The chaperone


Part of The Cross

The chaperone
Aunt Lina
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
T)ke Chaperone Pen Pol Column conducted By AUNT LINA "Once upon a Moytime. . ." you weren't feeling exactly on the upand-up. Of course, there was the usuol whirl of social doings—fiestas, picnics and Santa Cruz de Mayo's in which you figured quite prominently, but there was no one to talk to about those special events. Everyone at home and in the neighborhood knew all about who were present for the dance, who were the prettiest "sagalas" in tffe procession, what you wore at the boating party, without having to listen to your version of them. You were dying to discuss those red-letter events but you had no audience ready to listen. It sort of rubbed away the sheen from the event. Thot was "once upon a Maytime". This year. The CHAPERONE CLUB offers an easy answer to your problem. Write your friends ' about your vacation doings. . . not the friends next door, who most likely were at the same party and had their own version, of the affair. Write to your pen pals—girls and boys who look forward eagerly to your letters which carry the only clues to that mysterious somebody called YOU. You can. bet your last penny, your letters will be sincerely appreciated by them. This is your one chance in a Moytime — JOIN THE CHAPERONE CLUB. Enthusiastic is the word regarding the reader's response so for to Aunt Lina's membership invitation. To the skeptics who till now are still holding back from joining, we hasten to explain: we do not employ the spiderpatented tactic of "Will you come into my parlor?" The Chaperone Club is the club of Catholic Youth. All Aunt Lina does is. . . er, chaperone. She sees to It that young boys and girls develop clean, wholesome friendships via the mail. And that reminds me, club members, shake off the shy cloak. None of that "Hello and Goodbye" stuff. Think of the stamps you're os igood os throwing to the dogs. Write more about yourself so as to give your pen pol a clear picture of that wonderful YOU. You might be able to give 22 MAY, 1950 23 him o few tips on how your Sodality or Legion of Mary organization is being managed. Or maybe, your point of interest will focus around the NCAA arena—this prophecy concerns the month of September when the basketball season resumes its hotlycontested engagement-series. That the ticket pen pals go for. So, next time you write to XYZs, forget the letter formula. Remember thot you are actually shaking hands with a friend across the written page. Here's a line-up of the latest to join the Club. Write the code number of the one you'd like to correspond with; send us the letter, and we'll forward it to your new pal with an introduction. To those who would like to join in the fun, write us a letter of application giving your full nome, address, age, height, weight, education and hobbies. Annual membership fee is P0.50 in stomps. An enclosed picture of yourself will be highly appreciated. Ready for the roll-call? Here we go. . . "Vacation is just starting and I am already lonely. I miss my friends and classmates. I want to be a member of your club but I do not have the required age yet"... writes a young colegiala who is an avid CROSS reader. Listen, child, age does not matter as much as enthusiasm is there, and your Aunt Lina clearly sees from your letter that your abundance of the latter item more than makes up for your lack of years* The age limit is flexible, the only reason why we have set the 15 to 25 boundary being the fact that most people who want pen friends- belong to that age bracket. Anyway, the Club welcomes you into the ranks, and to prove this, you are hereby given the code name of G-100. M-100 from the not-so-tiny island of Bohol wants “to have friends from far-away places, so I wish to have my name entered in the CROSSsponsored Pen Pal Club.” A combination of the outdoor-indoor type, he goes in for cycling, reading novels, picnicking, letter-writing and story-telling. No wonder he finds this pen-pal idea loads of fun. "Waiting for some people to put their thumb into the CHAPERONE PIE before I do so myself and finding out that many have swarmed your two pages, I regret very much not having joined earlier’' writes L-100, a Chinese mestiza from Cebu City. "I am 22 years of age and my favorite hobbies are stamp-collecting, letter-writing, and all kinds of sports." Her letter ends with a generous offer: “If there is any way I could be of service, please don’t hesitate to let me know.” Thanks a million; right now, you can help the CROSS by getting your relatives and friends to join the'CHAPERONE CLUB FAMILY. 24 THE CROSS Like M-100 from Bohol, R-101 has accepted Aunt Lina’s invitation to the club because he wants to have friends in large numbers. The typical high school student (he’s a Junior), his hobbies are dancing, singing, and reading novels. What about writing longer, letters, R-101? Tell us and your pen pals more about yourself. In a very “hep" letter trademarked U.P. all over, coed S-102 says, “I read the CHAPERONE COLUMN... quite nice for ‘teen-hagers’" (No cause for fear, folks, she doesn't belong to the wrong group in Famfanga). A girl just turned sweet sixteen, she’s college Freshman who is simply rah-rah-rah about sports — especially, (you guessed it) basketball; also likes letter-writing, reading, singing and dancing. She is an active Legionnaire and also a “catechetical sister” in the public school. Wot say, folks? When do you start saying “howdy-do"? M-100, a college senior in one of Manila’s biggest universities tells us that “while scanning the pages of my favorite Catholic magazine,. I came across a very new number — the Pen Pal Column. I would really like to have friends — friends that ar.e really good and friendly.' Don’t you worry, M-100, your Aunt Lina sees to it that your pen friends have halos around their heads, and not ropes around their necks. Well, M-100 writes that she is head-over-heels in love with music, is a movie addict, and has special fondness for reading, writing to friends and swimming. She plays the piano and sings, too. In short, she’s Miss Activity. Any letters coming her way? That's all for this issue. The Chaperone legion is growing larger ond larger. When are YOU going to join? Aunt Lino misses you every month for the Roll Coll. Write that letter of Application NOW. Be writing about you next month. Till then......... CROSS PEN PAL CLUB RULES----------------------------1. Write Aunt Lina about yourself: name, address, age, hobbies, education, etc. Her address: C/O CROSS MAGAZINE, Regina Bldg., 15 BanquproEscolta, Manila. 2. Enclose P0.50 in stamps for annual adoMesion fee. 3. Aunt Lina will immediately introduce you to one member, then publish your number with the first letter of your family name in her column. 4. Choose other pals from her column and write them VIA AUNT LtNA. Your real nome will not be divulged, until you yourself choose to do so.