The NBI and you


Part of The Cabletow

The NBI and you
The Cabletow Volume XLIII (No. 8) August 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
aid NBM Our readers will remember how a couple of years ago The Cabletow published for a number of months a full-page appeal for cooperation of the citizens with the FBI in reporting crimes to the authorities. That was done at the request of the NBI, it being known that the appeal of the FBI in the United States might as well be that of the NBI in the Philip­ pines. (The FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, is of the United States; the NBI, National Bureau of Investi­ gation, is of the Philippines.) Any similarity in names is not in­ cidental, accidental, or co-inci dental. Incidentally though, Masons will be glad to know that the head of the FBI is Bro. J. Edgar Hoover; the head of the NBI is Bro. Jolly Bugarin. Those were side remarks. The main point in this story is that hence­ forth, The Cabletow, with the-coopera­ tion of the NBI, will have a page or two every issue devoted to the NBI and its work; what it does for the people; and what the people can do for the NBI. In these columns, read­ ers will be informed properly and truthfully of the crime situation in the country. Readers will be told where to go to report crimes. We decided on this venture in co­ operation with the NBI because we feel that it is the Mason’s duty and responsibility to be a good and upright citizen, remembering the charges given to him when he took the degrees. We feel that here and now, in compre­ hension of the present administration’s three R’s: rice, roads, rectitude; a citizen worth his salt will do his best to be of some assistance. It is our guess that every succeeding adminis­ tration will have similar catch words, or words to that effect, for we feel that the problems of good citizenship in any country are the same from ad­ ministration to administration. We are concerned with political science, or the science of government; not politics. We arc also allergic to poli­ tical stuff. On Saturday, August 5, 1967, at the Scottish Rite Luncheon, Bro. Bu­ garin made an earnest plea to his hearers to help the NBI in its work of flushing out the criminals and bringing them to court. He stressed that the NBI alone, even with its modern facilities for crime detection, cannot succeed unless the citizenry help it. Col. Bugarin decried the lack of civic spirit and mental honesty in a great number of people who can, but wont, testify in court when cases are brought to trial. So many crimi­ nals go scot free because eyewitnesses prefer to remain silent. The present project of The Cable­ tow has grown out of the thinking of MW Wilmarth, PGM, at whose sug­ gestion Masonry in the Philippines should take active part in the profes­ sion of good citizenship. Years ago he suggested that Lodges in their localities take active part in the peace and order campaign of the local gov­ ernments, forming committees charged with the task of helping law enforce­ ment agencies to prevent crime. It is our hope that from here on, we Masons take up the challenge and help our government in its program of attaining that “rectitude of conduct” among the citizens and public offi­ cials. A 16 The Cabletow