"I'll tell the Cross..."


Part of The Cross

"I'll tell the Cross..."
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
In your Marek issue of "The CROSS" I read about Mr. Salvanera’s wish to be a pen-pal. I am very sorry to say I can't comply with his wish for I am not yet allowed to have boy pen pals. Could you please inform him about this? Maybe I could have him for pen pal some years Ed: So sorry. Mogs. Sincerely yours, Girl of ‘15 HOUR HINFLUENCE Layao, Cotabato Moroland Sir: Hi was so much hinfluenced bye your love por "the Famfangos — hand the ’ypcrbole," that sometimes when joking- with some hof my priends hi talk with them Ivin this manner. Some hof them get hungry hat me. Hof course, hi hintendsd no hinsult heither. Ed: 'Ow hodd! R‘ E‘ °' DEES KAFAMFANGANS 2821 Herran, Manila Your article about the Kapampangans was SAPAK. It made me recall an incident during my High School days. On the first day of class, my physics prof blurted out: "Wheel hew fleas fake half de fishes hub fefer lion da taybel?" <At least that was what I heard.) It took the whole class quite a time figuring out that he meant to say: "Will you please pick up the pieces of paper on the table?" (Turn to page 62) ‘Til tell the Cross... (Continued from, page A) The wave of laughter that followed almost caused an electric bulb to fall down from its socket. Thank heaven there were no casualties. (Our prof was no HUK, you know.) Brotherly in C. J., Meneleo Hernandez Ed: Wat 'appened to de fefers? FROM AN ATTORNEY Davao City Sir: I like the CROSS for it proves to millions that the Mystical Body is not a myth. I am a member of that Body and I am proud of it too. Your magazine never fails to delight me, for I find in it my thoughts in black and white. I wish you every success to carry your aims to have the CROSS “reach all Filipinos from the top of Batanes to the tip of Turtle Islands." May God bless you and the members of your staff. Sincerely in Christ, (Atty.) Alfredo C. Benedicts. CROSS — A "MUST" Meycawayan, Bulacan Sir: If some things like movies or Hollywood magazines are a “m^st” to this modem generation, why shouldn’t the CROSS be? I would advise my Catholic sisters and brothers to make a try of it. Personally, I can read some items in it repeatedly without getting bored. In love with the CROSS, (Miss) Azucena N. Bagasan 62 MAY, 1950 S3 MORE FROM DAVAO Davao City Sir: "The Principal is a Protestant" is exactly the life for a catechist in most of the public schools. But what should be said if the principal is not a protestant, but a Catholic, who at times even finds his way to Sunday Mass. What should be said if a public school teacher who boasts of being a Catholic, nay even a Sodalist, refuses to admit catechists into her class because of some grudge she once had with a padre or Church dignitary? (Name Withheld) Ed: Et tu, Brute? MA5^XT®iTr°N the Reetdenre