Intentions blessed by the Holy Father for June, 1950


Part of The Cross

Intentions blessed by the Holy Father for June, 1950
Siguian, Jose Ma.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
32 THE CROSS Intentions Blessed By The General Intention: FOR REPARATION TO THE SACRED HEART BECAUSE OF OUR SINS In manifesting to the world the devotion to His Sacred Heart, Our Lord Jesus Christ in His revelations to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, taught us that this devotion fills our souls with repar..tion and a iove for fervent consecration. The Divine Heart was presented to us as loving and much offended, ardent in charity, but also crowned with a cross, wounded ond surrounded with thorns, flowing with love far men but complaining at the same time of ingratitude, despised and forgotten by those who profess to love Him with a special love. For all this, we are requested to offer reparation for our sins. Sinners that we are, burdened with so many faults, we should not be content with adoring God, offering Him thanks and begging Him for new graces; we should also recognize Him as a just Judge to Whom we should give satisfaction for our innumerable faults, offenses and negligences. On the other hand, the sanctity of God, because of the indignities we committed, may deny our offerings and petitions, instead of accepting them with pleasure. The Superior who is much offended naturally has the right to punish the injury done to him. We connot escape the ire of God who is much offended by our sins, except by a sincere sorrow of them, by sacramental absolution and the satisfaction imposed by His ministers. But after receiving pardon for our sins, we should practice penance to offer satisfaction for the temporal punishment due them. A*l good works performed in the state of grace may serve as satisfaction for this temporal punishment, but other practices olso hove special power to moke this satisfaction, like acts of contrition, giving of alms, works of charity and resignation to the Divine Will in times of tribulation. MAY, 1950 33 Holy Father For June, 1950 It is true that no creature is capable of making satisfaction for 0 even one sin, if the Son of God did not take on human form to make 3 this reparation. His death served as a superabundant satisfaction and « wiped away all our sins. Nevertheless it is also true that Divine Wisdom 9 requires that we complete in our flesh whot is locking in the Passion « of Christ, and that the praises and satisfactions of Christ be united 0 with ours. Because of this, the value of our works will surely be 3 derived from the Sacrifice of the Cross and its unbloody repetition » on out altars, but it is also certain that with the sacrifice of Christ Ji should be united our reparation and penances. In addition, love i asks for aur reparation in as much os o continuous wave of crime 3 in this world inundates the doors of the Sanctuory to offend the most S patient Heart of the Divine Prisoner. His offended Love begs of us S Communion of Reparation and the Holy Hour as a loving expiotion. i Mission Intention: FOR THE SANCTIFICATION OF THE NATIVE | CLERGY. i The native clergy in the missions should be considered as a S fundamental stone on which depends the stability and progress of the J Christians. Because of this, the first obligation of ecclesiastical J superiors in these territories is the painstaking spiritual and scientific « formation of youth destined for the Sanctuary. In the same manner, 4 the Apostles of Christ entrusted the government of the new Christians J to a clergy who came not from outside, but from the natives of the J country ond formed in them the sacerdotal virtues. Let us pray to i the Sweetest Heart of Jesus for the native clergy, secular and regular, i for the religious ond those consecrated to a contemplative life so thot I the entire clergy of the missions may flourish in sanctity now especially j in the midst of persecutions ond exile and may continue to give glory .j tg God ond be examples of Christian fortitude. 1 Rev. Jose Ma. Siguion, S.J. i