United Paracale Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

United Paracale Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume I (No. 10) April 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
10 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE [APRIL, 1937 United Paracale Mining Company R. H. CANON General Superintendent During March, 9,168 tons of ore were milled with a recovered value of Pl4.06 per ton for a gross production of P93,716.37. Sulphide mill No. 1 treated 3,723 tons of ore for a gross production of P66,974.27. Included in this total was 10 tons of ore from the Rocky Mountain Fraction Claim of the Northern Mining and Development, from which P85.80 was produced. The percentage of extraction for March in the sulphide mill was 88.54 % . Oxide mill No. 2 treated 5,445 tons of ore during the month, of which 4,720 tons came from Haliguing Ba to and 725 tons were low grade sulphide ore from the mine. The gross production for the month from this unit was P26,742.10, and the percentage of extraction was 50.18%. Development Total March development was 1,162 feet, 397 feet of which were in operating development and 765 feet in capital development. Of the total development advance 494 feet, or 42.5 % were in ore. Baluarte shaft No. 2 was sunk 35 feet and was 305 feet deep March 31. Baluarte shaft No. 1 was sunk 48 feet and was 369 feet deep March 31. The erection of the power house building was started as soon as the excavation was completed. The excavation work for the drill shop building was continued throughout the month. Staff House No. 16 was completed and is now occupied. TROLLEY LOCOMOTIVES ECONOMICAL MINE HAULAGE THE GOODMAN MFG., CO. CHICAGO PHILIPPINE AGENTS MARSMAN & COMPANY