varied activities centered at the Scot­ tish Rite Temple. Taft Avenue, Manila. Ill. Dad Manuel Crudo, Executive Officer for the Jurisdiction of the Philippines, Guam and Okinawa formally opened the three-day meet. Foremost among the DeMolay Chapters in the Conclave were the Far East Chapter, Clark Air Force Base, with a delegation of 16 Ameri­ can DeMolays; Leon Kilat Chapter, with a delegation of 12 DeMolays coining all the wav from Dumaguete City by boat. Emmanuel Baja Chap­ ter, Cavite City had several represen­ tatives as did the newly-constituted Quezon City Chapter and dozens of delegates and observers from Jose Abad Santos and Loyalty Chapters which gradually increased when some of their brothers from the provinces studying in Manila finally arrived. Due to some unique operational technique beyond the control of the members of the Tcodoro R. Yangco Chapter, Olongapo City, the Advisory Council of the Chapter was not able to send any representative. However, the Chapter Advisor. Dad Anatalio Bustamante, was present as an ob­ server. The Lapu-lapu Chapter of Cebu City did not send any delegate for lack of time. However, Dad Gerardo Jimenea, Advisory Coun­ cil member of the Cebu Chapter, was present. Excelsior Chapter of Vigan, I locos Sur was not represented. First Day The hectic day started at 8:00 A.M. with the registration of delegates. After all were finished, Dad Crudo delivered his welcome speech. This was later followed by an orientation program mainly to familiarize the delegates with the conduct of the Con­ clave. This was conducted by Donald Wiles, Jr., Conclave Chairman. Part of the orientation itself was the in­ troduction of the Chapter delegates by their respective Master Councilors. z\fter the orientation period, the dele­ gates went to the Rizal Park (Luneta) to lay a floral offering at the foot of the Jose Rizal monument. After the offering, the party toured the wide and scenic park and even took their lunch there. At about 2:00 P.M. the delegates went back to the Scottish Rite Temple for the afternoon work­ shop entitled: "Administrative As­ pects in Running a Chapter." The evening was capped by an aquaintance night full of skits, games, vocal solos, choral renditions, pranks and jokes. Second Day The whole morning was spent largeIv in the conferring of Initiatory and DeMolay Degrees on the Quezon City Chapter initiates. After lunch, the second workshop started, topic: “Issues Affecting the DeMolay Move­ ment.” After the workshop. Chap­ ter and Jurisdictional Associations were organized. One important mat­ ter considered during the discussion was the proposed Jurisdictional Con­ stitution which took a great deal of Turn to page 29 AUGUST, 1967 IN THE GRAND. . . From pigo 24 49, convention proper with a Lodge of Instruction. The Grand Master’s party was made up also of RW Manuel Crudo, Grand Senior Warden, MW Mauro Baradi, PGM, keynote speaker; VW Oliveros, Senior Grand Lecturer; WB Lorenzo Talatala and WB Do­ mingo F. M. Domingo, who was awarded an Honorary Membership by Bulusan Lodge #38. The party ar­ rived in Manila on Sunday, Aug. 20. Things are perking up in the Grand Lodge with the more systematic fol­ low-up of records sent or not sent by Lodge secretaries and Lodge treas­ urers. In the Grand Secretary’s of­ fice is a four by eight-foot bulletin board with the names of Lodges and districts after which are five columns: Treasurer’s report. Secretary’s report, monthly membership report, Minutes, and Petitions, each column being divided into 12 spaces, one space for each month of the year. Reports re­ ceived, O.K., arc indicated by colored pins. If all reports are submitted, the columns are full of pins; if reports have not yet come in, the blanks are as white as snow. Many Lodges have colored pins, some complete, some not so complete. Quite a few are as lone­ ly as the Sahara, without pins at all. If only the pins can prick the officers to act! The Grand Secretary and the Grand Lecturer have gone around to hold seminars on the reports — how to ac­ complish and send them. On July 22, they went to San Pablo City to hold a seminar on Lodge administration. Masters, Wardens, Secretaries, Treas­ urers and Inspectors of the Twelfth Masonic District were in attendance there. In addition to the seminar on Lodge Administration, there was also a Lodge of Instruction. On July 30, the party went to Cavite Turn Io pag* 31 DEMOLAY CONCLAVE. . . From p.g. » time during the deliberations. At seven in the evening dinner was served; and then came the moment of selecting their jurisdictional officers The four top officers are: Donald Wiles, Jr. (Far East) is State Master Councilor; Stanley Jacob (Jose Abad Santos) Deputy State Master Coun­ cilor; Cesar Niguidula (Loyalty) State Senior Councilor; Emmanuel Bustamante (Emmanuel Baja) State Junior Councilor; and Cicero Calde­ ron, Jr. (Leon Kilat) State Treasurer. Don Wiles, Jr., unintentionally left for the United State on July 12, so that his Deputy will occupy the premier position until Don’s return. Third Day The last day of Conclave started early in the morning with the Installation of the Jurisdictional Of­ ficers. The Philippine Priory of the Order of Knighthood took charge of the Installations. After the installa­ tion the delegates went to the Central Methodist Church in Ermita for the morning’s church service. Lunch was served at the church’s Heroes Hall. Among the activities held in the after­ noon were the conferral of the HONORARY LEGION OF HON­ OR upon Dad Conrado Benitez, 33°, and the showing of the “DeMolay Story” movie. After dinner, the three day affair was put to an end in a closing cere­ mony which was later highlighted with the selection and crowning of the Jurisdictional Sweetheart. The next day the delegates bade each other farewell while some DeMolays accompanied and saw some of their brothers off to their homes. Every­ one is looking forward to the next DeMolay Conclave which was pro­ posed to be held in Dumaguete City next summer. Chairman of the Pre­ paration Committee is Sonny Calde­ ron, Jr. of Leon Kilat Chapter. A AUGUST, 1967 29