Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume I (No. 9) March 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
10 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE [MARCH, 1937 Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company L. M. ROBINSON General Superintendent The Suyoc plant treated 6,740 tons of ore during February with a recovered value of Pl3.24 per ton, and a gross production of P87 ,842. 79. Percentage of extraction for the month was 82.34 % . Test work carried out in the mill laboratory resulted in the starting of grinding in cyanide solution and an increase in extraction. It is expected that if no complications arise, it will be possible to treat all of the mill concentrates in the S uyoc mill and thereby a void shipping them to the smelters. The higher extraction will proportionately increase the profit per ton. Development Total development work during tl~e month amounted to 1,033 feet, of which 526 was in capital development and 507 in operating development. Of the capital development, 129 feet, or 24.5 % were in ore, while 103 feet, or 20.3 % of the operating development were in ore. The timber in the main shaft has peen nea:r'ily all 1 relieved between the 1900 and 2000 levels, thereby permitting the passage of cages to the 2000 level. Excavation for the pump station on the 2000 level was expected to start about the middle of March. General Foundations for the No. 3 Allen Diesel electric unit were completed. Two banks of three 333-Kva transformers were installed to replace the 100-Kva transformers, and the transmission line was increased to 4,000 volts. United Paracale Mining Company R. H. CANON General Suverintendent During the month of February a total of 9,575 tons of ore was milled, with a gross production of Pll0,348. 72. Sulphide mill No. 1 treated 3,622 tons of ore during the month with a gross production of P89,ll 7.72. The percentage of extraction for the month was 89.19%. Oxide mill No. 2 treated 5,953 tons of ore for a gross production of P21,231.00. The percentage of extraction in this mill was 42.55 % . Included in the Sulphide mill production is P457.14 resulting from the treatment of 55 tons of ore from the Rocky Mt. Fraction of Northern Mining & Dev. Co. Development Total development for the month was 1,210 feet, of which 275 was in operating development and 935 in capital development. Bal uarte Shaft No. 2 was sunk 38 feet and was 270 feet deep by the end of February. Staff House No. 16, which is being erected, is partially finished. The forms for the power house cooling tower were finished, all concrete was poured, and the erection of the cooling superstructure was started. Excavation for the power house extension and drill shop building were continued throughout the month of February.