Marsman activites in Java arouse considerable interest


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Marsman activites in Java arouse considerable interest
The Marsman Magazine Volume I (No. 9) March 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
18 THE MARSMAN :MAGAZINE [MARCH, l!:J37 Marsman Activities In Java Arouse Considerable Interest Considerable interest is being shown getic Marsman concern has arrived and in Java in the activities of Marsman will interest itself for this absolutely and Company. Mr. J. 0. Greenan, of indispensable metal. the Board of Consulting Engineers, has been in the area for some time investigating mineral possibilities. The following clippings, which have been translated from newspapers in Java, will be of interest to readers of the Marsman Magazine. COPPER IN THE MINAHASSA EXPLORATION BY THE MARSMAN CONCERN "The Batavia Newspaper announces, that the well-known Marsman concern, of which mention was made recently, has started investigation of the famous copper deposits of the Minahassa (N. Celebes) , on the North shore of the Gulf of Tomini. "A number of years ago, about 1904, the Minahassa had been explored by the well-known mining Engineer Koperberg, who was very much attracted by the rich copper ores and who has written very scientific and interesting communications about same in the Yearbooks of the Mining Department. "As is well known, in the years 19001907 many gold mining companies have been established in that district and have gradually disappeared again. Copper has never had so much public interest, but now the young and ener"Mr. Bornhaupt has been directed to proceed on the spot in order to make the first investigations and undoubtedly there wm be some news about the process made within short." -(De Indische Courant) MINING "The activity developed by the Marsman concern makes it appear that several possibilities of mining in this country will be carefully investigated. For the investigation of a number of concessions offered this concern by Nether lands Indies explorers two very capable American engineers are busy. "For the nickel ores in Central Celebes there are several applicants on the market. The negotiations are interrupted pending receipt of the report of the professors Reinders and van Oyen, concerning the process to be applied. It is well known that the ore is rather poor but Professor Caron as well as the firm of Krupp, Germany, invented a process which makes the winning of this ore payable. We understand that the process proposed by Krupp will have preference. As soon as the experts will have reported on this matter the further negotiations between the Government and the applicants will be carried on." -(Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad-Batavia)