Labor day thoughts of a farmer


Part of The Cross

Labor day thoughts of a farmer
C. Billote, Jr.vvvvvvv
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MAY, 1950 45 homes without regard for religion, without discipline, without regard for law and justice. They const tute the materials for lawlessness and disorder. God grant that such men shall never be. I am not a prophet of doom. I am a mere observer anxiously concerned over the welfare of my people and of my young Republic. I enjoin all Catholic girls of the Philippines to join in this movement for the improvement of public morals. LABOR DAY THOUGHTS OF A FARMER The farmer's hands are rough with sacrifice; They till the earth from mom till eventide. Like stones of great cathedrals heav’nward rise. And cup within the song divine that sighed: "Let the earth bring forth the green herb And such at may seed, And the fruit tree yeilding fruit after its kind Which may have seed in itself upon the earth. (Genesis 1,1) For painter’s brush, they clutch a plough, and paint A masterpiece that mirrors God’s own face: Majestic furrows—lines that know no plaint; Green leaves of hope; a golden crop of grace. "Thy face, O Lord, will I still seek. Turn not oway thy face from me; Decline not in thy wrath from thy servant. Be thou my helper, forsake me not. (Psalm 26, 8-9) While foolish mortals dream of wealth and fame, And see bright bubbles bursting in the end— The lowly farmer’s hands to us proclaim, God’s beauty that a new life, new hope blend. "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They labor not, neither do they spin. But not even Solomon in all his glory. Was arrayed as one of those. (< Matthew 6, 28) By Rev. C. BILLOTE, Jr.