Belgrano asks Philippine aid


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Belgrano asks Philippine aid
Depressions (Economics)
Financial crises
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
INTER-COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS PRESIDENT URGES PASSAGE OF PROP. 11 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5-Antonio A. Gonzales, president of the Filipino Inter-Community Organizations of the \ "estern States, today appealed for full support of the California Fair Employ· ment Practices Act, on the November ballot as Proposition No. 11. The FEPC Act would make it illegal for employers and unions to discriminate against members of minority groups because of race, creed or color. It sets up a five-man commission which would im•esti!!llte discrimination in hiring and order discriminatory practices stopped. "No decent man or woman can oppose the Fair Employment Practices Act," Go~zales said. "Only bigots and enemies of American democracy can oppose legislation which would only give all men their constitutia11at rights to earn a living regardless of race, creed or color. "The FEPC Act is eminently fair and just legislation. It will be an economic advantage to employers as well as to workers. "I urge all those who believe in American democracy to work for the passage of the Fair Employment Practices Act, on the November 5th ballot as Proposition No. 11." Ir. formation concerning the Act, and ;nformation on how it can be helped, ran be obtained at San Francisco headoaurters, 2 I 6 Market Street, or at 541 S. Spring Street, Room 911, Los Angeles, from the California Committee for Fair Employment Practices. 47 HURT AT SANTO TOMAS UNIVERSITY MANILA, Aug. I I-Forty-seven persons were injured tonight when an iron railing broke and fell from the balcony of the Santo Tomas University gymnasium during the basketball game. Overcrowding was blamed. Fifteen thousand persons jammed into the gym· nasium which has a seating capacity of 2000. CLEMENTE REPOLLO WEDS SALINAS FILIPINO GIRL Mr. Clemente Repollo for many years a resident of Sacramento, now at Stockton, recently claimed Miss Catalina Balasabas, daughter of Mr. Miguel Balasabas of Salinas as his bride. Miss Balasabas is a student at the College of Pacific at Stockton, majoring in music and Mr. Repollo is a District Auditor of the Filipino Federation of America, Inc. The wedding took place at Saint lHary's Church, in Stockton, on September 14th. BELGRANO ASKS PHILIPPINE AID Frank N. Belgrano, financial adviser to the Philippine commissioner, Paul V. McNutt, who just recently arrived in San Francisco after spending nine months in the Philippines, said that "the Philippines are bankrupt." Mr. Belgrano is vice president of the Bank of America. "Only with our financial help can they be ·restot'ed. ·to post war economy," he said. It will take from three to five years to get them back on their feet, but it is beneficial fo~. the .United States to see that they do," Belgrano said. Belgrano arrived aboard the Matsonia with his two daughters, Carlo and Evelen. QUALITY SHOES For the Entire Family Johnstone's Bootery J. H. JOHNSTONE 518 K Stroot, Sacramento Dial 2-7-457 I 516 Del Paso Blvd., North Sacramento Dial 9-2116